October 9, 2006 SGA makes PSH voice heard at University Park By JORDAN WISKEMANN Staff Reporter JLWIO62@PSU.EDU Room 118 of the Science and Technology building was packed | with club representatives again during ; the Sept. 21 SGA meeting. Each was awaiting the senate’s verdict on the allotment of funds per club. As the club budget plans were read, the senators disagreed on how much j money to allocate, as many of the senators wanted to give the amount the ! club asked for. “All those people back there, we want to help them too,” said Augie Bravo, vice president, as he pointed to the club representatives, who were | seated towards the back of the room. j “We want to give everybody as much money as we can, but we are limited, i We can’t give as much as $l,OOO per I club, so keep that in mind.” ! Following the club budgets, Senator Matt Mahoney proposed an I amendment to SGA’s constitution, j For the first, Mahoney explained that j if an exception for budgets is granted j by SGA vice president, the exception needs to be approved by a two-thirds majority of the senate. He said this is a way to maintain a check and balance | between the vice president and the senate. ! President Ariel O’Malley explained j that Bravo works closely with club j leaders, including during the summer, j Sometimes a club needs an exception I during that time. If this amendment j would be approved as written, the j senate would have to vote through email. O’Malley said this is highly frowned upon, for email masks j true identity. j The second amendment proposal suggested any club who must use over J $5OO at one time while printing will need to have this approved by SGA. If SGA does not approve, the club will need to pay whatever amount their printing costs. SGA also appointed Marques Stewart as a senator for the Division of Undergraduate Studies. Paul Fogle, senator from the School of Public Affairs, was one of the senators on a trip to UP to meet with the Commonwealth Council of Student Governments. He sat on academic ; affairs and discussed the University questioning its first-year seminar, and j academic advising as a whole. Senator Aame Stefanon discussed diversity affairs. He proposed the hanging of international flags on campus, with a flag to represent every nationality present in PSH’s population. He also suggested SGA create a world map on campus, including pins with the same representation as the flags. Drew Selliti, senate leader, described governmental issues, including forming a working business relationship with legislators. Treasurer Patrick Sease explained the concerns raised in student affairs. According to Sease, these concerns encompass getting students more involved, taking advantage of Student Activity Fee funds to benefit the student body, and bringing a wider selection of healthier foods to campus. Sease also encouraged senators to discuss any concerns they have regarding student affairs, and he assured the senate he would be happy to voice those concerns at the next CCSG meeting. Senators then discussed the amendments proposed at the previous meeting. Senator Mahoney then read a resolution on bookstore prices which included both creating petitions to the Chancellor to be sure all professors get their book orders in on time and investigating why Barnes & Noble discounts are not accepted at our bookstore. Matt Myers was sworn into the SGA as senator for the School of Business. During the Open Forum session of this meeting, Senator Matt Mahoney read a statement regarding how he feels many issues at PSH remain unresolved as the SGA continues to plan student activities. Mahoney said he is determined to represent the student body and that planning activities for the students “does not a turn a bowl of Ramen into a filling meal.” THE CAPITAL TIMES No more domestic victi PSH strives to raise awareness, curb brutal domestic violence By DESIRAY HANSFORD Staff Reporter DMH3S3@PSU.EDU Every 9 seconds... a woman is abused in the United States. The month of October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. PSH is having several events in October to help students become aware of the resources that the campus and community has to offer. 12:45 in the Morrison Gallery there will be a DVA Panel where refreshments will be served. Someofthe panelists include representatives from the District Attorney’s Office, Pinnacle Health, Dauphin county Victim Witness Assistance Program, YWCA of Greater Harrisburg, Pennsylvania State Police, PSH Criminal Justice program and Chiefs of Police. At 6:30 p.m. there will be a “Prom Night” play Save a life: give blood to XGI By SUSAN STRANDBERG Staff Reporter SJS326@PSU.EDU XGI, its formal name being Chi Gamma lota, is holding a blood drive. A service fraternity with an interest in helping veterans, XGI has partnered with the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank since the onset of the fraternity. The blood drive that happens twice a year, once in the spring and again in the fall semester, will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, October 25, in the Olmsted building of the Penn State Harrisburg campus. Interested donors may register in the Olmsted lobby Monday- Wednesday, October 22-23 at the on- stage located in the cafeteria. Currently 28 members strong, XGI represents all branches of the military. XGI also welcomes social members, people who share an interest in helping veterans but have no military experience. One of those type members is the current XGI Secretary, Di Kenney, who has been a mem since the fall 0f2005. “I wanted t( a part of this organization becau: want to help veterans,” Kenney si “One of the most memor: events for me happened tl past Memorial Day, whei we dedicated a post office in Newville, Pennsylvania, honoring state resident, Medal of Honor recipient, Sgt. I' 1 Class Randall Shughart,” said Kenney. “Shughart is the fourtl only Pennsylvania resident to h; received this award.” “The Central Pennsylv; Blood Bank provides the pos and all medical supplies, fr EKG machines to simple iti like paper towels,” XGI cum president Matthew Mahoney s: “We provide the refreshm< performance in the auditorium of the Olmsted building. Immediately following the play will be a vigil in Ziegler commons. Also, there will be a “Silent Witness” program that will be announced at a later date. The “Silent Witness” project is an awareness campaign from a national program that focuses on domestic homicide, started by the YWCA 10 years ago. They have life sized red wooden figures each bearing The purple ribbon is the symbol of identification for Domestic Violence Awareness. with money obtained through our budget request to the school.” Every club is required to do some sort of community service event in order to be recognized by the University. “XGI is known at the PSH campus for its Veterans Day Ceremony and their blood drive.” Donating blood may be one of the most important things you have ever done, according to the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank’s web page. Donating blood is a safe and easy process that takes approximately 45 minutes. Generally, anyone age 17 or older and in good health, can donate blood. Eligible persons are encouraged to donate and save a life. To be eligible a person must ha ve had no tattoo’s or body piercing within the past 12 months. Some countries that have been traveled to within 3 years, and weight restrictions may affect a donor’s eligibility. If having any doubts about being eligible to donate, discuss them with someone from display there will be white plates, each with a name and date of a death of a victim of domestic violence. The white table cloth on the table will look like a brocade tablecloth but up close in small text, (hand written), in silver, it will have local women stories of domestic violence. On November 6 there will be a football raffle of an autographed football by Pittsburgh Steeler Quarterback Ben Roethlisberger. The tickets will be $ 3.00 for one ticket or $ 5.00 for 3 tickets. Please email Officer Jennifer J Allshouse jual@psu.edu for more information about the raffle or any of the events. The funds will be donated to the YWCA of Greater Harrisburg’s Domestic Violence program. name of a victim from an abuser. In addition, there will be two figures that stand for an Officer Jennifer J. Allshouse who is apart of PSH Liaison Committee to the University commission for Women, and PSH Safety and Police Services helped put the events together. Allshouse has always been apart of domestic violence awareness, education and prevention. “My main interests lie with continually educating not only myself but others about the subjects of domestic violence and sexual uncounted woman and man who were domestic violence victims but was never identified. In Stacks Market there will be a month long display called “An Empty Place at the Table". On this assault. It is so important everyone knows what domestic violence is, how to protect themselves and others, and available help resources both on campus and off’ said Allshouse. She said the events here on campus would not be possible if it wasn’t for the dedicated members of the PSH Liaison Committee to the University Commission for Women. The committee not only holds the events but also provides the budget. This committee will continue to try next year and the years to come to help the students to become aware of domestic violence. beverages is permitted prior to blood donation, Mahoney and Kenney strongly advise against the use of alcoholic beverages for up to 48 hours after giving blood. “We tried it once after a successful blood drive, and it was not good. Two beers felt like you had a case and the hangover’s were terrible.” The blood collected during the XGI blood drive stays in central Pennsylvania and is used for people w'ho have massive blood loss due to an injury or surgery, according to the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank’s web page. Blood donors are able to donate blood every six-eight weeks and with the donation of one pint of blood each year donors are ensured that credits will be available for transfer to any participating hospital in the United States by becoming a member ofthc Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank’s Family Plan. For more information about the family plan or where to go to donate blood, go to the CPBB’s web page at www.cpbb.org. The purpose of having DVA events here on campus is “to increase campus safety, broadening public awareness about the nature of rape and domestic violence. To educate on the needs of individual audiences and, discuss such as acquaintance rape education and prevention, personal safety and prevention techniques, stalking, mixed messages and communicating in dating” said Allshouse. Students can obtain more information about domestic violence from the YWCA of Greater Harrisburg, PCADV (PA coalition Against Domestic Violence), NCADV (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence), OVW( Office on Violence Against Women), NOW (National Organization of Women, PSU Harrisburg Safety and Police Services, PSH counseling center, and the PSU student health Services. Some of the warning signs of dating violence from a partner are “blames you when he/she mistreats you, pressures you for sex, plays on guilt (“If you loved me you’d,..)” said Allshouse. Relationship violence has assortment of ways which include emotional, physical and sexual. These warning signs include threats to hurt someone, humiliating one in public, pushing or shoving, pulling hair, forcing unwanted sexual actions or forcing one to have unprotected sex. PLEASE come out to these events and learn more about domestic violence awareness. If you or anyone you know is a victim of domestic violence come forward. There are people on campus and off that are here to help. Domestic violence does not only happen to women and children but also to men. There is a low percentage of men that report these crimes, but that does not mean there is no help. The same resources Passport to success By DIANE KENNEY Staff Reporter DMK29S@PSU.EDU The passport program is designed to help raise awareness of events on campus said staff assistant Melinda Logan. Students can sign up to get an activity passport, in the Student Activities Office. The idea was introduced to the campus by former Penn State employee Nichole Duffy. Students are to bring their passport to all events on campus; if the event happens to be a passport event then the student will receive the proper label to be affixed in their passport. Logan went on to explain that all events included will beclearly labeled. The web site that informs all Penn Staters of this is www.events.psu.edu. The events cover a wide range of events, such as leadership events, career service events, games shows, athletic functions, multicultural events and alumni events. Though it is helpful, you do not need a passport to attend campus events, but some events do require a Penn State Identification card; such as SGA sponsored event Stuff-a-Plush; or Student Activities event, Blizzard of Bucks. Logan even offers the option to have an e-mail sent out to remind students of upcoming passport events Student Government President Ariel O’Malley has already noticed an improvement with higher attendances records to the activities attended by her. “The only problem I see is, I always forget my passport, and they don’t fit in your back pocket.” Junior, Kervens Dorcely, feels as though students are excited about the passport program, “I see student who are thrilled to fill their passport for a chance to enter the drawing.” For example, the first week of the semester there was a comedian that are available for women are available for men as well. It is extremely important for anyone of any sex, age, or ethnic group to stop domestic violence by reaching out for assistance. As a society we have to end this cycle of violence and make a stand to become more aware and educated. No one needs to be a victim anymore. No one deserves to be a victim. Let’s show that we are not afraid to put an end to domestic violence. Domestic Violence Facts: • Estimates range from 960,000 to 3 million incidents of violence against a significant other who are physically abused by a spouse, boyfriend, or girl- friend per year. • At least one in every three women have been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. • Intimate partner violence is primarily a crime against women. In 2001, women ac- counted for 85% of the victims of intimate partner violence (588,490 total) and men ac counted for approximately 15% of the victims (103,220 total), • As many as 324,000 women each year experience violence during their pregnancy. • Thirty percent of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year. in the Community center, which brought an excellent attendance of about one hundred and fifty students. Always a huge hit is the Blizzard of Bucks held over the Capital Union Building, with an attendance of around one hundred and forty. Author Koren Zailckas came about three weeks ago on a Thursday in between common hours, with a surprising attendance of thirty eight people. “What good is it to attend all of the passport events?” Logan said, if you actively participate in the program, come to the student activities office E-131 in the Olmsted Building, during the weekend of November 27 through December 1, and turn in your passport to enter the drawing for a chance to win prizes from sponsors. Commerce Bank, Cornerstone Cafe behind Sheet/, and Isaac’s on Paxton Street, to receive a ten percent discount for just showing your activities passport. Our last sponsor so far, (though more may join in as the semesters continues), Jostens, the company that takes care of all your graduation needs such as your official Penn State ring and personalized graduation announcements, also will give great prizes and will be in the lobby of the Olmsted lobby October 18 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. It seems that though early into the semester, and the program, students are excited and will continue to attend campus events for the chance of a prize. Though new to the campus, the passport program seems to be working out well. This program is not just available to Student Activities, student clubs are more than welcome to have their events listed as passport programs by letting Logan know such events, as the XGI Blood Drive will be a passport event. All clubs are encouraged and welcome to come.
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