Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, April 16, 1948, Image 1

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'-:..-.:-'..-,!..: .-:.;:- - STLODENTS:.4DVANCING-FROM. JR.
In regards to the, controvprsy
about the type of graduation exer
cises to be held by HUC both' pro
and con have been declared by mem
bers of the junior college' student
With the best interests of the
school and the s . tudents at heart we
we offer the following proposals:
I—We recommend an Honor Con
vocation in which the entire student
body and friends can participate.
(Continued on page four)
Center's Greatest Need:
a3teton Colitgatan
Vol. X. No. 11
Little Theatre
Presents "Tish"
The Hazleton Little Theatre will
present "Tish", a three-act comedy,
on Wednesday, April 28, at the Gre
bey Memorial Auditorium. Jack
Wagner, Chem major, will be seen
in the role of Denby Grimes, a Holly
wood , director. Also featured in the
cast will be Sagemary Alex, former
HUC student, and Billy Bower, who
plans to en ter HUC next year.
The production is being sponsored
by the Conrad Balliet Bible Class, so
named in honor of the father of an
HUC student.
Other HUC students assisting in
the production include Carl Hill,
president of the bible class; James
Howells; Albert Christie; Daniel
Alampi; and Siegmund Knies, house
manager. Richard Waechter is ticket
Other HUC personalities are work
ing on the production of the famous
play, "The Valiant," which will be
presented at the Northeastern Drama
Tournament in Wilkes-Barre on Apr.
27. The cast, headed by Peggy Leon
ard, wife of HUC student Norbert
Leonard, and Dan Wargo, includes
E. Wallace McMullen of the faculty
and •George Gorda, who completed
his studies at HUC last semester.
Bernie Dvorscak, a former HUG
student who studied here during the
past two years, is now at the Naval
Base at Pensacola, Florida, accord
ing to letters received from him.
Dvorseak is taking an eighteen-week
course in pre-flight.
Bernie was active in extra-curric
ular activities during his stay at the
Undergraduate Center and took part
in several radio shows and Activity
Board programs.
Just about the time we think we
can make both ends meet, somebody
moves the ends.
It was announced by the admin
istrative office that the 1948 Sum
mer Session 'at HUC 'will get under
way on June 28 continuing
through the month of July and
will end on August 7.
Any student planning to attend
Summer School will register on
Monday, June 28.
Classes Begin
At 7:00 A. M.
A COLLEGIAN reporter entered
the Walnut Street office Tuesday and
asked the following question: "Do
classes start at seven o'clock on
Monday morning, April 26?" The
office staff thought the reporter was
"off his nut" but after much debate
it was agreed that classes would be
gin at 7:00 a.m., Eastern Standard
The, truth of the matter is that
Daylight Saying Time will go into
effect in the Hazleton region on
Sunday, April 25. The Penn State
Center in Hazleton will also operate
on that time.
Drew Pearson
Radio Contest
Mrs. Anna Hazelton is urging stu
dents to enter the radio contest,
"How to Make Democracy Live,"
pro moted by Drew Pearson, radio
and news commentator, and his spon
sor, the Frank H. Lee Company. Mrs.
Hazelton has taken the initiative in
explaining this contest to her stu
dents, the subject of which is coordi
nated with the work of the philoso
phy classes at this time. All other in
formation, in addition to the rules
for this contest, as stated below, can
be obtained from Mrs. Anne Hazel
ton and Mr. Arthur Seibel, faculty
members. Other than the first prize
of five thousand dollars cash, and the
next four prizes of fully-equipped
Kaiser-Frazer sedans, there are .147
other cash awards. The following are
the rules for the contest:
Write an original letter of not
more than 250 words on the subject,
"How To Make Democracy Live."
Awards will be based on the ideas
expressed; stunts and literary tricks
will not count.
Each entry must not exceed one
page in length and must be legibly
written on one side of the paper only.
Write name and address clearly at
the top of the sheet. As there are ,
By Joe Fisher
A few weeks ago the Faculty Com
mittee on Commencement submitted
several recommendations to the Ac
tivities Board for consideration. Out
standing among the proposals were
I—Continuation of the usual com
mencement program with this excep
tion: Elimination of the dance fol
lowing the dinner, since student sup
port of this affair appeared weak in
the past.
2—As a substitute for the dance,
(Continued on page four)
Sherman Was Right About War Says
ROTC Man After Gun Cleaning
HUC Students
Invited To YWCA
HUC faculty, students and their
friends are invited to attend Club
"rX.", a recreation center for young
people past high school age, which is
held, every first and third Friday of
each month at the Y.W.C.A, building
on West Broad Street.
The club is operated for and by
young people and features dancing,
ping -gong,
„ darts, cards, table games,
informal entertainment, and group
dancing (Virginia Reel, Paul Jones,
etc.) The following HUC students
are members of the organizing com
mittee and council of the club: -
Tony Dembroskie, Bill Ray, Jack
Wagner and Dan Wargo. Mrs. E.
Wallace McMullen, wife of HUC
Lit. Instructor and Canteen Director
at the Y.W.C.A., is advisor for the
Informal entertainment scheduled
for tonight's meeting is the presen
tation of a slapstick melodrama,
"And the Villain Still Pursued Her"
by members of the Hazleton Little
Whenever there are five Fridays
in a month, as in April, a special
program is arranged for that week.
Because of popular request, plans
for the April 30th meeting are to
have old-fashioned square dancing
with a country caller and appropri
ate music,
three special $500.00 awards for the
best effort submitted by a veteran or
member of the armed forces, a col
lege student, and a high school stu
dent, (who have not won one of the
first five prizes) these students
should add their school or military
All entries must 'be addressed to:
Drew Pearson, Box 1622, Washing
ton, D. C., and mailed not later than
April 29, 1948.
High tide of the many regional
fishing streams hindered many HUC
fishermen yesterday as scores of stu
dents here took to the woods on the
first day of fishing season.
incomplete at press time, many . stu-
dents were missed yesterday because
of the spring sport beginning.
"When Sherman said what war
was, he must have been thinking of
cleaning an rifle covered with
cosmoline," was the statement of one
ROTC lad at this school. That's what
the local Vaskomen have been doing
the past three weeks—cleaning the
gooey stuff from their rifles.
Sgt. John Vasko admitted this
week that there axe 65 weapons in
the arms room at Wainut Street and
every one of them arrived swimming
in oil and the boys have been
cleaning ever since.
The fastest rate of cleaning which
has been reached is one rifle in two
and a half hours—if there is a lot of
outside help. Each one of the mem
bers of the HUC unit has been made
responsible for his firearm.
If the bad weather is fair enough
tomorrow, according to the sergeant,
the boys will spread their parts out
on the Walnut Street playground
and dig into the job that Duz won't
do! "That oil seems to seep from all
over when the guns start to get hot."
Literary Mag
Deadline Set
The deadline for contributions to
the forthcoming Literary Magazine
was set for April 24 with a commit
tee of students interested in the proj
ect. Everyone is invited to submit as
many contributions as he desires so
long as his material is original. No
limitations have been placed upon
the type of literature, style or length.
Students are urged to attend the
meetings and take advantage of this
opportunity to display their talents
in all fields of literature.
When the question arose as to how
a name for the magazine should be
selected, the group decided that all
English students would be given a
chance to offer suggestions in class.
(Continued on page four)
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Fishing Begins
Although attendance reports were
Center's Greatest Asset:
April 16, 1948
For April 24