'The Capitsti'lliinies Calendar Ixff capttirrlesepsti.edtt itamit be held for later publication. • , , DANZON FLAMENCO The flamenco dancer is the spirit of flamenco and the guitarist is the heart. Flamenco is a joyful dance and spirits are lifted wherever Danzon Flamenco performs. Paco de Nada is a world - class guitarist and distinguished teacher Tues., Oct. 14 Noon in the Gallery Lounge Current Art Exhibits Carol Shane's "Full Color" paintings are in the Gallery Lounge (Olmsted) until Oct. 17 Learn Effective Ways to Be a Great Leader at School or in the Workplace! A J ftadership Workshop entitled "Communication and Perceptions," featuring the Metamorphosis Performing Company, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 18 from 8:30 am. to 1:30 p.m. in the Capital Village Community Center on the Harrisburg campus. The workshop is free of charge to all Penn State Harrisburg students and includes a continental breakfast, lunch, and door prizes. Please regis ter for the workshop before Wed., Oct. 15 by phone 948-6701 or by e-mail nlll@psu.edu. The Psychology Program will hold a colloquium on Thur., Oct. 16 at 12:30 pm. in the Olmsted Auditorium. Attorney Hertert "Corky" Goldstein will speak on "Society and the Law". Attorney Goldstein has more than 30 years experience and extensive expertise in legal and public affairs and has held high-level legal, policy, political and public affairs positions with the federal, state and local governments. Everyone is welcome. Wellness Program on Contraception Thur., Oct. 23 from 12:30 -1:30 pm. in E-124. Abstinence and contraceptive methods will be dis cussed. Come and see the latest devices! Free samples will be provided. For more information, contact Marylou Martz, RN, SHS, or email mfm3@psu.edu DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: "Behind Closed Doors" (Harrisburg) Judy Walter, a medical advocate with the Hershey Medical Center and the YWCA, will be speak ing about domestic violence awareness and prevention. The Silent Witness Project, a memorial honoring women who were murdered in acts of domestic violence, will also be on display. Wed., Oct. 15 noon -1 pm. in the Gallery Lounge. Fact: in the first eight months of this year, at least 78 victims in our state were killed in domestic violence crimes. See websites www.pcadv.org or www.ywcahbg.org. Interested students, faculty and staff are encouraged to attend. For more infor- A lunch time group is being formed for faculty and staff who are curious about the essentials of Christian faith. We will discuss "Mere Christianity" by C. S. Lewis, who wrote some of the best fantasy literature and Christian apologetics of the last century. A note for Lord of the Rings fans: J R. R. Tolkien was a close friend and spiritual mentor of Lewis. For mom details or to indicate interest, contact w44@psu.edu or pbil @psu.edu . Society and the Law (Harrisburg) mation, email Jeninifer Allshouse jual@psu.edu Christianity: Separating Fact from Fiction lllDZWA'noMiblilni Club's next meeting is Mon., Oct. 20 at 5 p.m. in E-314. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, please con tact vice-president Brian Ostella at bjoll7@psu.edu or secretary Jessica Brehm at jmb642@psu.edu. The Ski and Snowboard Club has held its first meeting: if you were unable to attend, email Jason Smeltz, at psuskinsnowboard club@yahoo.com as soon as possible so you can still be eligible for discounts and be part of our fundraisers and programming for information please email jeb2B3@psu.edu o e.e ' eiu• wan Penn State Harrisburg is currently forming The College Republicans Club. This is a great resume builder and an opportunity to network among political leaders. Political discussions, social activities, and political forums will take place throughout the year. If you are interested please e-mail Rodney Horton @ rlh2s4@psu.edu. Meetings are held every Tue at 1 p.m. in E-202. Come with suggestions/ideas and help decide what entertainment and events will be held at Penn State Harrisburg. Intramural Registration Entry deadline for Intramural Touch Football (Harrisburg) is Mon, Oct. 13. Coed Racquetball Tournament entry deadline is Tue, Oct. 21. There is no entry fee and entry forms are available for both activities in the lobby of the CUB. For further information call the Recreation/Athletics office at 948- 6266 or 6267. Pumpkin Carving! On Tue, Oct. 21 Fall Fest will begin at noon on Vartan Plaza. Stop by and vote for your favorite decorated pumpkin, pick up a small pumpkin and decorate it yourself, guess the weight of the "big" pumpkin, have a candy apple, pick up a treat bag and a fall dessert recipe book. Relax and listen to "Boost" while you eat your FREE hot dog with sauer kraut, cider, pumpkin cookies, apple cake and hot chocolate. See you there! Field of Screams The Black Student Union will sponsor a trip to the Field of Screams, "America's #1 Haunted Attraction," on Fri, Oct. 24. Everyone is welcome to attend -- students, faculty and staff. The bus will leave campus at 5 p.m. and return at 10 p.m.. Tickets are $3 and can be purchased in the Olmsted Lobby Oct. 20,22, and 23 between 11:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Capital Union Building (C.U.8.) Hours for the fall semester are as follows: Mon thru Thur, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sat and Sun, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. REMINDER: Facility users MUST present Penn State ID at the sign-in desk each time they use the C.U.B. facilities. eds Memb
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