October 9, 2006 S^fiMPIKfO Staff Reporter FSPSOO4QPSU.EDU John Mayer, three years since his last studio release, is back with a new release, In that three years, he has done many things, including playing guitar with Eric Clapton in concert and starting his own blues trio. Mayer’s first studio release, Room For Squares (2001), focused mainly on acoustic pop hits, while his second release, Heavier Things (2003 ), was a grittier version of the first cd, switching to electric guitar. Both cds spawned numerous hits, his biggest being “Daughters” and “Your Body is a Wonderland.” Both songs won Grammy awards; the song “Daughters” even gave him a Grammy award for Song of the Year in 2004. With his latest album, however, Mayer wanted to try something different. In the past he has said that he wanted to try and combine his signature pop sound with the feel and groove of blues. Growing up, his influences in music were Jimi Hendrix, 8.8. King, Eric Clapton and other blues artists. These influences show on the heavily blues loaded album, Continuum. Continuum succeeds at trying to be different. Mayer seems more open with his guitar skills in this album than in any other he has done. Indeed, it seems like he’s having fun stretching and playing the blues that he’s always wanted to. Like his first and second albums, this cd is full of Mayer’s insecurities. However, he has matured so much musically over the past five years that the songs sound better than ever. The first single on the album, named “Waiting on the World to Change,” is a rare political turn for Mayer. He cries out in the song that the best thing our generation can do is wait for the world to change. He doesn’t just bash politics in the song, but media as well. One of the lyrics about the media says, “When they own the information, oh they can bend it all they want.” Unlike most pop albums, Mayer mostly stays away from traditional love songs. Some of the best songs on the album deal with other issues, such as getting older (“Stop This Train”) and his fear of losing his popularity (“Gravity”). Another song on the album is the Jimi Hendrix cover, “Bold as Love”. This is one of the few songs on the album that doesn’t work very well. Hendrix and Mayer have very different styles when it comes to writing songs and singing them. It doesn’t fit very well to hear the hippie lyrics of Jimi Hendrix come from the laid back Mayer. The song “The Heart of Life” almost sounds a littie like a country-themed song combined with blues. The best song on the album, however, is the previously mentioned “Stop This Train.” The song deals with a person getting older and looking at how things change as they move through life. Mayer even comes right out in that song and says that he’s scared of getting older. Another one of the great songs on the CD is the slow love song, “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room.” The song deals with a relationship coming to an end and the anger coming from both sides. Overall, this is an amazing album. It’s good to see Mayer growing up as he gets older. The songs show growth as a songwriter and a guitar player. If there’s one bad thing that can be said about this album it’s that most of the songs are slow songs. Because of this the album can seem a little sluggish. For the most part however, a great all around effort by John Mayer. THE CAPITAL TIMES By LAILA DIDEBAN Staff Reporter SZDI23@PSU.EDU Old Victorian homes that are mixed with decades of town houses line the main street of Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. A few shops, restaurants and beauty parlors highlight this American town rich in history and Pennsylvania Dutch tradition. However, look a little closer and students can find a real hot spot Everybody look at me. me I walk in the door you start screaming Come on eveiybody what chu here for? Move your body around like a nympho Everybody get your necks to crack around All you crazy people come on jump around I want to see you all on your knees, knees You either want to be with me, or be me! In a quiet suburban town right in the middle of farm country, blasts Nelly Furtado’s latest hit, “Maneater.” There are flocks of children that are drawn towards the music on their way home from school. The mothers that walk their newborns seem to have an extra pep to their step. The local business owners open their doors to welcome delighted customers. Hidden on the 2 ntl floor of an Art Gallery on Elizabethtown’s busiest street, Main Street, is the E Dance Studio. Owner and instructor Danny Aldous has turned the second floor of this art gallery into another sort of showcase. Instead of inanimate objects and motionless paintings, Mr. Atdmis brings art to life in the form of dance. Offering different intensity levels of hip hop, jazz, ballet, and tap these classes usually last an hour and have a different focus. After limited research on Google, the author of this article caught interest in the studio because of its convenient location and artsy ◄ Geek's Corner ► By LISA STONE Staff Reporter LCSI67@PSU.EDU “I’m sorry Dave, I can’t let you do that.” This classic movie quote from 2001: A Space Odyssey has been used in geeky conversations since the movie came out in 1968. For this edition of Geek Comer, I thought it might be interesting to take a look at some of the classic geeky movie quotes out there. The science fiction genre is home to so many awesome movie quotes it is hard to even begin sorting through them. Perhaps the most famous source for sci-fi quotes come from the Star Wars movies, with a special emphasis on the original trilogy. “Do, or do not. There is no try.” “These aren’t the drones you’re looking for.” Or “Luke, I am your father,” are just some of the timeless quotes that come from Star Wars. Some other well-known science fiction quotes include the classic cry of “KAHN!” from Star Trek 11: The Wrath of Khan. The Back to the Future movies also gave us some hysterical quotes. “I’m sure in 1985 plutonium is available at every corner drugstore, but in 1955 it’s a little hard to come by.” Or how about the all-time classic The Hitchhiker ,'v Guide to the Galaxy. Quotes from this worshiped-book-tumed-movie include “My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fiber and that I am therefore excused from saving universes.” And of course, there is Gremlins. While it was definitely a visually oriented movie, the phrase “You’re having a nervous p hop surprise appeal. Her exhillirating experience lasted a month and well worth her limited time. A diverse population of students filled the cozy one-room stage. There were college students, Photo by LAILA DIDEBAN/Copilal Times A group of students perform a few dance moves in front of a mirror to study their form. E Dance Studio, located on Main Street in Elizabethtown, offers a wide variety ot dance classes for amateurs and professional dancers alike to enjoy, ranging anywhere from hip hop to ballet, tap, and jazz. nurses, public relation specialists, bankers, and housewives to name a few. Some were there to brush up there god-given talent while others just liked the workout better than going to the gym! Whatever the reason, Aldous adored having this array of talent. And it was obvious because “the Aldous grin” should have been famous, it lighted up the room and set the standards for the class. The class began with a warm up which the students dove right into. The music was bouncing from wall to wall as were the attitudes. Your favorite aunt became a dancing diva, and the boy next door was looking smooth. The class was none stop breakdown, thank you for sharing it with us,” is always good for a laugh. Another genre that has some excellent quotes to it is the fantasy movie genre. “My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die,” from the Princess Bride is always a fun one. Or “Alright, you primitive screw-heads, This... is my boomstick! ...It’s a twelve- gauge, double- barreled Remington. S-Mart’s top of the line You find this in the sporting goods department. That’s right, this sweet baby made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for ab walnut stock, hair trigger. T Shop 5-Mart, one of my pe Army of Darkness, “Good. Bad. I’m the guy with the gun.” And if you have not seen Army of Darkness go out, right now, and purchase it. Bonus points will be awarded if you pick it up on VHS. Old science fiction B dance, one would forget that there was instruction going on. “I don’t even think I’m a good I’m just creative and I choreography”- Aldous dancer. know the next class to join in as all the students become united. The studio gives the small hick town the taste of the big city. There is a demand for its expansion as this newly founded spot is being discovered by more of Passion was evident. More so, the public, the one word to describe the time Choosing Elizabethtown was a spent at the E Dance center would sentimental choice with Mr. Aldous • Beg. Tap 15-Adult be thrilling. The thrill on the many having grown up in Hershey. Hr* i>Alfult Hfp !§op Iritliße ■» faces>s*>hen the htmwb - started, •the*" likes'the WiWindrtlikeitnoM thrill of picking up new steps, and feel that it is relaxing. His urban the biggest thrill of learning an entire experiences in New York were dance in one class. Aldous may not certainly rewarding, earning him recognize himself as a good dancer opportunities like touring with a but his many students certainly do! large New York acting company as Better yet, he knows how to teach, an understudy to the lead in “Singing and after some repetition even this in the Rain”. He states, “Here, I can author was hip-hoppiri it! stand out a little more than in New humbly comments. As a collegiate graduate, licensed realtor, and actor with a company in New York, this big timer in a small town wants to create passion in others in the form of dance. movies are one of the best sources for awesome quotes, period. All of these older movies have given us quotes that are timeless, however there are days that you cannot quite seem to remember which movie they come from. So what about the more widespread quotes. My conclusion is that time, and frequent TV showings, help to make quotes more well known and therefore commonly used. That is not to say, however, that modem movies have left us high n E An hour later and there is enough sweat to make straight hair curly. Exhausted bodies are still dancing to the beat with their hard work taking affect the next day! Aldous welcomes and dry. Far from it. The Matrix has given us “You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes,” and of course Resident Evil, which gave us the quote from the Red Queen computer. “You’re all going to die down here.” Recent fantasy/adventure movies include the Lord of the Rings trilogy, -town York.” However, he returns to find certainly a lot of talent at home. Teaching a wide range of ages, Mr. Aldous comments, “I’m amazed by the levels of experience.” He is respected in all of his classes because of his mentality on dance. Instead of expecting perfection in his dancers, the only thing he expects is having fun. “It should be one big party” - Aldous. Of course, this does tie into his theory that being a better dancer means having fun. When asked if dancing could be taught or required natural skill, Mr. Aldous replied that one needs to be bom with natural skill but mainly it’s something you can clean-up. Indeed there must be a lot of cleaning on those dance floors, because he has many students fill up his classes. Perhaps, his vision of providing self-confidence and enjoyment to his students radiates across all different ages and ability levels. Although, he hopes that parents aren’t just signing there kids up because he is young, being 28 years of age. Regardless of why so many of his students sign up, be it adults, kids, or even this journalist- Mr Aldous has a hip hop hot spot hidden in our own community. Classes range from 3:30 p.m. to 9:30 pjm. Classes Offered: • Triple Threats • Adult Hip-Hop Less Intense •Advanced Tap 15- Adult •Jazz Combo Address: 1175 Market St. Elizabethtown, PA 17022 www.e-dancecenter.com X-Men III: X-Men United, or Jurassic Park. These movies have given us quotes such as “You. Shall not. Pass!” or “My.. .precious.” X-Men 111 gives us a quote that 1 truly anticipate becoming a classic. “Don’t you know who I am? I’m the Juggernaut, bitch!” As for Jurassic Park, it has favorite quotes, ■s. Dinosaurs its the earth.” that seem to seep into mainstream language over time. So listen to your conversations mid see just how many quotes are used. You may be amazed how second nature it is. that this only of quotes type movies, There are it is truly intimidating to try and track them all down. It is also important to keep in mind that movies are only a small source quotes geeks use to communicate with another Books, TV series, internet sites, and many other sources all create quotes
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