May l£, 1953 ALL-COLLEGE PICNIC (continued) The Athletics and Games Committee will consist of! Pete Pavuk, Sally Rarl and Nick Pellick. Anyone not having any means of transportation, or anyone who can give tran; portation to the grove please get in touch with Ray Schultz or Hike Evancho. FINAL AFTER FINALS The final grades for the 1953 Spring Semester will be sent to the students’ homes after the final examinations have been completed and the grades have been reported to the main office* Not until then will you receive your much-waited-: grades• INTERESTED IN SUMMER COURSES? What are you going to do this summer? Why not spend your time in the healt] ful Highacres air? Mr* Kostos, Assistant Administrative Head at Highacres, re ports that there mil be three-week inter-session classes in Economics lii and Sociology 5* If you arc interested in these classes, v/hich last from Juno 9-to June 26, please contact Mr, Kostos and report this immediately. At the 'present there are a few students interested in these classes, but not enough to have a class in either subject. AFTER THE BALL IS OVER The May Day Dance is now past, and wo all enjoyed it immensely, The danc ing and the orchestra were of the best. The highlight of the evening was the re-crowning of our May Queen —Marie Jacko, by President of Student Council, Andy Karpinski, Many thanks to Mrs» Smith for her delicious punch, which made the punch bowl a most popular place, Ralph Sirota for his entertainment, and the following people for helping to decorates Pat Tomsho, Harriet Tulin, Jean Haogolo, Mabel Lewis, Mary Bissol, and Bob Tomsho, WHO ROB. ED THE LIBRARY? All books must be returned to the library by noon Friday, Hay 22. Books not returned by this date will be subject to a fine of five cents forthe first day, ten cents for the second day, etc,, including Saturday and Sunday. Studon with overdue books and unpaid fines will not be permitted to take final exams until accounts arc cleared. ZOMBIE'S? ? Slowly the silent, pale figures approached the Highacres main building. Why the silence? Why the slow pace? Why the pale complexions? Is it a funeral' What's the scoop? Let's ask this colorless fellow clad in Air Force blue for some informatioi "Tell me, sir, (stripes neatly arranged on the sleeve of his jacket) why if this procession so slow, quiet,and pale? No answer. "lhat's happening herej has everyone turned to Zombie's?" HAZLETON COLLEGIAN
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