10/29/09: Assist: Callers report ed receiving tickets. Referred to VRP 10/29/09: Administrative Detail: PSO delivered paperwork to dis trict justice office. 10/29/09: Policy: caller reported skate boarders jumping benches. PSO issued verbal warning. 10/29/09: Alarm: Up notified PSO’s of fire alarm activated. No smoke or fire detected. Alarm re set. 10/28/09: Suspicious Vehicles: PSO observed vehicles parked in lot after game. All okay/students talking. 10/28/09: Police Information: Staff denied student request to make copies in office. 10/28/09: Key Service: Caller re ported key stuck in ignition. PSO removed key. 10/28/09: Traffic Stop: Citation issued for moving violation. 10/28/09: Vehicular Escort: PSO provided escort for faculty mem ber from campus to airport. 10/28/09: Campus Assist: PSO contacted owner of vehicle with Library Workshops Introduction to Research Re sources, with Bernadette A. Lear in Library 106 - Monday, Nov. 16. (All sessions 5:00-5:50 pm) Do you have a paper or presenta tion due for your class? Not sure where to find good resources? Are you hoping to find them fast? If so, let the library help. This workshop will show you where to find solid information, includ ing books (through the library catalog), journal articles (through Pro Quest), and the Intemet.A For more information, contact: Berna dette A. Lear at BALl9@psu.edu, 717-948-6360; Heidi N. Abbey at HNA2@psu.edu, 717-948-6056 November 4.2009 _v\l 1/^ I Police Re lights left on. 10/27/09: PSO assist: PSO bagged kiosk machines due to report of malfunction. 10/27/09: Community Education: PSO present for domestic vio lence/teen dating presentation. 10/27/09: Found Property: M&O found wallet. PSO completed property report. 10/26/09: Alarm: PSO notified of alarm activation in room C3OO. lIT addressing problem. 10/26/09: Vehicular Escort: PSO transported faculty member from Amtrak terminal to campus. 10/26/09: Hearing: PSO attended traffic hearing on 10/20/09. 10/25/09: Key Service: PSO un locked apartment for student that forgot keys. 10/25/09: VRP assist: Student reported both kiosk machines not working. 10/25/09: Weapons Policy: stu dent submitted two weapons for storage as per university policy. 10/24/09: Key Service: Caller re quested access to building to re- ♦ Cam or Eric P. Delozier at EPDIO3@ psu.edu, 717-948-6373. Announcing London Finance Study Tour - Spring 2010 Course The annual Penn State Harris burg study tour to London, of fered through the School of Busi ness Administration, is planned for March 5 to 13, 2010. When spring 2010 course registration is available to students in October, FIN 456 and FIN 596 will be of fered to business students inter ested in the international experi ence. The study tour will include six pre- and post-travel sessions. A brochure describing the study tour is now available on the web THE CAPITAL TIMES trieve books. Upon arrival M&O already left student in. 10/24/09: M&O Issue: caller reported water running down ex terior side of window. PSO con tacted M&O. 10/23/09: Alarm: Alarm activated inWl4O. Alarm unfounded. 10/23/09: Suspicious Person: Caller reported male walking up and down rows in lot. Gone on arrival. 10/22/09: Request to Patrol: PSO conducted vehicle and foot pa trols of campus and buildings. 10/22/09: Vehicular Escort: PSO provided escort from campus to airport for staff member. 10/21/09: Suspicious Vehicles: PSO found two (2) vehicles parked in lot. Student picked up by friend. 10/21/09: Suspicious Person: Caller reported 4-5 males smok ing at picnic table. PSO advised smokers to leave area. 10/21/09: Vehicle Lockout: keys locked in vehicle. Waiver signed/ unsuccessful in gaining entry. 10/21/09: Security Detail: PSO present at memorial service. us Calender ♦ at http://php.scripts.psu.edu/dept/ iit/hbg/intemational/London 10. pdf. Contact information for your questions is also available in the brochure. WPSH The Reactor, the campus radio station, is active again! Listen from 7am to 2am every day at WPSH.net. If you are interested in joining, shoot us an e-mail at WPSH@psu.edu. International Student Conver sation Table The Learning Center is offering two different hours each week for you to practice your Eng orts 10/21/09: M&O issue: PSO con tacted M&O in reference to hand icapped door not working. 10/21/09: Health and Safety: PSO received information about ill residential student/student left campus and went home. 10/21/09: Campus Assist: PSO took message for staff member. 10/20/09: Found Property: Visi tor found cell phone near Olm sted Drive and College Avenue. Property report completed. 10/20/09: VRP Assist: PSO escorted VRP to check and reset kiosk machines. 10/19/09: Vehicle Lockout: Keys locked in vehicle. Waiver signed/ vehicle unlocked. 10/19/09: Police Information: Work study student failed to com plete work or return USB drive. Investigation pending. 10/19/09: Hazmat: PSO opened building for contractor to remove hazardous waste for disposal. 10/19/09: Request to Patrol: PSO conducted vehicle and foot pa trols of campus and buildings. 10/18/09: Alarm: PSO notified of alarm in room Wl4O. False lish speaking and listening skills through conversation practice. You can meet with a native-speak er of English (whose background is in Teaching English as a Sec ond Language) and other students who want to improve their skills. Students are encouraged to come on a regular basis, or if that is not possible please drop in for these hours whenever your schedule al lows: Mondays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in E-258 and Fridays from 11 a.m. to 12 noon in E-212. United Way of the Capital Re gion We have one special event re maining in our 2009 campaign for the United Way of the Capital s\l 1/^ alarm/room secured upon arrival. 10/18/09: Key Service: Student requested access to apartment/ forgot keys at home. 10/17/09: Found Property: PSO found an expired parking permit in unit 7321. PSO placed permit on VRP desk. 10/17/09: Campus Assist: PSO observed vehicle pulled to side of roadway. PSO spoke with motor ist/all okay just installing signs. 10/17/09: Housing Issue: Report of alarm clock sounding in bed room. PSO unlocked room for student to turn off clock. 10/16/09: Alarm: Burglar alarm reported in room Wl4O. PSO responded to find door standing open. PSO secured door. 10/16/09: Key Service: Caller requested building open on Satur day for accreditation event. 10/16/09: Theft: Student report ed parking permit stolen from ve hicle. Value - $75.00 10/16/09: Parking: Caller re ported van with NJ plate parked in lane near crosswalk. Gone on arrival. Region. On Saturday, November 21, 2009, we will be bowling for United Way from 2:00-5:00 pm at the ABC North Lanes on Lo cust Lane in Harrisburg. You can pick up a copy of the brochure in the Olmsted Lobby, the Library, the CUB, the Swatara Bldg, the Bookstore, and the Capital Vil lage in the housing complex. You can register individually and be placed with other bowlers when you arrive or you can get a group of people together and form a team of 4. The fee for this event is $2O per person which includes shoe rent al, 3 games, 2 slices of pizza and a soda.
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