Minnijean Brown Trickey of Little Rock Nine visits PSH By JAMES SPEED STAFF WRITER JKSSI6I @PSU.EDU "You must walk through ... straight through the gusts of fear and fury" This statement captures the essence of the . Little Rock Nine, nine African-American students who, in g 957, were integrated into Centtal .High, an all white school in Little Rock, Ark. The nine faced tremendous adversity in their quest for equal rights. Angry mobs lined the streets in front of the school to protest desegregation. On one occasion the nine had to be police escorted away from the school for it was feared they would be killed by the mob. Minnijean Brown Trickey was one of the nine students, a fierce and courageous woman, even in her youth. She was expelled from school for dumping her bowl of chili crrk a white student for tormenting-her. Radar magazine crowns 50 BY SEPIDEH SAFAEE STAFF WRITER SOSSO34OPSU.EDU We have all looked for the list of the 50 best colleges in America, but we have never bothered looking for the list of the worst colleges in America. Radar Magazine wrote an article on the 50 worst colleges in America rating everything from the worst Ivy League, the biggest rip-off, to the most closeted schools. The 50 worst colleges are as followed rated by Radar Magazine. The worst college According to Radar magazine, the campus of USC, Los Angeles is the most superficial of all colleges. in America is University of Bridgeport, (Bridgeport, Conn.) with an acceptance rate of 33 percent, total cost per year is $39,107, and the four-year graduation rate is 87 percent. This campus is considered to have meager academics, and a shady administration. Trickey was 16 years old when she was involved in one of the most important movements in American history. She has gone on to become a social activist and has won numerous awards including the Lifetime Achievement Tribute by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation. She also served on the Clinton Administration as Because of the city's violent crime, 60 percent students are scared to live on campus. "Despite all this, the university managed to boost its undergraduate enrollment due to aggressive recruitment of international students," said Radar Magazine. According to Radar Magazine the most over rated college is Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.), with an acceptantrateof9percentandafour year graduation rate of 87 percent. This is the most elite school in the land. It is almost impossible to graduate with less than a B+. Ninety percent of the class graduated with honors. The Most Degenerate Student Deputy Assistant Secretary for Workforce Diversity. On Monday Oct. 6, Trickey gave a presentation to Penn State Harrisburg students and faculty about her experience as one of the Little Rock Nine. She spoke with great conviction and got to the heart of American Civil Rights. In her presentation, Trickery spoke briefly about her experience at Central High School. She mentioned facing the angry mobs that threatened her. She spoke about her frustration at being expelled over a minor incident, and the cards that circulated the school afterwards reading, "One down, eight to go." But mostly she focused on the now, how the Little Rock Nine had changed a nation, and how our generation has to continue the battle. She challenged that we not sit idly by, but instead be pro active and get involved. "Americans do not like to talk about our issues," said Trickey. "We like to look around at the rest Body: San Diego State University (San Diego, California) the acceptant rate is 44 percent, a four year graduation rate of 17 percent, and a total cost per year of $18,994. Majority of the student body takes at least six years to graduate. There has been a total of 785 drug and alcohol related arrests on campus in the last two years. "SDSU is just a place to spend those magical seven years that fall between high school and your first job at the warehouse," says one student. According to Radar Magazine, University of Southern California in Los Angeles is considered the most Superficial. Acceptance rate is 25 percent, four-year graduation rate is 65 percent and the total cost per year is 49,489 dollars. "A three-ring circus of Beamers, buffed blondes, and occasionally natural tanning, USC is "not a good place to be ugly." "In fact, USC is a silicone bubble of high-gloss narcissism and Hollywood entitlement that attracts the affluent, Oct. 22 of the world and cast our judgments on them and ignore our own faults." Trickey talked about education: Go to school, she said, learn what they have to teach you, question it, but most importantly take charge of your own education. Until recently, the story of the Little Rock Nine has gone untold. It was not told how the Governor of Arkansas sent his national guard to stop the Nine from going into school. It was not told that President Eisenhower sent 1,200 soldiers to protect the Nine and escort them as they entered Central High School for the first time on Sept. 25, 1957. Only one of the nine graduated from Central High school before it was shutdown, after only one year of desegregation. Trickey ended her presentation worst colleges genetically blessed SoCal beach dweller." Said Radar Magazine . Trump University is the most dubious degree students will ever earn. Students are tricked in taking this online class. The acceptance rate is 100 percent the average cost per class is 995 dollars there are no tests or grades and do not even bother with college credits, there are not any, students do not evenearnadegree. According to Radar Magazine the ugliest campus is Drexel University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) with an acceptance rate of 72 percent, four-year graduation rate at 13 percent and total cost $45,875. "Students pay to go to a school that is not well maintained with its cracked sidewalks, megatons of gray concrete, their run-down classrooms, and giant looming smokestacks," says Radar Magazine. According to Radar Magazine this campus not only does not have enough athletic fields with a poem by Antonio Machado: "Walker, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more. Walker, there is no road, the road is made by walking. Walking you make the road, and turning to look behind you see the path you will never again step upon. Walker, there is no road, only foam trails on the sea." for the 13,000 some students going there, but the one strip of Photo courtesy of uartsjournals.com Drexel University, voted ugliest campus is located in downtown Philly. vegetation, it is known as the "rape garden" not only is this campus hideous but it is also not safe. According to Radar Magazine, the biggest rip-off school is Hampshire College (Amherst, Massachusetts) with an acceptance rate of 57 percent, four-year graduation rate of 47 percent. For only $47,790, this liberal arts school will Please see COLLEGES on page 12
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