The Incredible Shrinking World: PSH's own international film festival Mon, Tue, and Wed, Mar 22,23, 24 (films start at 8:30 p.m.), and Fri, Mar 26 (7 p.m.). Program is free - located in the Olmsted Auditorium. "That Ain't No Way to Treat a Lady” A play about violence in relationships that incorpo rates dance, poetry and music. Performed by Nancy Hulse on Tuesday, Mar 23 at 4 p.m. in the Student Center of the CUB. A Q&A session follows. Art Beat at Penn State Harrisburg Rebecca Della Carpini's art installation, entitled "Apparitions of Women," debuts next,week in the Gallery Lounge. The installation focuses on increasing people's awareness of violence against women. Its format is mixed media and it involves some interactive exhibits, WKHBBSb i . > : r:n r « " The,Mar 23,12:30-1:50 pm. Assistant Professor of American Studies and History at Penn State Harrisburg Charlie Kupfer will talk on his critically acclaimed new book, "We Felt the Flames: Hitler's Blitzkrieg, America's Story," Tue, March 23,12:30-1:50 pm., refreshments, The Morrison Gallery. WHAT IS THE HALF-LIFE OF MEMORY: Containment Life after Three Mile Island (TMI). A film by Chris Boebel and Nick Poppy, Thursday, Mar 25,6 pm., Olmsted Auditorium. This is a must-see documentary on the legacy of the 1979 nuclear accident, from the community's perspec- Women’s History Month Wednesday, March 31, and Thursday, April 1 with “Women in Society: Current Issues and Topics,” seven events over two days and related exhibits throughout the campus. All events are flee, and the community is welcome. Refreshments will be served at each event. The first event,on Wednesday,March 3l,fiom 11 am. to 12:15 pm. in the Morrison Gallery of the Library, is “Women, Culture, and Spirituality: The Sights and Sounds of Reclaiming a Sacred Face,” discussion of results of a research study of 22 women of different cultural groups who draw on their spirituality in teaching and learning about culture, diversity and equity issues. The first event on Thursday, April 1, is a panel discussion in the Morrison Gallery of the Library on “Women in the Media.” Panelists Donna Kirker Morgan of WHP-TV, Judy Hricak of Gannett Fleming, Inc., Nancy Sacunas of Sacunas and Saline, Pat Gadsden of Life-Esteem, and moderator Assistant Professor Catherine Rios, will address challenges and opportunities for women in the Concurrent with the “Women in the Media” event is “Women and Wellness” in the Olmsted Building’s Gallery Lounge, from 11 am. to 2 pm. Multiple information, screening, and hands-on application stations include blood pressure, bone density, body fat, and stress screenings, massage therapy, paring tips and samples, and health/wellness educational materials. Door prizes will also Also concurrent is a safety and awareness program, “No Victims Here,” sponsored by Safety and Police Services, with information stations on how to best avoid victimization and to help survivors. Stations will include: Harassment, Acquaintance Rape, Sexual Assault, and Domestic Violence. A Video loop of “Domestic Violence, A Homicide Case Study” will run. “Voices and Votes,” a one-act play by Dr Dorothy King will be performed on Thursday, April 1, from 5-5:45 pm. in the Special Events Room of the Food Court in Olmsted. The last event of the series, “Women Stereotyping Women,” visual presentations and original source research findings, will be presented by Associate Professor Holly Angelique and Assistant Professor Ken Kyle on April 1 from 6to 7:15 pm. in the Morrison Gallery of the Library. We Felt the Flames TMI Documentary media field today. be given out. SGA RALLY IN THE ROTUNDA SPRING BLOOD DRIVE NEARS Monday March 22. Sign up for bus Wed, Mar 31, 10 am. to 12:45 p.m. in Student Activities. (Free) bus and 2:30 to 6 p.m.. Appointments leaves campus at 11:30; rally starts at will be available. Contact Chris 1. Everyone is welcome/urged to attend. Take the bus - no parking problems, but you’re welcome to COLLEGE DEMOCRATS drive, too. Bus returns by 5 p.m. SGA ELECTIONS meetings will be Thursday Apr 1 , Election packets are available in the Apr 15, and Apr 29, in Olmsted E- Student Activities Office (E-131) for 200 from 5-5:50 p.m. the upcoming Student Government Association elections which will be PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB held on Mar 30, 31 and Apr 1. Positions are available for senior Interested in photography? E-mail senators and sophomores. questions to Dr. Sam Winch at tal Times Calendar held for later publication. College Democrats now have a regu lar meeting time and place. The next Blues by KJ James Humor, dexterity, guitar, a genuine blues great. Tue, Mar 23, noon - 1 p.m. Gallery Lounge. Ba da da da DUH. "Celebrate Spring" Stuff-A-Plush on Tue, Mar 23 at 3 p.m., Gallery Lounge. It's back...make your own plush bear! Only 145 bears available. Students only. Sponsored by the Entertainment Council. A new, highly acclaimed (Rolling Stone, Billboard, Village Voice...) coffeehouse per former. NEMO award-winner. Tue, Mar 30, noon - 1 p.m., Gallery Lounge Six Flags Great Adventure Date: Saturday, April 17, 2004 Where: Jackson, New Jersey Cost: $18.25 per student Sign-up: In the community center and the Olmsted Lobby (please bring money with you at sign-up) Bari Koral
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