February 4, 2008 • "." Cr: First and foremost, welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful break, and are rested up for this semester, because if you're anything like I am, it's going to be a long one! Secondly, if you see anyone involved with THON, congratulate them. A small group of VERY motivated people managed to raise over $lOOO dollars in about 72 hours this past week. Thanks to them, Penn State Harrisburg will be sending four representative dancers to THON for the first time. What is THON you ask? Well, it's pretty amazing. What can be better than a large group of your friends and turning the BJC into a dance floor? If you don't know what THON is, I suggest that you check out thon.org, and do some light reading. To cover the basics, for you less motivated (or who haven't entered into the technological age), THON is a 48 hour dance marathon up at State College. You can't sit or sleep for the entire time. Campuses, fraternities, sororities and clubs raise money through out the year, which is then donated to the Four Diamonds Fund, which benefits Okay people... Photo by MARIN BENDORMS/Coptal Times "That? That's a rock." So says Cyrus Grissom in the film "Con Air." And we could almost say that to you, except that that particular structure is not a rock. It is also not a small snowball that we got really low to the ground and did extreme zoom on to make look like it is taking up a good portion of the frame. It is, as far as we know, the largest snowball in Penn State Harrisburg history. At one point, the large snow beast clocked in at an impressive 5 feet tall (to which the leaves add no height or girth), and had a picnic table perched on top of it on January 26, or so says the police report. Now as the days get just a bit warmer, the snowball has begun its imminent deterioration. However, this juggernaut still manages to stand at a mighty 3 feet tall. It is good to know that with the stress of the new semester and the drudge that is winter in Central Pennsylvania, college students still know how to have fun. Though we do not condone criminal mischief, we do appreciate people's creativity and activity. We also wonder how big the next snowball is go ing to be, because someone has to want to top that. Good luck to whoever accepts the challenge, just leave the picnic table out of it. The Capital Times seeks to provide complete, cor rect information. Any neces sary corrections, comments or critiques are wanted and welcome. Please stop by The Capi tal Times office (E 26), e mail captimes@psu edu, drop a suggestion in the box outside the office or call the office at 948-6440. Any corrections should be reported no later than a week after the paper is printed. iv- ) - C children afflicted with cancer I assure you, this paper will give a full account of what happened during those 48 hours after the fact, but I strongly urge you to go up and see for yourself. THON is Penn State, and We Are Penn State, therefore you should go to THON (see the logic in it?) I regress to the point that I made earlier, regarding how dedicated the people who raised this money are to a cause. Dedication is something that I admire in a person, but it can come in all shapes and sizes. Dedication to a person, to a cause, to a club, to your family... the list continues. Dedication is necessary, because it builds trust. The other day as I was driving into Harrisburg, and I was listening to the radio while sitting on the Capital Beltway, which the kind people of Central Pennsylvania turn into a parking lot around 7:45am every weekday morning. Anyway, the morning show was calling the boyfriend of a woman who was having some relationship problems, after three years of being with the man, not much had changed. The DJ pretended to he an employee of an internet floral shop that was giving out free bouquet of roses. The man told the DJ to send the flowers to another woman, with the message "we'll be together soon." Obviously, the girlfriend started yelling and for the next 10 minutes, callers bashed the man. The basic gist of the angry calls was that the man was wrong, but the underlying aspect was his lack of dedication to his pregnant girlfriend, (yes, she forgot to mention that until later in the call). The point of this story is that dedication is key to being a good person. Without dedication, many things in your life would be different, and not just personal relationships. Without the dedication of journalists, you would not have news from your CORRECTIONS There were no mistakes in the last issue Yay. THE CAPITAL TIMES local town, not to mention China Without the dedication of doctors and medical staffs, you would not get the best care. Without the dedication of teachers, you would not have received a proper education. The list goes on, and so could I, but I urge you to remember the next time you want to bail on plans or on a responsibility, how many others you would be letting down. It's like that Christmas movie, /t a Wonderful I*, where George Bailey is shown what life would be like for his loved ones without him. In science, we are taught that every living being has their own niche, and as elevated life forms, we have a very large niche. The things that we do have an extremely large impact on the world around us; no matter how small they are. On a cc,mpletely different topic, I want to say a few `thank-yous' to the people of my staff who have shown so mach dedication this past year. THANK YOU!! Everyone from my exec. staff to guest writers have been amazing and I could not have asked for a better staff. I'm sure that this semester will be just as great, and we'll continue the tradition of a respectable student newspaper. I hope you all have a great week, and I'll see you at THON! Marin Alice THE CAPITAL TIMES From the barstoo • • • Hello my friends! Welcome back to Penn State Harrisburg. I hope that this semester is already treating you better than the last, and if it isn't, well, God help you. For those of you transferring in this semester, welcome to our campus. I hope you like it here. So, while we were on holiday leave, I had plenty of time to sit and do research for this column. I took notes and I paid attention, and this is what I learned. I learned that while the rest of world is moving forward, there is one place in Middletown where time stands still. No matter what is going on in the world outside of its walls, inside, on any given day, you will see a repeat of what happened the day before, the week before, the month before. You will still find the same people sitting in virtually the same places drinking the same drinks. You will find that the music playing on the jukebox is pretty much the exact same setlist that played last night. The same guys are angry at the sporting world, rooting against the Patriots and already discussing the 1/29/08: Disturbance: Report of people yelling in upper lot. Male yelling at girlfriend. Both parties ok 1/28/08: Vehicular escort: PSO provided escort from airport to campus for faculty member. 1/28/08: Suspicious activity: Staff reported finding burned plastic bottles & foil behind building 7000 1/25/08: Parking complaint: Caller reported bus parked on 0 street. PSO Contacted bus'driver to remove bus. 1/25/08: Suspicious activity: PSO noticed numerous students outside building. Advised resident life. 1/26/08: Criminal mischief: Someone placed a picnic table on top of 5' ice ball 1/26/08: Key sen'ice: PSO unlocked SGA office for members 01/23/08: Police information: Student reported ex-fiance threatened suicide in Middletown. Caller notified Middletown PD also 01/22/08: Theft: Report that b/ m/20's stole one gallon of milk from Biscotti's Cafe. Value $3.90. By MARUJA ROSARIO Assistant Editor MXR3OO@PSU.EDU POLICE Capital Times Staff Assistant Editors: Maruja Rosario, Diane Le Business Manager: Matthew Carroll Copy Editor: Matt Shortall Layout Editor: Amber Hudson, Ben Bransetter Staff: Kris Aumiller Marin Bendoritis Maurice J. Blackmon Matthew Birx Ben Branstetter Thomas Brown Josh Coleman Craig Dewalt Oliver Eisler Kate Goodrich upcoming baseball season. The same girls are still giggling at stories about each other and the same various rumors they have heard about others. The same pairs of friends are talking to each other as if they have not seen each other the day before. The same sets of enemies are glaring at each other for reasons they have probably forgotten by now. By now, to you this sounds like the world's most boring place and you would not go in there to save your life. But for me, these are the reasons I come to the place where time stands still and why I love going there. There is so much change going on in my life at the moment. Trying to find a new job, losing my roommate to her fiancé (still love you girl!), barely seeing my best friend who I have been attached to the hip to since this time last year because of her job, this can take a toll on a person. New faces at work and at school that I am trying to adjust to while the old ones leave me, never to be seen again. It is a cruel whirlwind ride I am riding during the hours of the sun. But when the sun goes down, and 01/22/08: Shuttle: One (1) rider 01/19/08: Police information transported to Pineford 01/23/08: Suspicious vehicle: M&O employee reported suspicious vehicle at loading dock. Vehicle belongs to student. Verbal warning issued to remove vehicle. 01/18/08: Parking complaint: PSO observed vehicle parked in no parking zone with engine running. PSO issued verbal warning to operator. 01/18/08: Vehicular escort: PSO provided escort to airport 01/18/08: Alarm activation: Burnt food caused alarm to activated. Alarm reset 01/19/08: Assist outside agency: Middletown PD requested assistance with checking cemetery for 4 white males. 01/19/08: Vehicular escort: PSO provided escort to airport. 01/19/08: Suspicious person: PSO observed female standing outside building. Female is employee waiting for person inside to open door. Editor in Chief: Marin Bendoritis Webmaster: Matt Keavney Diana Le Iva na Lee Matthew Mahoney Ariel O'Malley Allison Mills Mar uja Rosario Martin Santalucia Sahar Safaee Matt Shortall REPOLI' ---. all my restaurant customers have already long since tucked in for the night, that is when I get to go to the place where time stands still. And I know that within its walls, I will see all the friends that I have grown to love. I will hear all the music that surrounds me with familiarity and drink the same beverages I have associated with memories of pain and joy. I know that I will more than likely get into a debate over who is better, Penn State or Notre Dame. I know that someone will once again bring up the fact that my Packers lost to the Giants and then rant about how the Eagles are going to the Super Bowl next year. I will either purchase or be purchased shots of Jager and hear plenty of dirty and bad jokes. And I look forward to it. Sometimes, the reason you go to a place is not because you expect to be pleasantly surprised with what it has in store. Sometimes the best reason to go to a place is because it will not surprise you. Like an old fuzzy robe or that stuffed animal from 20 years ago, it is warm and inviting, familiar and loving. And sometimes that is all you need to know. Drive safe, be safe. See ya later. Student advised of leaving library and going off campus to residence 0 1/1 7/08 : Parking complaint: M&O reported VW parked at loading dock with keys in ignition and unlocked. Owner found. 01/17/08: Health and safety: Pizza Hut delivery man reported group of 30 students threw snowballs at him. PSS gave students verbal warning. 01/17/08: Community education: PSS spoke to Capital Times reporter in reference to campus alcohol policy. 01/16/08: University policy: PSO observed person smoking outside building. PSO instructed smoker to smoking area. 01/16/08: Student assist: PSO provided information for student re garding underage drinking citation. 01/15/08: Underage drinking: PSO observed light colored vehicle with student inside drinking olde english malt liquor. Non-traffic citation is sued to Stephen a. Williams age 20. Photographers: Marin Bendoritis Julianne Dauber Diana Le
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