HAZLETON © COLLEGIAN VOL. IX.—No. 2 AL KELLER HEADS STUDENT COUNCIL Largest Governing Body In HUC History Outlines Ambitious Program “The office of government is not to confer happiness, but to give men opportunity to work out happiness for themselves.” —William Ellery Cbanning. At a special meeting of the new student council held November 4, A 1 Keller, a sophmore was elected president of that body. Francis X. Fatsie, second semester freshman was elected to the vice-presidency and Peggy Denion and John Ward to the secretary and treasurer po sitions respectively. Mr. Amos Goss, administrative head of HUC, gave a brief talk to the new council, and stressed the importance of their positions. 'ection, and stated that he will be y problems that puzzle the council. He congratulated them on their el available at any time to help out an The new council showed a progres sive attitude in their first session and gave indication of an earnest desire to serve. The general opinion among observers of school affairs seems to be that this group will reach heights hitherto unattainable. The new legis lators made clear their desire to re present their classmates as efficiently as possible. They ask only for co operation and feel sure that they will get it. The meeting decided on a social calendar which is printed elsewhere in this paper. The “Collegian” con gratulates the council on their fore sight in planning at least tentatively, dates for social events. In this man ner such details as securing a' hall and entertainment program will not be postponed until the eleventh hour. The council wishes to make clear to the students that their meetings are open to all students and faculty. They are the representatives of the students, and any suggestions or criticisms will be welcomed by them. The council favors the return of the record player to the game room, and the installation of a “Coke” machine. Both these proposals will be accomplished shortly. The COLLEGIAN extends its con gratulations to the newly elected council members. It will watch their activities with interest and will be squarely behind that organization as long as it is representative of the student body. The names of your representatives in council are: *AI Keller, *Peggy Denion, John Ward, *lrene Kochera, *Eleanor Ma rawski, Rose Deiteh, Theodore Bros ki, David Keller, Francis Fatsie, * Richard Barager, Frank Lucia, A 1 Cannon, Daniel Bloss, Ramon Saul. (* Indicates students who were re elected.) Dramatic Club T© Select First Major Production At the next meeting of the Drama tic Club, which will be held on No vember 12, the members of the club will select, from a group of twelve choice plays, their first, to be pre sented in the current season. Approx imately twelve plays sent from the campus, ranging from drama to farce, will give the members a wide selection to choose from. Miss Scar necehia has high hopes for the best in college theatricals for she is work ing with experienced performers. Tentatively, the productions will ho staged at one of the public schools here in Hazleton. In addition to the names of the members of the Dramatic Club, which were published in the last issue of your paper, there are four new mem bers, namely: Gloria Pauline, Grace Jane Kenvin and Nancy North. HAZLETON UNDERGRADUATE CENTER, HAZLETON, PA Co-operation With Music Department Is Excellent We are able to announce today, that the music department need not beg or steal the music and instru ments which are necessary to en hance the success of both the glee club and band, for they shall resort to borrowing such needed equipment. However, borrowing is a difficult task and requires the fullest cooperation of all persons involved. Your repor ter has been informed by Miss Gar brick that such cooperation from persons and organizations inside and outside the realm of lIUC is excel lent. On the suggestion of a member of the band, she had gone to Berwick to discuss, with Mr. Llewlyn, Ber wick’s High School band director, the matter of appropriating instruments. Her talk with Mr. Llwelyn has pro ven to be a decided success, for he, with the approval of the Berwick school board, lias agreed to loan the HUC, band instruments such as: bass drum, french horn, cymbals, baritone, oboe and bassoon. It is al so reported that the Weatherly band has loaned music to our school band. With such fine cooperation Miss Gar brick is certain that the HUC band will become a leading regional mu sical organization. Not only is the cooperation of the distant towns of a high calibre, but the members of the band and glee club have shown a most gratifying attitude toward their respective clubs. Although some twenty-nine ' members had previously signed for j the band, only eight of those persons ' came to the first meeting - ; however, the second gathering improved in number from eight to ten. The third meeting, the members of the band brought their instruments and in creased their attendance from ten to twelve. It is expected that the fourth meeting will prove an even greater success since the members of the band now realize, through the spirit and success of the rehearsal, that it has great possibilities. The instru mentalists present at the rehearsal were: six clarinet .players, three trombone players, one trumpet pla yer, and a drummer. Other musicians were also present, but, due to the lack of instruments at the moment, they could not participate. Miss Gar brick stated. “The material is excel lent.” GLEE CLUB ALSO ACTIVE Our up and coming glee club is endeavoring and succeeding in at taining ils. goal, that of a polished and well-rounded vocal group. The latest meeting of the club was on Tuesday, Nov. a. The next meeting of the 01 ganizafion will take -place on the 12th. It is plain 'to see that they too, through their initiative, have also increased the number at tending rehearsals from ten to twen ey-tive active participants. Although Sitting, left to right: E. Morawski, AI Keller, Peg Dennion, Rich Barager, I. Kochera. Standing: D. Bloss, R. Patanovich, T. Broski, A. Cannon, J. Ward, R. Deitch, T. Caccese, F. Lucia, F. Fatsie, D. Keller. DANZIG'S LOSS IS HAZLETON'S GAIN Simon Faltz, a dark curly-haired, fair-comnexioned student of HUC is a native of Danzig, Poland. He at tended the Marshall Joseph Pilsudski High School and graduated with honors. One of the happiest moments of his life was when he left Poland in April of 1939, five months before Hitler’s goose-stepping hordes started their march toward world conquest. His first stop was Port-au-Spain, Trinidad. Here he attended the Queen’s Royal High School. He stayed in Trinidad for six and one half years, then embarked for the U.S.A. He arrived in New York in January of 1946. Simon is a freshman at HUC where he is majoring in premedicine. When asked his opinion of the U.S. he said, “I think the United States is the most progressive country in the world, especially in the social and technical fields. It can bo the main factor in bringing about peace in the world today if it is directed in the right manner by its leaders.” In regards to women, Simon says, “An ideal date is a girl that is well mannered and who can carry on an interesting- conversation. She must be serious in nature and have a nice sense of humor.” Uis hobbies are stamp collect ing, painting, and sports. their problems are not so large and so varied as those facing the band, one major opposition to the complete success of the club is the lack of first tenors. The fact that the first tenor part is more difficult than most of the other five parts is proven in Ihe fact that the glee club boasts of only two persons who are able to sing ihe part. Any first, tenors who are inter ested in the club, and who have not as yet seen Miss Garbriek, are re quested to see her as soon as pos sible. At their last gathering, the club rehearsed such numbers as Fred \Ya -1 lug s Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Believe Me ii' All Those Endearin doling Charms, and Finlandia. Ihe girls’ glee club has ordered music from five dilferent publishing companies, and expect the order to arrive in the near future.-The girls’ gdee club is also affiliated with that of the men. YOUR NEW STUDENT COUNCIL Mystery Of The Intoxicating Odor Visitors to the Walnut Street Buil ding stared in disbelief at the sight of two large barrels in the game room. With paper cups in hand there was a line af students waiting for a drink. What was it? Well, it was the ci der that remained from our Hallow e’en Dance. A number of freshmen brought it down from St. John’s Hall. Apples, pretzels and potato chips were also available, and an “In Be tween Classes Snack” was enjoyed by the'student body. (Your reporter hesitates to com ment on the thoughts that may have arisen in the minds of people, when they saw the barrels rolled into tile building by four lmsky freshmen.) A misfortune occured which was much to our displeasure. Mr. Moe Drum, our night janitor, was quite amazed to find the game room floor covered with cider. Upon investiga tion, lie discovered that a gaping hole was present in one of the bar rels. What did Mr. Drum do? Well, on that night, the floors of the Wal nut Street Building were scrubbed with cider! TENTATIVE BUDGET SET UP FOR H.U.C. STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1 he- manner in which student activity fees are administered lias long been a topic of conversation in our school. Countless questiuru. are asked and many suggestions are made in the game room. This is hardiy the place for these suggestions. We are publishing a tentative budget to be submitted to your student council at their next meeting. If you notice any articles of this budget that do not meet with your approval, attend this meeting and voice your opinion. Let the council know what you think. Democracy will work only if you will. Daneor Student (ioveniment A Lille Lies (Collegian Library . Draniati All clubs are requested to submit their budget, name of club, and proposed expenditures at the student council meeting November 18, at the Walnut Street Building. Council convenes at 6:00 P. M. SOME LIGHT on the GRADING SYSTEM The scholastic record of each stu dent is kept in credits, a credit re presenting one hour of recitation or lecture work per week for one se mester, or from two to three hours of practicum per week for one semester. The grading system in use at the college is a follows: 3 (90 to 100) 2 (80 to 89) 1 (70 to 79) 0 (60 to 69) -1 (45 to 59) -2 ( oto 44) A grade of -1 or -2 is a failure, and the subject must be repeated. To be eligible for graduation at the College, students must have grade points equal in number to the credits required for the degree. Grade points are determined by multiplying the grade earned by the number of cre dits for the subject. For example: Math. 10, 4 credits, with a grade of 2, is the equivalent of 8 grade points. In substance this means that although 0 is a passing grade, an average of 1 is required for graduation. ® BASKETBALL SCRIMMAGE - Bioomsburg S. T. C. vs. HUC. Thu Nov. 14. —A. D. Thomas Gym. TENTATIVE BUDGET $ I .750.00 250,110 1.2 I 0.00 700.00 Language Sorority .. Photo .. . Frat ... K in organ c:y 25.00 A ward.-- 100.00 NOVEMBER 8, 1946 I 20.01) 1 50.1)0 1 50.00 75.00 270.01) i 00. no $5,250.00
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