Vole XV No* iu SOCIAL SEASON OFF TO A GOOD START The first big social event of the Spring mil be in the form of a Valentine Party which will be held TONIGHT at 8 o’clock* The newly appointed social committee has announced that all plans are completed* Nick Skimbo, general committee chairman, promises that the party will be a pace-setter for all future social events, Fulfilling the duties of master-of-cerem6nies will be versatile Jimmy Ustynoski, The entertainment will be kept ’’top secret” until party time* A four-piece orchestra will provide sufficient music* The lounge will be decorated in spirit with the Valentine season, and there will be plenty of refreshments for all, The committee has asked us to announce that everyone is invited* The party can—and will—be a success if only you f ll co-operate* The Social Committee assures us that it will be hard to top this party* COUNCIL DECISION ON PROPOSED COH'ITTEE POSTPONED At the regular weekly meeting of Student Council,'Wednesday, the decision on creating a permanent Student Activities Committee was postponed* This committee would have charge of all social events for this Semester— providing Student Council gives an affirmative answer* Also the committee would be composed entirely of non-council members* Proponents of this committee feel that its work would lighten the load of responsibilities of members of Student Council, they also feel that more active participation in student affairs would be a result of this new committee* FENCING CLUB The first meeting of the fencing club was held February 11* William G* Coll presided over the meeting. Captain Walter Carper explained some of the fundamentals of fencing. He also showed the members how to hold the foil. Members were asked to form groups of six and were asked to submit the names to William G* Coll ho later than Friday, February 13* STUDENTSOMHUNITY CHORUS HAKES PLANS FOR SPRING CONCERT The Student-Community Chorus held a business meeting on Tuesday, January 27 when plans were made for a spring concert to be held sometime in Hay# Several committees were appointed at this time, including a Music Selection and Program Committee with Miss Pearl Garbrick acting as chairman, a Membership and Telephoning Committee with Harriet Tulin and Jean Haegele as co-chairmen, and a committee whose perpose is to obtain a place where the concert will be held, with Mary Donish acting as chairman. New members are still welcome t o join. Tenor and bass voices are par- ticularly needed* The chorus resumed rehearsals Tuesday, February 3* A social hour was enjoy ed by all after the rehearsal. Because of the success of this social hour, other social hours are being planned for the future. GROUP MEETING PERIODS Mr, Frank Kostos, in preparing the master schedule, has left the fifth period Wednesday and Friday open for group meetings, ■ The ninth period Thursday is open for girls only 0 This Wednesday there was $ meeting of the Fencing Club, the Social Committee, and the Collegian* From this wepk on Student Council will be meeting every Wednesday, fifth period. HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State College Center Highacres, Hazleton, Pennsylvania ~R-. February 13, 1953
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