VOLUME XXII No. 15 Director Kochel takes time out to “rap” with Behrend dorm students in Perry Hall. Press Assn. Sessions A Five members of the Nittany Cub, Ray Geiger, Sam Bernick, Rick Martino, Patsy Wheatley and Doug Leichliter attended a combination training-business conference meeting sponsored by the Press Association of Com monwealth Campuses last Friday and Saturday. Also at tending were about twenty-five members of the Altoona, Beaver, Berks, Fayette, • -Hazel ton, McKeesport, Schuylkill,- Shenango, and Worthington- Scranton Campuses. The Sixth General Assembly of Commonwealth Campuses was called to order by Frederick Erb 111, president of the Press Association, at 1:30 on Friday afternoon. During the. first session various points of business were discussed. A talk on “Im proving the Commonwealth Campus Newspaper” was given by Mr. John R. Butzman, managing editor of the Centre Daily Times. Mr. Butzman said that the campus newspaper should strive to always consider the reader and keep its articles appropriate and relevant to the student. A very interesting point that he spoke of, concerned Governor Shapp’s tax proposal which contains no provisions what soever for the state supported schools and their scholarship programs. He said that at the moment no one knows where the 1.2 hundred million dollars is going to come from to continue these programs. He suggested that if no money is forth coming, tuition may take another healthy jump. Mr. Butzman suggested that the campus newspaper should stress this point in their future editions. He asked that all students do whatever they can to support such legislation when, it comes before the General Assembly in Harrisburg. He also added that the campus could ask its area state senator to talk to the students and explain just what , is going on, and what will happen if funds do not come through. After the first session, several clinics were held among the branch 'campuses. In the late afternoon, several clinics were held to provide training on assembling the campus newspaper. Gerry Lynn Hamilton, general manager, of the Press Association and former Penn State student, talked with the editors on copy editing, while William Dulaney; assistant professor of journalism spoke with reporters on points to be considered when writing articles. Nittang ffIHS Training Success Robert Junas, graduate assistant of advertising, discussed problems of advertising and business management with business managers. Late that evening a general rap session was held for all those interested under the direction of Gerry' Hamilton. At the same time an organizational meeting was held by the advisors for the purpose of establishing an in vestigating _ committee... to Erie Drug Aids Drug Drugs in today’s society can be of help and of hinder. New drugs and medicines are being in troduced everyday for the cure, prevention or treatment of some disease. The Erie County Drug Council Incorporated deals with the users in a different field of drugs. They give help to drug abusers. The main purpose of the in corporation is to supply films and speakers for social functions' centering around the drug abuse topic. They also “promote, on a voluntary basis, the planning coordination research and the development of all public and private services, facilities, programs, and manpower in order to obtain effective drug education, treatment, and rehabilitation of residents of Erie County,” Business men and doctors make up the core of the organization on a volunteer basis, giving what services they can. The council works closely with the “hotline" and the ironic thing is that when the people on hotline want to refer the person needing help it is hard to find a doctor that will give his services. They usually don’t want to “get in volved” in the drug counciling because it would endanger their reputation in society. The other factor that has been said to work against the doctors volunteering their services is that they must report drug abuse cases to the authorities. A new associate service of the council is “Bridge”. What they give there is a system of referrals for those who suffer from drug problems. Just as the council, they rely chiefly on donations. Bridge consists of people who have been trained (non- THE BEHREND CAMPUS OF THE PENNSYLVANIASTATE UNIVERSITY -xfs' mm |c. (Continued on Page 3) STATION ROAD, ERIE, PA 16510 Kochel Discusses Dorm In two informal rap sessions last Wednesday and Thursday evening, Director of Behrend Campus, Irvin H. Kochel at tempted to bridge the com munication . gap between the students and the administration. Devoting the first evening to the men’s dormitory, and the second evening to the women’s dor mitory, he discussed common points of interest of the Behrend students. The men’s rap session con sisted almost entirely of an evening of discussion concerning 'visitation. Kochel stated that to his knowledge he had heard of no incidents concerning the new visitation program, and that the program has been working well. A great deal of the discussion consisted of a review of how Kochel had made his decision. His response was that he con sidered as many sources' as possible. He considered the recommendations not only of students but also faculty, other members of the administration the Advisor Board, other com monwealth campuses, University Park, and even programs of visitation at other universities. Several students questioned the response of the Advisory Board meeting. Kochel replied that the “rangedfrom com plete visitation to nothing.” He did say however, “the majority of Council Program professionally) by local psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers. A small “off the street” center will be open for those who need immediate help at 4th and Walnut, and will be open for a preliminary schedule from. 6 p.m., Friday till midnight, Sunday. .. every weekend star ting in March. ■Die main headquarters for the Erie County Drug Council In corporated is 10th and French. If you have a drug, or drug related problem, the number for the “Hotline” is 453-5656. . .the number for the Council is 454- 7070. The services rendered are on a voluntary basis as men tioned before. Donations are needed. If you care to-give send to either location of the Bridge or the Council, or call. Players To Present “Spoon River” Tale On Friday and Saturday, March 5 and 6, members of Players and of Readers will join forces in a production of Edgar Lee Masters’ “Spoon River Anthology.” Performances will be at 8:30p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Reed Building. General admission is $l. This is a special dramatized adaptation of “Spoon River” featuring folk music of the time and locale to provide continuity. As the people of Spoon River are introduced, their unusual position permits them a candor not usually known'. The audience meets them after their death, and ghosts have no reason to hold back the truth, the whole truth. Visitation their opinion was that some sort of visitation was reasonable.” A clarification of point two of the visitation program requiring that doors remain open was also discussed. He felt that doors remaining open did indeed seem appropriate, and that with doors being closed it tended to give the visitors a false sense of security. What would seem to be perhaps the most interesting point of the evening was a prediction by Kochel. Kochel estimated, “I would guess that in the next couple of years visitation will be a thing of the past at University Park.” - During Kochel’s rap session the following evening, many other points in addition to visitation were discussed. The question was raised con cerning the lack of an ample amount of physical education JRC Submits New Proposal The JRC in their past meeting has again taken action on inter dorm visitation. The new visitation plans are far more conservative than the original proposal in hopes that it will be passed without severe reactions from the administration. The following points will be in corporated into the new proposal: 1) that it should not be necessary that the president of each dorm submit a written request for visitation each week; 2) that hours should be ex tended to: Friday 7 p.m.-2 a.m., Saturday 2 p.m.-2 a.m., and Sunday 2 p.m.-12 p.m.; 3) that the doors should be open or closed at the discretion of the occupants. The new proposal, once composed by die JRC, will be passed 6n to the SGA, who will handle the proposal from there. The JRC unanimously agreed to the above terms and also agreed that the proposal is to be presented to the administration by end of winter term. Also discussed were the ob jectives of “Open Lobbies” on weekends. It was stated that the lobbies are not a place to sleep and everyone should be out of the lobbies by 7 a.m. on Monday mornings.' Love affairs, murders, secret lives -- they are all revealed, sometimes with passion and sometimes with good humor. Masters' appeals to the curiosity in us all; his characters appeal to the humanness of all of us. Their secrets are ours, as are their weaknesses. Included in the cast are: Eddie Fine, Brad Evans, Bill Schweller, Nelson Smith, Leo McCabe and Mr. James Flaherty. Female members of the cast are Mary Krezeuski, Aleta Long,. Marsha Hamm, Robin Dile, Pat Carlyle, Chris Entinger, and Linda Krebs. Guitarists, Scott Huntingdon, . Tim Muzzio and John Miller will play for the performance. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1971 instruction for women at Behrend. Kochel agreed that there was a definite lack. He also assured the women that the problem would be alleviated next year with the addition of a new instructor as well an addition of many co-ed classes. Discussion during the second evening also included Kochel’s ideas concerning a revision of the visitation proposal. It was also felt by the students that perhaps the Reed Union Building could be opened to provide a place for students to go after midnight. Kochel felt receptive to the idea of twenty-four hour lobbies in the dormitory. This would provide a place for students to meet after midnight. The rap sessions cleared the air on many student grievances, and allowed both the students and Kochel to express their opinions. Other topics of discussion, at .the meeting included the All Night Party, which will be held on April 17. The party will include three full length movies, hopefully, “The Loved One ; ” “Cassino Royale,” and “I Love You Alice B. Toklus.” A variety show will be performed between the movies. There will also be music, both live and recorded in addition to a door prize. Tickets will cost $1.50 per person or $2 a couple. Rlr. Fiorentino stated (hat he has no communication problem with the members of Perry Hall. However, he wishes to become more involved with the residents of Niagara Hall. Therefore he will visit in the Niagara Hall lobby periodically on week-nights and every Wednesday afternoon. Other topics were on the College Bowl which will be held March 9, 11, and 16th; the SGA Hotline, which needs more volunteers and the weekly meetings with Dean Lane, which at the next meeting, will include discussions on longer RUB hours, and visitation. Films At Ed in boro The highlight for the current Best Theatre film festival will be the “Battle of Algiers.” The film will be shown twice on March 3 and 7 at 9:15 p.m. Dr. Ted Haber of the Philosophy department and Ron Scharnes will conduct an open discussion of the film at the Cup after the first show. Tickets are $1 each and may be pur chased in advance at the Best Theatre Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday nights. The five-year-old film, which depicts in documentary fashion the struggle of the Algerian underground against French colonial rule in the city of Algiers has been adopted by certain radical groups in this country as a model if not of urban guerilla theory, than at least of revolutionary elan. The banshee-like cries of the Algerian women have been copied at mass demonstrations throughout the country. Both the F. 8.1. and the Army have shown on Page 3)
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