February 4, 2008 THE CAPITAL TIMES CrtmfuCtiendar Lunar New Year Celebration (Year of the RAT) Food, Fun, Games will be held in the Gallery Lounge from 11:30am -2 pm on Thursday, February 7, 2008. Open to students and faculty. Hosted by Asian Students Association (ASA) and funded by SAF. Mardi Gras Celebration: February sth at 12:15 on the Stack's Stage ATOM: The world's fastest painter: February 6th, 7pm-11pm in ThingsNeedm You Know • Smoking Cessation held in W -135 from 3:00 -4:30 p.m. If you are interested in partici pating in this program, please call or stop in at the Student Assistance Center, W-117 Olmsted Build ing, 948-6025, to sign up. Are you ready to give up the cigarette habit? We want to help Penn State Harrisburg students with that goal. A seven- week smok ing cessation program will be offered, starting on February 7 and running through March 27, meeting every Thursday except March 13. Each session will be Smoking Cessation Monday 7am to spm Tuesday 7am to 6pm Wednesday 7am to spm A Justin By IVANA LEE Staff Reproter ISLSOO4@PSU.EDU Justin Kredible opened his first act by telling the audience that he had predicted in advance what tie they thought he should wear (throughout the act, he selected random students to help, including in the beginning, when he had them select a tie). Near the end of his first act, he announced, "See, I told you guys this was the tie you were going to choose! Incredible, huh?" The crowd just smiled, looking at him strangely with faces that said that's not magic until he opened up his vest, and TAII-DAH! Underneath is the same tie that the audience first chose for him. The audience was stunned, evoking laughter and a round of applause, which echoed throughout the community center; the audience waits to see more! Justin Willman, originally from St. Louis, Mo, is 27 years old. He graduated from Emerson College with a bachelor's degree in Broadcast Journalism. "Kredible" is not his real last name, but his parents, who are very supportive of his work, thought that having "incredible" in his name went well with what he did. At the age of five he had a magician perform at his birthday party, which first sparked his interest in magic. At age II , while simultaneously riding his bike and rollerblades, Justin broke both of his arms, and as a result was forced to wear the Community Center. Stu dent ID is required. Harrisburg's NGOZI Incorpo rated will make two present tions on African Dancing, Drumming, and Martial Arts on campus Tuesday, Jan. 29 and Wed. Feb. 6 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Student Center of the Capital Union Building. The event is sponsored by the college Black Student Union. Applications for Commu nity Assistants are now being accepted for the 2008-2009 year. Applications are due by Thursday 7am to 6pm Friday 7am to spm Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Hours are effective January 28 The Lion Ambassadors are ac cept applications for members. See the website: http:// php.scripts.psu.edu/ clubs/cl/ LA/index.php The Penn State Harrisburg Alumni Society is now accept ing applic4- tions for its Out standing Unior and Graduate Student Awards. Students may nominate them- selves. Appli cations are available on the alumni website: http:// php.scripts.psu.edu/ mitted at the same time. Letters of Kredible show at Penn State Harrisburg dual casts. His doctor asked Justin if he was interested in magic tricks, and told him that learning tricks will help his muscles in his hands and "I learned all kinds of card tricks," said By the age of 21, Justin was doing almost 40 shows a month in college. After college he moved to L.A., and is now signed with Tim and Rich GP Entertainment, a company in charge of booking shows exclusively for colleges. He is also signed with other business companies since he performs on a variety of mediums, including television, where he has performed on "Rachel Ray," "The Today Show," MTV and more. "I did commercials for Cingular, and I'm the new guy for the Sunny Delight Commercials," he said. He has met many famous people, but there are still February 12 at spm and are available in the Community Center. Lifeguard Training will be of fered at the pool from March 3- April 16 every Monday and Wednesday from spm -B:3opm. Intramural Sports, Dodgeball and singles Racquetball ap plications are available now at the CUB. Career Services Workshops: Interview prep. on Thursday, February 7 from spm-6pm in E 316. recommendation may be sub mitted by email to hbgalumni@psu.edu and can be from anyone including faculty, staff, employers, etc. Nominations are due by Feb ruary 5, 2008. The Learning Center needs a Biology Tutor. Contact Janice Smith at JESS7@PSU.EDU, or at 948-6475, room C-216. Applications are now be ing accepted for the 2008 Harrisburg Semester For addi tional information, visit the web at http://www.hbg.psu. edu/hbgsemester/, contact Dr. Carol Nechemias, Program Coordinator, at 717-948-6049. Photo by Sadji-Roxana Obetibouo/Capital Times Penn State Harrisburg students enjoyed a break from their studies to attend Justin Kredible's magic show at the Community Center. Moog A AND ROCKETRY MEETINGS: EVERY THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AT 3:30 IN THE CYBER CAFE. CONTACT STEPHEN SPCSO73@PSU.EDU CLUB Nrnve ••40101, entertainers who he looks up to "I live in L.A. so I see a lot of famous people there, but the one person I want to meet is David Blaine." To provide unique experience for every school he visits, Justin often changes it up a bit, depending on the crowd "I have to improvise sometimes, and sort of go with the flow, but tonight was great!" he said with a Out of all of the tricks performed, the ones that stuck out were the banana trick, the swallowing of a long balloon and the bowling ball trick, but the students' most favorite was the $2O money trick, which involved a $2O bill, a hat, a portable paper shredder, four envelopes, a pen, and zipper type bag from the bank and one big envelope. loved the $2O bill act," said freshman Bric Turns. Much like Justin's biographical history, his performance was amazing, fun and most of all entertaining. "I enjoyed the show very much. He didn't just demonstrate magic, but he made us laugh and He was a true participate. entertainer," said sophomore Maurice Blackmon "He's the perfect entertainer for college students," said sophomore Robert Tan. As for the ladies of Penn State Harrisburg, not only were they entertained with Justin's unbelievable talents and magic, but they also found a new men, to decorate their walls and scrapbooks with. "He not only performed magic tricks, but he had great stage presence and entertained the crowd, and he was cute with a really cool hair style!" said sophomore Simone Rigby. "He was awesome, with pretty eyes," said sophomore Chirara Burgan. So how does Justin feel with all this attention from the ladies from all the different places he goes to? "It's an added bonus, but I have to stay focused and do what I can do very well." And that's not the only barrier, girls, as Justin is currently in a two year relationship. "She's very supportive, and actually came here with me, except she was very tired to come out since we've been traveling a lot." Asking him how his relationship is now, Justin smiled humbly and said, "It's perfect." Justin performs his act all over the country, which includes his charity work at the Children's Hospital and Stuart House where they help victims of sexual assault. As well as the United States, he as also performed in Greece, Italy and Thailand. From his first trick as a budding magician (making a coin disappear) to an in demand entertainer boasting almost 200 performances in a year, he has always been Justin Kredihle.
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