Highacres @ Coll Volume 32 No. 2 Highacres Open House Is Highly Successful PARNASSUS INDUCTS MEMBERS Informal Initiation For Keystone Society This term 15 students were in vited to join the Parnassus Chap ter of the Keystone These are as follows: Andrew Getz, Rocco Formica, Paul Hutta, Bar bara Mondik, Louis Misantone, Jo seph Velitsky, Robert Sotack, Richard Kauffman, Joseph Zola, Michael Steber, Bernard Smolen, Merv Schaefer, Robert Corradini, David Dusheck, Dennis Cipko, and Albert Harry. These students will be inducted into the society at an informal in itiation late in the term. The in itiation is informal because- the Society charter provides that there be only one formal initiation a school year. The formal candle light service is traditionally held during the Spring term. These students became eligible after the past Spring term, and even though some members do leave after this MEMBERS OF PARNASSUS CHAPTER OF KEYSTONE SOCIETY: Seated (1. to r.) J. Kapes, E. Mehalick (Treasurer), E. Hahn (President), R. Lutz (Vice President-Secre tary). Standing (first row) D. Cipko, J. Zola, B. Mondik, K. Kreitzberger, T. Murmello, M. Schaefer, R. Corradini, Mr. Ralph Crawford (Advisor). Second row C. Rudewick, R. Sotack, B. Smolen, J. Velitsky, J. Gido, L. Misantone. (Photo by D. Nicky) HAZLETON CAMPUS, HAZLETON, PENNSYLVANIA term, they will at least have had an informal initiation. The energy and life of Parnas sus is unrecognized to such an ex tent that most students of High acres do not even know of the existence of such a society. To clarify all doubts, it is an honor society, the purpose of which is “to recognize the all-around stu dent who maintains high academic standards and whole-heartedly participates in and supports ex tra-curricular activities. Parnas sus society also deems fine charac ter and personal integrity as essential factors in developing the well-educated student.” The club purpose was taken from the Con stitution and By-Laws as amended October 16, 1963. Active membership in the club is open to any undergraduate- stu? dent of Pennsylvania State Uni versity who has completed one full term of study, who has attained (Continued Page 3, Column 1) Over 2000 People Tour Six Buildings An estimated crowd of more than 2000 persons jammed the Hazleton Campus of the Pennsyl vania State University during Open House held on Sunday, No vember 8. The program was designed to acquaint area students and adults with the physical and educational facilities at the campus which has been in this area for 30 years and in its present location for 15 years. Featured on the program, which also kicked off this area’s observ ance of National Education Week, were exhibits in the six buildings on the campus. Student guides Carol Kehler, Nancy Clayton, Gretchen Little, Michael Steber, Thomas Belletieri, and- Rosemary Pecei lcd~the~public on special tours of the exhibits. Following are the various exhibits and their chairmen: Chemistry, Andrew Getz; Electrical Engi- PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY HAZLETON CAMPUS LIBRARY egian neering, Ralph Parks; Mechanical Engineering and Drafting, Thomas Murmello; Physics, Vin cent Gennaro; Languages, Jack Richards and Andrew Arnold; Mathematics, Stanley Milora; Psychology, Louis Misantone; Marketing and Economics, Ronald Bassett; Physical Culture, Rocco Formica; Speech and Literature, Barbara Mondik; Zoology, An thony Gennaro. In addition to the preceding ex hibits, there was a special feature on the culture and art of Afghan istan. The display was borrowed from the Asia Society in New York City. Sharing honors with the Af ghanistan exhibit in the Student Union Building was a “Back grounds of Painting” display of 12 reproductions borrowed from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C. Completing our list of Chairmen is Elaine Hahn who was in charge of the greeting committee. Doing the work on posters and signs was the committee headed by Gary Hagenbach. Karen Kreitzberger was in charge of the secretarial work and Joseph Zola was in charge of the refreshments while Joseph Lucia and Thomas Bellet ieri were monitors of the Liberal Arts and Science exhibits respec tively. Frank Kostos, administrative head at Highacres, described the open house program as a “won derful success much enjoyed by the people. (See Pictures Page 4) Thanksgiving Classes To Be Held Next Week This year Thanksgiving fell on Thursday, November 26, and there were no classes. Classes were held as usual on Friday. Students will, however, have to make up the classes on Monday, December 7. At this time Thursday classes will be conducted. On behalf of the Collegian staff, we hopethat everyone had a happy holiday. December 4, 1964
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