- o, 3 Vol e XV ,tr_._ll_ll.r`lX`ll ",r , 4 AT 3r2.1 ;TSi S 1 A Halo - . e'en will be held at the Center 2 1-3.(f,a7. 1 Octo er 31, to 11:30 P. N. !Aisle will be :7urnished by an orchestra startin ilefroshments will he served. All the stuonts should come in costume cloti les 4, :73 DELTA '. SICITA IS .11.CTIV: frifiZ TERM At the first meeting of iTu Jena. Sigma, the men's dormitory society, September 2; the following officers acre elected: ?resident, Joseph 7elovich; vice president, John Sharkewicz; secretary, Clarence Shipman; treasurer John lingvarsky. At the seem( meeting, John resigned, and Steve 'Tamer :ins elected treasurer. The fraternity holds a meeting once a le.eic in the college lounge and is making rapid progress. It has elected a judiciary council to judge any accidents which may occur at the college invilving dormitory men. The following were elected to this council: John — isoda, J'aul :lain, Peter Nerutis; Joseph 7nrinelli, John Ungvarsky, and 7rank Smida. The fraternity has decided to nutchase hes7y white sveatcrs Ath the fraternity emblem on These emblems ~rill be in the fraternity colors, ,laroon and gold. The sweaters will be purchased before December in order that the students transferring to the raain campus neA semester may have a remembrance of flu Delta Sigma. UGIL.C7M .c • Hizhacres l own Air Force 1 7 -O.T.C. unit save Such a colorful show in the iiimerst Parade held in Tiazleton October 18 that Captain ':falter E. Carper was awarded 350 in behalf of the corps. Captain Carper says that the money is to be used to help put on the q.O.T;C seli-forml dance which will be held Occember 13. ?BIG! YU lir. Preston 7). jighacrest new history and sociolo&7 instructor, is hearing a nuribcr of differcnt pronunciations of his nave. 7Te tells us that it is p:.2bonouncoci appro:cimately PANE-tall. This may not 1::e phonetically exact, but it is close enough for ?ractical courtesy. (012, LIT _ I.IAL I'OCT: - .41...c.; SC''DU ,"?.:',1,7113:70 2eiL;htal, vho is in charge of athletics in addition to his classroom and advisory duties, has released the folloAn intrauural football scliedule. The games, which are held on the college athletic field, begin at 5:00. The names aro those of the team ca , -)tains. This week a)lovich beat Coll, 12 to 6; Sarkas Delovich boat Sarkas 13 to 12. :.onday, October 27 Korutis vs Coll Tuesday, October 28 -- Belavich vs Abrutis T 7 ,ll.T?l'irry, October 30 -- Coll vs Sarkas — enday, ilovober 3 -- Belovich vs Coll Tuesday, :overlber t -- Sarkas vs Korutis Thursday, 'loveriber 6 -- Belovich vs Sarkas l'onday„ liovomber 10 -- Xerutis vs Coll Tucsday, ; , rove .fiber 11 -- 241avich vs I;.erutis Thursday, .lovernbor 13 -- Coll vs Sarkas The Penns::l7ania State Call c: Center Hi A 7lacres, Hazleton, Penns: Ivania A 137.72;7 beat Xerutis, 7 to 0; flr. Peightal cars that by next issue the intramural tea:: n will have distinctive names to match their nrowess. Oct, 1c52 :"roil 7:30 r. t 8:00 P o :To or wear old
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