Letter to the Editor In response to 'Consequences of an Obama presidency and how McCain can thwart it' By KEVIN BUSHER FOR TliE CAPITAL TIMES KJBSO9I@PSU.EDU The party of Lincoln, the great communicator Ronald Reagan, the General Dwight Eisenhower, and the Trust buster Theodore Roosevelt, the grand ole party at their best. But now the GOP has sold their soul to the like of Karl Rove, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. Their candidate for President a victim of Karl Rove in South Carolina during 2000 has torn full chapters from his political playbook. John McCain has decided in order to gain the highest office in the land he must appeal to the lowest common denominator. John McCain a self proclaimed "Maverick" has tarnished his reputation by allowing slash and burn politics that has become his mantra. As John McCain's poll numbers sink so does his rhetoric, but this is not why I write you today. I wish to put to rest the issues that were raised in a recent article entitled "Consequences of an Obama Presidency and how McCain and thwart it." (Which may I add at no point talks about the "consequences" but rather engage in sleaze and untrue attacks.) I will attempt to repudiate the misguidance of the author. I am baffled that the author believes it is a matter of perception that leads us to our displeasure with the last eight years. I am just wondering if this the same as a mental recession that McCain's campaign believes we are in now? I am appalled that he has not taken five minutes to look around and see that Bush has done more to erode this countries standing in the world than any other President in history. If the months and years after 9/11 this country had leadership; we could have come together to tackle the real national security problems. What I mean by this is we could have come together to pass substantive laws to secure our borders, ports, and airspace. But instead the republicans, namely Bush and McCain said Afghanistan is over—next stop Baghdad! This is not leadership it is propaganda. The author calls Obama a Socialist: This is the argument that every time a Democrat comes along and says look around, are you better off now than you were before. While the middle class wakes up and goes to work to come home to a house being foreclosed on and a letter saying the company is cutting healthcare benefits. Then a democratic candidate says I can fix this with your help, they are obviously a socialist and or communist. When you are out of things to say you throw mud and hope to God it sticks to something. As for dealing with Dictators Presidents throughout history were willing to sit down with our enemies. I say this across party lines, all we must do is look at modern day North Korea. In 2002 they were a terror sponsor, after negotiations they are now off that Axis of evil list and allowing inspectors in to look at their nuclear plants. The proof is in the pudding or puddin if Sarah Pahl.' was speaking. The author believes only the Democrats are to Blame: Two years of democratic control did not produce this mess, while there is plenty of blame to go around. To begin to put it all on the shoulders of the Democratic Party is both irresponsible but also irrational. For decades the republicans have pushed for less oversight, deregulation. Since the 90's the Republican Party has controlled the Congress, even now Democrats lack a margin of majority to accomplish all that there is to fix from the past years of Republican control. The author Believes Obama is advised by CEO's of Fannie and Freddie: While Johnson and Raines were CEOs of Fannie Mae, Johnson was hired to head the Vice Presidential search as he had done for previous democratic nominees. He is not an advisor and was fired from the committee after the uncovering of the depth of his involvement with the mortgage meltdown. I wish John McCain and his supporters had the backbone to denounce the lobbyists and backroom dealers advising his campaign. Just several weeks ago John McCain's biggest supporter Carly Fiorina Former CEO of Hewlett Packard and Vice President of AT&T said John McCain lacked the insight and knowledge to manage a large company as she had done. After of course she ran HP into the ground and 'bailed out" with her 21 million dollar golden parachute, the list can continue. Just as the McCain advisor Phil Gramm wrote the deregulation and lobbied it to Congress which led to the sub prime melt down. I" r I7 . iI'TWMUIM My Point is this, John McCain and the author can continue to point fingers when it comes down to it the policy and the henchmen are clear. John McCain pals around with lobbyists that instigated this attack on capitalism. I will allow the reader to investigate the Keating Five Scandal. McCain demands that Obama talk about his relationships with people I wish John McCain would take the same steps Obama had done in firing the people who led to this mess (but then he would have to find a new advising staff). It is obvious by the friends McCain keeps and policies he proposes are dangerously out of touch, and he lacks the ability to facilitate the economic turn around this country deserves. The author believes Obama is a Community Agitator: Our country is propagated by community organizers. The problem is the Republican Party distains them because they work in the impoverished neighborhoods and led people to fight for themselves. The republicans would much rather have the communities lack representation and remain a vassal to the powerful powerbrokers of the GOP. You should be ashamed too say that organizers do nothing more than agitate the masses. Quite frankly I take this claim personally. I have worked with underprivileged youth in Lancaster and Luzerne counties; all the while having funding cut and being told we were nothing more than wasting our time. The author defends a failed rhetoric of trickle down economics and morals which lead to class warfare. Martin Luther King was a community organizer, would you say he was a detriment to our society. Here is a great one, Jesus was a community organizer would you say he did nothing more than agitate the masses. While you may not see the value in serving the community; I do. Come look at the faces of young orphaned children, or sixty year old men that have lost their jobs and pensions as I have. Until you do that do not for one second think that community organizing does not achieve good; because it is what gives the hardworking, underrepresented Americans their voice. I understand that the author believes that Obamas plan will subsidize the lower income families because by definition given to us by John McCain that Oct. 22 2008 would be anyone making under five million a year. But here are the facts 95% of working class citizens will receive a tax cut. Just look these statistics up most websites that are well respected have said that the Obama plan will save the American worker tax dollars. The last President to balance the budget was, Bill Clinton a democrat. George Bush inherited a surplus. He spent it and more. John McCain continued to write him a blank spending check. Obama has called for pay as you go. Where he spends money he has shown he will cut the money from somewhere else. Compared to John McCain who promises us tax breaks for the wealthy and if it happens to get us great, but does not promise to cut spending! This election is more than trickle down economics it is about making sure that everyone has a chance to succeed. That is not socialism that is Americanism. John McCain should and must apologize for the antics that he and Palin allow at their rallies. To allow people to yell terrorist, kill him, socialist, and traitor are irreprehensible. John McCain will never look Obama in the eyes and say he either agrees or disowns these comments. The honor of a person is their ability to look their opponent in the eyes and attack. John McCain's unwillingness to do either show that he is not a Maverick he is a coward (on this issue). The author wants John McCain to attack on Obama's ties to people in Illinois. That is fine, but remember; John McCain has friends too! They are harder to find these days since his poll number dropped but he has friends like Rev. Hagee whom called the Catholic Church the "great whores." See but there is the difference in the campaigns Obama believes that this campaign should be about the people, while McCain believes it should be about his ego. We can tally the previous letter to say; socialist, terrorist, not one of us, be afraid, vote McCain. Here is the logic; Barack Obama is speaking the language of the middle class. Striking a populist tone, this scares the people at the top. It makes them think the middle class is not going to continue to take the beating they have received over the past eight years during W's presidency. The Republicans want to limit the political power that the middle class has earned. The middle class is demanding to be heard, I believe in these most difficult of times it is prudent to cut through the rhetoric and find sensible solutions for the American people. I am a supporter of Barack Obama. Barack Obama has finally given a voice to the people that have been invisible from this Republican Controlled Government! The country we inherited under Bush/McCain is unacceptable. This election is about more than the sum of parts that make it up. It is about what kind of country we want to leave for our children it is a vision for America that will outlast Obama and will outlast this generation of Americans. It is the 2 minute warning John McCain is still down by three touchdowns, running out of trick plays, hailmary passes and timeouts! lillitlill.il li t111 1 1151 . 1 111 1 0R11 1 11111.!Iiiiiii1111.11M11151 !!!!! „„. ? s n . ionci tor . to the -u T.ott.ts evsu•ed_ to anY captnnes n. res;;Ullav or in thitw sod at 8. Plea nes' Turte dean th Cap Imes aa. p p ro resPc f ) ession kee d an ~:i 3
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