February 26, 2007 THON Continued from page 1 for a lifetime. Augie Bravo, senior, Information Systems, said, “A dancer was tired, looked beaten, when a Four Diamonds child had a massager and massaged [this dancer] for a while. The child has no idea why he’s there or why he’s tired. It was so pure.” Scott said, “Just hanging out with good people and having fim. You can mess around and loosen up.” He then added, “That and Augie doing the booty dance.” Marin Bendoritis, freshman, Public Policy, said, “Going to Wal-Mart with Roo to get gifts for Ariel and Sarver. It was great seeing Ariel cheer up Study abroad for new experience By MARIAM ELHADRI Staff Reporter MUEII7@PSU.EDU Vacationing is a favorite, yet rare occasion only available to the luckiest of us. Many of us cannot even find time for one due to school, work, and other hindrances. Traveling abroad can offer some educational and knowledgeable experiences. That is why studying abroad has become so successful in this past generation during secondary education and is much recommended. Now universities all across the world offer, and many times require study abroad programs, including our own Penn State Harrisburg. The Pennsylvania State University in total offers study abroad programs all around the world in about forty-seven different countries spanning over six continents. These can be semester, summer, or short-term programs. Penny Carlson, study abroad adviser for students attending Penn State Harrisburg, does not plan or participate in the programs, but advises students regarding the various study abroad programs offered through the university. She explained that at Penn State Harrisburg, “the focus has been more on the development of short term study abroad programs. For example, during this spring break, 1 HUM 311 is a course being offered that includes a Spring Break Trip to Italy." Expenses can come into play as deciding factors for students looking to study abroad. While Penn State, a public university, cannot provide funds to cover expenses for each student to study abroad, it has many financial aid programs affiliated with studying abroad. Students will pay the same tuition rates as they would for a regular semester at the university. Applications for loans, grants, and scholarships are also sponsored by Penn State for students needing additional help to pay for expenses. Some grants and scholarships include the Ardeth and Norman Frisbey International Student Award, when she got her tiara or watching Sarver get excited. I couldn’t take their pain away, but I could make it a better experience. I liked being able to help them.” San er’s favorite dancer memory were the slides of strength and having the kids sign his white arm sleeve who will be giving one thousand dollars to three international students who believe that they meet the stated eligibility criteria. Also, the 2006- 07 W. LaMarr Kopp International Achievement Awards provides grants for an undergraduate student, graduate student, staff member, and faculty member. Each is awarded $l,OOO for leadership and support for international education, service to the international community, and research with a significant international component. PSH also offers their own international student awards to make international experience more accessible to students. There are also separate organizations, such as Student Fulbright Grant Program, in cooperation with Penn State University to offer study abroad grants. This Spring semester, PSH is offering two planned trips to Europe. One destination is to London, England. It is a seven-day study tour from March 10-17, 2007. Damien Fazzolari plans on attending a similar London study abroad trip next spring semester of 2008. He is not quite sure what courses he is taking, but his major of Education and Social Studies does not require a study abroad trip. He is greatly looking forward to seeing Abbey Road Studios, traveling on weekends to other counties — specifically Italy to visit family and Ireland to go to the Guinness Brewery, and to be exposed to something new. To pay for this international experience, Fazzolari is going to have to take out large loans and pay mostly out of his own pocket. Another trip through PSH this spring 2007 is to Rome, Italy. This is also another seven-day study tour from March 9-17, 2007, Costs included in the trip fees are the hotel stays, breakfast, transportation pass, fees for events that are a part of the program, and required health insurance. Not included in that fee are the airfare ticket, lunches, dinners, and incidental expenses. PSH students can participate in the University Park summer study abroad programs as well, so options are unlimited. THE CAPITAL TIMES Many hearts, Photo by MARIN BENDORITIS/Capitd Times that he sported all weekend while O’Malley greatly enjoyed the line dance. “It was the best line dance in all the THON years.” Sarver danced like a pro throughout the 46 hours. He always had a smile on his face and was always so full of energy. He did have his moments. “Saturday morning, 6am, when no one was there was hard. And then early Sunday morning when I was throwing a football with Augie and got delusional. Dustin Holler is not an 80-year-old man.” O’Malley, on the other hand, had a much rougher time. The strain on her feet was far greater than even O’Malley could have predicted, and she struggled throughout the better part of THON simply to stand. going so much Sunday cr y i blacked I just to end.” after that.” Supporters had their own memories of Sarver and O’Malley. Holler said, “When THON first started, seeing them all decked out in red. Sarver had his super socked and Ariel with her feathers in her hair. They were ready for anything.” Craig Dewalt, Overall THON chair for Penn State Harrisburg, said, “Watching a Four Diamonds child teach Student Dustin Portzline is taking another route with his study abroad. He is an Environmental Studies major and will be headed on a seventy-five day study tour through the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS). There he will be studying Biology, Environmental Ethics, Group Leadership, Wilderness Skills, and Risk Management. He will also be sea kayaking in the Prince William Sound, backpacking in the Talkeetna Range, and glacial mountaineering in the Alaska Range. Since this trip is not through Penn State, Portzline is going to use college savings, additional Stafford Loans, and a generous scholarship from NOLS itself. He is also raising money on his own through small fundraisers. He said, “Other people and cultures are the greatest source of knowledge available, and all people should make a point to get out and experience them.” Carlson agrees. She thinks all students should study abroad. She stated, “It is a wonderful opportunity to broaden one’s horizon and to gain a better understanding of other cultures. Also, it demonstrates a student’s commitment to understanding diversity in today’s global climate." She explained the benefits of these programs and said, “Student’s gain confidence and strengthen their resumes through such experiences. I have always felt that to grow, we must put ourselves in uncomfortable and challenging situations. Study abroad provides a wonderful opportunity for academic and personal growth.” In a survey of thirty-five students, all of the students who have gone on study abroad programs would do it again, and all students who have not been on one would like to before the end of their college education, regardless of their major. (Not a scientific study) This shows how international relations can be tied into any major and used as an advantage in the work place, If you are interested in studying abroad in the future and want to learn about what our school offers, see Penny Carlson in room C-216. Sarver to hula hoop to no success. And w atching Sarver give Ariel a piggyback to the front of the room to do the line dance on Sunday morning.” Dewalt, a Four Diamonds child, attended two other THONs prior to this one. He enjoyed this one the most because he was sick for the other two and regaled THON 2007 as “a celebration of hard work.” Sarver and O’Malley were not the only dancers PSH sent up to THON this year. Scott and Matthew Mahoney, junior, Communications, took the BJC stage at 9am Saturday morning to perform “Evolution of Dance.” They performed the now famous You Tube video in sync during All-U hour to much success. Scott said, “I was glad to entertain everybody and form of contribution.” who went to THON from I away a changed person. II have memories to last ime, especially Sarv er and Both are quick all ' y o from Penn State Harrisburg and th e PhcJo b y supat kanchanasakulc op.ioi Times as an y person will tell you, t* * ' ca one ho bottom of my heart. If it wasn’t for you guys, I wouldn’t have made it through,” Sarver said. “I love each and every one of you. I wouldn’t have made it without you guys. It was absolutely wonderful to look up in the stands and see a whole group of people standing there for you,” O’Malley added. As THON came to a close, Dewalt got a chance Now accepting submissioi mlk297@psu.edu to share his By March 1
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