Schedule change Is approved for start of ’9l- ’92 schoolyear As the result of a survey and actions taken by the Student Government Association, the class schedule of the Hazleton campus will change next year. The new schedule was created in response to overcrowding in the dining hall during lunch and dinner. Currently, some students who have class at 12:45 are unable to eat in the dining hall due to the long line of students which forms every day at noon. After a survey conducted by SGA confirmed the problem, SGA president Brian Suwalski and vice-president Jenn Casto became concerned for the future of the dining hall. They foresaw the completion of the townhouses being built in parking lot B, and realized that dining hall crowds would increase by approximately one hundred students next fall. Suwalski and Casto met with representatives of campus administ ration about the upcoming dilemma, and a solution was reached - a new schedule was in order. Representatives present at the meeting were Dr. James Staudenmeier, Charles Redden, Dr. David Orbin, and Michelle Jais. ("Sclcdmlc"coatimmcd om page 2)
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