Page Four Alumni Notations The Alumni activities during the summer season halve included a theater party at the Green Gables Theater and two picnics, one at Rock Glen in June and the other at Crystal pool in August. On Christmas night an All- College dance will be sponsored by the Center Alumni Association, the proceeds from which will be used to establish the “Robert E. Eiche Scholarship Fund”. Members of the Board of Alumn. are at present planning a filing system in order to get an accurate account concerning all members ol the organization. New Members on Faculty (Continued from page 1) bert H. Reichard, instructor of mathematics and physics. Miss Muck comes here from the University of Michigan, where for the past year she has been doing graduate work toward her Master of Arts degree, which she received at Ann Arbor last spring. She has had considerable experience in high school and college teaching as well as among adult education groups, and has served as g di rector of dramatics and public speaking coach. Replacing Mr. T. Stewart Goas, former instructor of history and political science here who is the new assistant administrative head of Altoona, is Miss Saby, who has served under Miss Charlotte E, Ray, dean of women at Penn State, and has been in charge of one of the women’s dormitories on the campus. She comes here after a year spent on the faculty of the Northern State Teachers College, Aberdeen, South Dakota. Coming here from the campus where he has been doing advanced study at the French Institute, Mr. Brentin is teaching elementary and advanced courses in French 24-Hour Service HAZLETON DINER Always The Best Phone 408 HAZLETON CANDY CO. 124 East Broad Street Hazleton, Pa. HAZLETON COLLEGIAN and also courses in English com position, The new language in structor is a graduate of Youngs town College and the Pennsylvania State College. Mr. Reichard has had five years experience teaching physics as a graduate student at Lehigh, Penn State and the University of Michi-, gan. He has also a wide back ground in the industrial and re search activities, and has had several papers published in var ious technical journals. Center Is Host (Continued from page 1) the various student councils to meet and discuss suggestions and ideas for improving their councils and student government organi zations. The social highlight of the con ference will come on Friday night when a dinner and dance will be held at the Altamont Hotel for the Center student body and their guests. The dinner will be served at 6:30 o’clock and an interesting dinner program is being arranged by the committee ,in charge. Dr B. V. Moore, professor of psychol ogy and education on the Penn State campus, has been secured as L KNOTTY PINE j On | Wilkes-Barre Highway 5 WWWWWWWWWWM 5 . J :• Snyders \ i| Walk-Over Shoe Store !; 109 West Broad St. !; Hazleton PENN STATERS MEET at the Bruce M. Hicks Pharmacy Why Don't You? Altamont Hotel Bldg. the principal speaker; while sever al other guests will also be called upon for remarks. Dancing will start at 9 o’clock and the music will be furnished by Milt Wiener’s Orchestra from Wilkes-Barre. Saturday morning the delegates will again meet: at the center to continue their discussion of the previous afternoon, and the con clave will be brought to a close with a- farewell luncheon to be held at 12:30 o’clock Saturday af ternoon at Walter’s Tea Boom. Addresses Hocus-Focusers (Continued from page 1) the Eastman-Kodak Company with 61 per cent of its income from the purchase of films, according to Mr. Stover. W;th the present high speed films and the high speed of shut- 25 Years Unerring Service Your Confidence rT:Va Johnson's rV* Prescription Pharmacies Hgflffw W. Broad - 580 Alter Quick Free Delivery MATUELLA'S DAIRY PRODUCTS GOLDEN GUERNSEY PASTEURIZED MILK .•WiW-v; INTER-CENTER CONFEREN S Friday, October 20 | HOTEL ALTAMONT BALLROOM Phone 1867 SIXTH AND PEACE STREETS DINNER 6:30 MILT WIENER’S ORCHESTRA Alumni and Friends Invited October, 1989 ters it is possible to take a picture of a ball breaking a window at the instant of contact, the speaker de clared. The time of the shutters is .002 of a second for such work. All students desirous of becom ing members of the club are asked to report to Mr. Harold Taylor to find out the date of the next meet ing. BEN GAUI 218 West Broad Street r_A shop for men who recognize the smart from the ordinary ■¥. Wilson Bros. Shirts Dunlap Hats Made To Order Suits DANCE 9:00
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