The Capital Times POLICE REPORT 11/8/04 ETHNIC INTIMIDA TION: STATEMENTS TAKEN FROM STUDENTS ABOUT INCIDENT THAT HAPPENED IN STEELTON/REFERRED TO STEELTON PD. 11/8/04 KEY SERVICE: OPENED BUILDING FOR STU DENT WORKER. 11/9/04 ASSIST OUTSIDE AGENCY: LEBANON PD REQUESTED ASSISTANCE WITH DESTRUCTION OF 34 SURFACE DELAY DETONA TORS. 11/9/04 THEFT: STAFF REPORTED MISSING COM PUTER MONITOR IN ROOM 109. 11/9/04 SECURITY LAPSE: FOUND ROOMS 101 AND 113 OPEN. CHECK/SECURED ROOMS. 11/11/04 LOST PROPERTY: STUDENT REPORTED LOS ING NJ DRIVERS LICENSE. November 22 - Dr. Gedeon Mudacumura, survivor of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, will present on his and his family's experiences at 7 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge. His family, who barely survived the genocide, now resides in Central Pennsylvania. This event is sponsored by the Behavioral Science, Communications, and Interdisciplinary Humanities, undergraduate programs. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact Dr. Hoffman at (717) 948-6192 or Dr. Gilpin at (717) 948-6066. December 2 - "Overcoming the Fear Factor," a Learning Center workshop, will be offered in Olmsted W-207 at 12:30 p.m. December 2 - The next lecture in the Susquehanna River Voyages series, "A History of Flooding in the Susquehanna River Basin," will be presented by Krista Nelson of the Susquehanna River Basin Commission. The lecture will be held in the library's Morrison Gallery at 7 p.m. and refresh ments will be available. December 3 - A women's topics planning meeting will be held in Olmsted E-124 at 12 p.m. Students, faculty and staff are Things you need to know Thanksgiving break is from Wednesday, November 24 to Friday, November 26. There will be no classes during this period. December 10 is the last day of class. Final exams will be held between Monday, December 13 and Friday, December 17. PSH's commencement ceremo ny will be held on December 18 at 9:30 a.m. Winter break is from December 19 to January 7. Arrival day for new students in January 7, and orientation pro grams will be held on January 8 and 9. The deadline to register for spring semester classes is January 9• 11/11/04 ASSIST OUTSIDE AGENCY: LOWER SWATARA PD REQUESTED ASSISTANCE FOR SEARCH OF SUSPECT. SUSPECT NOT FOUND. 11/11/04 TRAFFIC STOP: VEHICLE STOPPED FOR MOVING VIOLATION/CITATION ISSUED FOR LICENSE VIOLA TION. 11/13/04 ASSIST OUTSIDE AGENCY: LOWER SWATARA PD REQUESTED ASSISTANCE WITH PROCESSING OF SUS PECTS. 11/13/04 FOUND PROPERTY: CAR KEYS FOUND IN DOOR LOCK. NO RECORD FOUND ON VEHICLE. 11/15/04 ASSIST OUTSIDE AGENCY: PSO RESPONDED TO CRITICAL INCIDENT CALL. 11/15/04 VISITOR ASSIST: PROVIDED DIRECTIONS TO OLMSTED BUILDING. Campus Calendar welcome to attend and discuss issues of interest to PSH Contact women. December 6 - An ANGEL work shop will be offered in Olmsted C-15 at 12:30 and 5 p.m. Contact Carol McQuiggan at to R.S.V.P. November 23 - The Black Student Union will meet at 12:30 p.m. in the Oliver LaGrone Cultural Center. Everyone is welcome. November 29 - The International Affairs Association will meet in Olmsted W-135 at 4:30 p.m. and meets every Monday at this time. Current and upcoming activities include fundraisers, dinners and bus trips. All are welcome. November 30 - The PSH College Republicans will meet at 5 p.m. in Olmsted E-202. Meetings are held every other Tuesday. December 2 - SGA will meet in Olmsted E-314 at 12:30 p.m. Everyone who is interested is welcome to attend. December 2 - The PSH Photography Club will meet in the club's darkroom at 12:30 Spring semester classes begin on January 10. The last day to submit an intent to graduate for the spring semester is January 24. The Learning Center is looking for a qualified student to tutor Biology 110. The position is for a few hours a week and a tutor is needed as soon as possible. For details, contact Janice Smith at or (717) 948- 6296. Pick up an application form in Olmsted C-216 or at www. hbg er/. Attention adult students! Apply for a $5O book grant, provided by PSH's adult honor society, by fill ing out an application available in Olmsted W-117. Applicants must be adult undergraduate or graduate students, but do not 11/15/04 KEY SERVICE: PSO ASSISTED WITH KEYS FOR ATHLETIC FIELD LIGHTS. 11/15/04 MOTORIST ASSIST: PROVIDED DIRECTIONS TO ROUTE 283 TO MOTORIST. 11/15/04 KEY SERVICE: UNLOCKED DOOR FOR STU DENT TO RETRIEVE PURSE. 11/16/04 VANDALISM: STU DENT REPORTED THAT VEHI CLE WAS SCRATCHED BY KEY. 11/16/04 TRAFFIC STOP: CITATION ISSUED FOR MOV ING VIOLATION. 11/16/04 TRAFFIC STOP: CITATION ISSUED FOR MOV ING VIOLATION. 11/16/04 DISABLED VEHICLE: REPORT OF DISABLED VEHI CLE. M&O NOTIFIEDNEHICLE TOWED. p.m. The club meets every other Thursday. December 2 - A "State of the Student Body" address will be given by SGA President Rodney Horton in the Olmsted Special Activities Room at 12:30 p.m. All are welcome. December 2 - The PSH College Democrats will meet at 3:30 p.m. in Olmsted E-200. Everyone is welcome. Contact Jennifer Lawhorn at for details. November 30 - Glen "Wreckin' Ball" Waldeck will perform in the Gallery Lounge at 12 p.m. Waldeck is known as a "campfire troubadour" and will perform songs of the Susquehanna River. January 17 - Observances of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day will be held throughout the day. Activities include an original play and guest speakers. December 2 - A holiday gather ing will be held in the Capital Union Building at 12 p.m. need to be a member of the honor society. Applications are due December 10. For an appli cation or more information, con tact Charlotte Spector and Phi Sigma Upsilon, the criminal justice club, will soon be selling "Support Our Troops" ribbon car magnets in yellow or stars and stripes, to support the Children of Fallen Soldiers Relief Fund. Keep your eyes peeled for details! For more information, contact Kerry Bartens at or Jason Hoffman at Visit Career Services to find resources for life after gradua tion. Go to Olmsted W-117 or for details. Entertainment Photos by John Moore/AP, Romeo Gacad/AFP and Damir Sagolj/Reuters and courtesy of Kevin Stoehr
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