Vol. XVI I No. 20 Sorority News The annual May Day elections rere held on Monday, March 15. The results of the election follow . Congratulations girls. Dream Game On Monday, BArch 22, the Center Lions will play the freshman team of Susquehanna University in the annual Dream Game. We have not won a Dream Game since 1946, but the boys are planning on changing it this year. However, the crowd,which is usually against the Lions, will probably be more so this year because there are three Hazleton boys on the other team. That is the reason we need more . Pans to cheer our boys on to victory, Buy your tickets from Mr. Peightal or in the office. They are only 35. Let's break last yearts record and sell more than 10 tickets, STUDENT COUNCIL FLIS HES Students who park on the lawn (especially Frank Gattas) BEWAREI/ The question of parking after 5--at parties--was brought up at Student Council * It has been turned over to the social and traffic committee for consideration* The ping pong table can be used soon, place outdoors when the weather gets warmers Plans are in progress for the May Day Semi—formal on May 22 and Convocstion on June 3. COLLEGE ARTS NEWS The College Arts Society will present a one-act play by Neal Nosey, entitled They Put On a Play, There will be a meeting on ffednesday„ March 24 0 at 12:45 P.M. Everyone interested in participating in the production of this play should attend. There is a need for participants in every phase of production—acting, property ) stage hands, and directing 4 Please plan to attend. HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State University Center Highacres„ Hazleton, Pennsylvania May Queen --- Harriet Tulin Sophomore attendants --- Florence Pusti, Pat Crown-Bearer --- Nancy Kibler Scroll-Bearer ---'Mary Donish Maid of Honor --- Elaine Ferko Freshman Attendants --- Jackie Cohn, Carolyn Heart-Bearer--- liary Lou Lotito Key-Bearer --- Mary Jane Skoff It will be placed at a convenient March 19, 1954 Tomsho .Arlott o
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