PSH community donates blood at XGI event DRIVE continued from 1 programs and service opportuni ties. In the spring, XGI will host another blood drive in which Stacey Fox, a freshman busi- PSH will compete against other ness major, was one of the most colleges to see who can donate relaxed persons that donated the most blood. If XGI receives blood. "I'm not scared. I've the continued support they donated in the past and I like received in the most recent doing it to help out. Besides, you blood drive, it is certain that PSH get these awesome bracelets." will present strong competition. . said Fox as she pointed to her For now, rest up, be healthy and red bracelet from the Central PA prepare to donate blood in the Blood Bank imprinted with the spring. Every drop counts, and slogan "It's About Life." as the Central PA Blood Bank Overall, the blood drive bracelets say, "It's About Life." appeared to be a large success, thanks to the organization of XGI and the cooperation of students Chris Kramm, left, instructs and faculty. XGI hopes to have other XGI members who are recruiting blood donors. continued support in their other U.S. troops find suspected al-Zarqawi command center in Ira• By Maggie Michael Associated Press Writer BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. troops sweeping through Fallujah on Thursday found what appeared to be a command center used by followers of Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, and a U.S. general expressed confi dence the battle for the city has "broken the back of the insur gency." A separate raid near the sus pected command center uncov- ered a bomb-making workshop where an SUV registered in Texas was being converted into a car bomb and a classroom that held flight plans and instructions on shooting down planes, according to a CNN crew embedded with the U.S. Army. Gunbattles still flared in Fallujah as troops hunted holdout insur gents five days after the military said its forces had occupied the entire city 40 miles west of Baghdad. One U.S. Marine and one Iraqi soldier were killed, U.S. officials said. At a base outside Fallujah, Lt. Gen. John Sattler, commander of the Ist Marine Expeditionary Force, said the U.S. casualty toll in the Fallujah offensive stood at 51 dead and about 425 wound ed. An estimated 1,200 insur gents have been killed, with about 1,025 enemy fighters detained, the military says. Sattler told reporters he felt the U.S.-led attack on the city had dealt a serious blow to the insur gency. "We feel right now that we have, as I mentioned, broken the back of the insurgency. We've taken away this safe haven," Sattler said, adding that insur gents had scattered elsewhere in Iraq where they lacked the resources available in their for mer stronghold. Iraqi authorities, meanwhile, litg ‘ I* 4 :0 0 Learning Center Notes: 411... Need a Tutor? Get help with subject content end study strategies! Stop by the Learning Center (Olmsted C-216) or call 948-6475 or email Check out our Web site and calendar: www.hbgpsmeduiLearningCenteri said they arrested 104 suspect ed insurgents in a raid in Baghdad, including nine who had fled Fallujah. However, insurgents struck back elsewhere in volatile Sunni Muslim areas. In Haditha, northwest of Fallujah, militants blew up the mayor's office and the police command center with four thun derous explosions. Insurgents distributed leaflets warning that anyone who "wears a police uni- "We feel right now that we have...broken the back of the insur gency." -U.S. Lt. Gen John Sattler form or reports to a police station will be killed." Car bombs in Baghdad, Mosul and Kirkuk killed at least four people, while mortar shells that exploded near the governor's office in Mosul wounded four gUards, officials said. The gover nor of Diyala province northeast of Baghdad escaped assassina tion when a bomb exploded near his convoy, injuring four body guards. Nevertheless, U.S. officials insisted the Fallujah campaign had produced a treasure trove of documents and other intelli gence information that would help U.S. and Iraqi authorities hunt down insurgents. Sattler said lists included names of fighters, including some from outside Iraq. Sattler, the senior Marine com mander in Iraq, cautioned that the insurgent posts discovered Thursday were still being investi gated. "I cannot stand here and tell -......- - -.:7.- - It 1110 ' i W - - Q . VC 4'..r. , 0 e 1 ANNA ........ L. eir s.. 7_ , l --;`,"- ,-,- I :,. xr 1 • 131. t... you that we found the command and control house or building where Zarqawi went ahead and orchestrated and dealt his (car bombs) ... and the other death and destruction that he has spread throughout the country of Iraq," he said. According to CNN's footage, the suspected al-Zarqawi com mand center was in an imposing house with concrete columns and a large sign in Arabic read ing "Al-Qaida Organization" and "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger." Al-Zarqawi's group, Al-Qaida in Iraq, is considered the deadliest terrorist network in the country, held responsible for a string of deadly car bombings and grue some kidnappings and behead ings of foreign hostages, includ ing three Americans. Inside the building, U.S. sol diers found documents, old com puters, notebooks, photographs and copies of the Quran. Several bodies also were found. There were also two letters inside the house, one from al- Zarqawi giving instructions to two of his lieutenants. Another sought money and help from the terrorist leader. Nearby, in another location in the industrial section of south eastern Fallujah, troops found a bomb-making workshop where a sport utility vehicle with a Texas registration sticker was being rigged as a car bomb. CNN's video also showed a makeshift classroom for training militants that included flight plans and instructions on how to shoot down aircraft. The SUV was sitting in a ware house surrounded by several bags of sodium nitrate, which can be used to make explosives. The vehicle had no license plate, but some 15 license plates were inside. Several bodies were also found in that area. News Photo courtesy of Chris Kramm/XGI Iraqi authorities have acknowl edged that al-Zarqawi, along with other insurgent leaders, escaped from Fallujah. AI- Zarqawi is wanted by both Jordan and the United States, and Washington has offered $25 million for information leading to his capture. U.S. and Iraqi authorities launched the Fallujah operation as part of a campaign to restore order so national elections can be held in January. The extremist Ansar aI-Sunnah Army, in a statement found Thursday on the Internet, threat ened to attack polling stations and assassinate candidates because democracy is an "infi del" institution. Iraq's interim government warned that Islamic clerics who incite violence will be considered as "participating in terrorism." Some clerics already have been arrested. The leaders of Poland and Slovakia said Thursday they are committed to keeping troops in Iraq and criticized Hungary's decision this week to withdraw its 300 soldiers. Poland, which has 2,400 soldiers here, com mands a 6,000-strong security force in southern Iraq that has troops from 15 countries. Slovakia has 100 experts in land-mine removal serving with the Polish-led force. Middle Easterns and Bush Administration clash WORLD continued from 3 that seeks unity, progress, and non-centrism. Both Kant and Aristotle agree that morality cannot exist apart from a syn thesis of both the rational and the sensuous human character istics. Aristotle said, "Happiness is a state of being that is achieved, in part, by a virtuous disposition." Specifically, he argues that the virtue which leads to happiness as the final good revolves around the rela tionship of the rational and irra tional aspects of the human being. This is what psycholo U.S. troops recently uncovered what appeared to be a former safe house of Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The Capital Times gists and sociologists should be working on, the evolvement around the relationship of the rational and the irrational aspect of the mind states. Finally, how does the person of practical wisdom have the strength to carry out the rule? Aristotle does not explicitly say how this happens, but we can imagine that it is determined by learning and by habit. He said, "When we do not acquire the skill to carry out the rule, wickedness perverts us and causes us to be deceived about the starting points of action." Photo by BBC courtesy of Google News
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