April 29, 1955 COLLEGE-COFMUNTTY RELATIONSt Chorus: "Members -Ito 3 points, The advisor is given the power points shall be given-. It includes soloists, ensembles, instrumental!sts. Basketballs All members are to be given 4 poi nts for the College Arts Soci&t; Officers -Ito 3 points. The officers must members either 1 or 2 points. Social and Recreational Activities; Fencings Members - 1 point Student Athletic Boards Members lor 2 points. The determined by the activity of the Foard. Theta Sigma Pis Officers - ’- lor 2 points -if they are active as officers. Members - 1 point Mu Delta Sigmas Officers - 1 or 2 points - if active as such. Members - 1 point R. 0. T. C; Rifle team members - l. point per year. Commissioned Officers - 1 point. Drill team members - 1 point, as such. Military Ball Committee - members 1 po^nt, chairman lor 2 as judged by advisor. It's only two weeks away now. ' :; ihat?-you ask? Why May Bay, of course, we're talking about. It's Saturday, May 14, you know. Tn the afternoon at 3:00, in the lovely garden here at Highacres, our May Queen, Elaine Ferko, will he crowned in a charming ceremony, ufter the ceremony, refreshment: will be served by the ladies' auxiliary of the center. But these activities in the afternoon do not end May Day, that evening the Queerfs Ball, sponsored by the Social Committee, will be held at the Eagles. The Queen will be crowned a second time at her Ball. Now, the ladies are in charge of the afternoon's activities, but it's up to the men to help make the Ball a success. Of course, you're invited to the afternoon festivities too, but for the Ball you do the inviting, so get a date and plan to go. A few of the girls here at the Center still don't have dates for the Ball. What's wrong men? Are you shy? Let's make May Day a success by having everyone, who can, attend both the crowning ceremony HAZLETON COLLTSGTaN (Parnassus Continued) 1 or 2 points to Ist Lt. or j&VE .d D«.TE?-MJKK HfS ONE U Page 3 to decide how many accompani st ; and season. such. All other active points given will be number Ist Sgt. if points - if active active is what
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