Ctait Frmla •«!...« far ansa** Ciytml That Stuff ’ m «* * 1 Mvr T p “* “ it* jwtuU* on 0* 21 branch ct is «)aally m*M tea year. %U million pswMKtaf vuh Mid Andy Cro m vim ptc*dua tot on-fnanaf s ' Su irnlhoß doUas will be nnml ela»tf win-win timaiJon. an lu bwldina Ox sew AeadeaucMlfcleur Rsu *» any oSmiataoegoj Canvocaimn and Event. Cesw at w«**ct*«i wanoaeof An* l Mventtv Pkrt Uwveratv Uferines mB pnsugroi» arm-walk* CTSSmVi S 5 will Abbosttb anh * ~P»d« h».miff ***—— wft-dfink imHuh. Bmbb fctt ss'isarstis: rtssr-sr?' ** Ifa WUfrlluiH il ittii ni <mH XK HWjffj sot * (jrSa£»hwlMaM|jbsd«nto and Batljiin »«.<•’ if || nun. MMylnilt fry HhMWT ftsttinaia BOttIMHAMIiW *«» an <rt*y pleased ab«a HU. *•“** **» «■* «{Wm wm Jh» p*ng StHe/ SftM CWWffc *«*£.J&%*■*. *W« J^w***' . oaSrata* ta*a," <»tK^«iaM«Mi><MO«ttlSw»ii Ota. taatfenanty. - ~,« "On owl frailty, awrturau ~ -■■ - , , n>4naif *»1 VTKKttikc eoqponw ** otaanta*efmSaw.tartlywill »taai<a)««mM*s* A#* *» MMM «w« 8* «$», M* benefit fet mat to w«*,'He rtd P4rtftc«aip. toolteotfts>nod canein . ..in.ii..nii„.,■».«■■■■■■ . - iKefr mortß. I "S'j a ttaoc ta» R» State few » I mate'PefixeKu rawiy manta,* »ly « rt »»»y ftam ai eaaiwtrtoß,' The IMvemitjr win eeeeive $1,4 said Ton* ft»»g«o, > »cmw c»*in«tins mttttaa «» yam smt the tro-ycw ttfc of major, “Is* cohisbos knowledge iPat PSH iterstwwtata, neetfeamswtftney. Isugycn (tat?SH fares*,ft4»ptoMejKiu*lw;tijlas j«8«U in *e **»», wsffc* Iwtae, out ike to pisec t» logo oa Ipc siaitt scorepoani in fcsiiltiieg, coi«-ope«ii»d fcrew Beovet SiMlam, and will Pe the primary nwisto*. Jm Dm nmenue H»f* bKtisg wot k«w«em the major twsweri«B Cttawtaatata Ceiaet. Pepsi afr&gaihcd cotta giicti.* A Witmer pleads guilty in PSH theft purchase cadet* to bay $1519 la clothing purchase orders, reduced and restricted She and gifts ft™ the Pern State BartisfcMtg number rtf people authorised in deal wish Bookstore, and materials {mm local swifting purchase order vendors , and will A former manager or facilities and merchants, including a latwunower, a pay closer mention to matting purchase matarenacee operations at Fenn State ladder. building and roofing material*, asdmamhhapwstadhranmty Harnsiwirg has plißKled guihy to Stealing loois.anaaSßg RedsprWpesff in*. Edward Danksnfch. Warner's successor, 535.613 in roots and building mauimls B itmer used some of the maieruts to »iiU ‘lt's highly imlikeiy that tins type of front the university. put an addition on his Etiaabethiown action could happen again, based art ali Kcmvtuh E.Witmer, 42, was sentenced residence, improve his summer home in these check* and balances,* :: to a SUM Bile, $20,854 in resttaaion to Rchaboih Beach, Bet., and build a home South agreed, but Kkted. 'Systoiis aie Sham State, two years prohation and on Chestnut Rotui in Conewago Twp.. falftbk. if someone want* to cheat, community service. which he end his brother taler sold for eventually someone wiit figure oat a way Dauphin County Chief District $33,21X1, court papas also say. u> do thin * Attorney William T. Tutly told the James !>. South ti, associate provost According to court papers, the problem Patriot-News his office agreed to stand for administrative operations, said surfaced in October iftite. One of Wiurtcfs silmt at the sentencing and i<-"icigr It tit.' lumei'iiy nrtmntrcd l'ur.hsMiif doff. Work Management Coordinator Jay counts of theft by deception into one pr.ict.UiiKs udtowmg me ihclt. Qifiuals Michael Ray, satdhe notned inepitasics count in eseissuge for Wkmerisplea, found it was posrtbto for someone to while neuehir * purchase order* with paid la addition to restitution, eentt paps** . say Wttmor has returned oppress maicly the WE. Scuift said 'he dufl »e» (bscuveseri m $14,800 ia tools and unused maierMhf.ro fid* EWert* 1990, butdeeibiedte discuss Peats Stum. r t* s **® 8 ”' 11 '' ICtiti Marcel Capital Times Staff fees the asnte of sealing Vartan contributes e $2.7 million to school &y*n CupiUtl Timts Staff Pena Slate Hamslrntg recently received 52.? million from Barmburg entrepreneur and Pout Slate aiunouts }<&m Vartan. Aixcrdiftg to to© Pairwtt News, the **& 1$ largest to (he history of the empifg, mms p&fms gifts m&t by V»«» tothe tdMoi^ft& the espectSit by Uie Vartan family Peon Slate President Jonh Thomas »ui t* PrtJ ut P*. he •> ,fcb*,b*'i receive *tS& lmpr&»#v» vifte of confidence from *!«- Y&iw lamßy,” He said that the gift will create an endowment at Pent? Suae Hairisimrg. He said the mtite amount wtli be invented with the interest used to support venotis selected projects and programs. Penn State Harrisburg Dean anti Pro-rost Ruth ieventhal called Varan "a primary patron of thsx inatilatum/ and noted that he has beco a enacts) figure in the growth <rtf the cant pure daring the wm. Vmm is chaiman of Vartan Enterprises lac. of Hamsfcurg and chairman of the hoard of dim.k»c «!' limphts National Bank. He is a founding member <?f die Peiui State Harrisburg Board of Advisors, a tester in campus ftmd raiding ar><s a member of the alumni society, Vartan received hm master's degree in engmeermg from }%&» State Httristarc raim Charles A. Cole. zhaimm of the graduate program in cavirooirmitfal pollution eoaboi knew Vartan as both a sfcKfeM*}deo~w«tos*\ ColcsaidYmae was oae of the first gmtomsiwteiits he ever taught and was a "very focuserT lessen who knew where to go and sei shoot a pirn to do k' Cole worked with Vanart on coasaUihig Jobs m Uw Hi id ami salts*l the farnrs esMepmaeur ’hard woriaa# usd very determined at Mm school and work/' Cole sawi tSiai following graduation Vartan Jdarfed bis QWfi otivironmetiu! engineering company and expanded his miemsts Is jpfopordes, real estate amt eonstn&'don. Vmm ms named* Alumni Fellow at frsm Stm Harrisburg m vm< and is art esteemed member of tbs Mmm Niitany Society,, which tzcog&km (he highest level of philanthropy to Pena Staid. Vartan, who cowld not be reached for ooouaßMh for donating St9a.ooo for the Ctenhar of Technology, S6L(K*) to the major gifts campaign, a SMVSm gift to the Pena State Hamsbnrg Downtown Ceatec, aad $ HI,OOO to the Renaissance Scholarship Fund. A. The Pepsi-controlled domination of PSH’s eating and drinking habits goes into effect, Sept. 1992. B. Things get a little out of hand after the cops ruin a good time in Meade Heights, Oct. 23, 1992. C. Our fair campus’ silver anniversary celebration, Oct. 4-5, 1991. D. If you had any idea how frustrated the staff at WPSH are right now, you’d find this article very funny. E. Maybe Vartan will cough up $4 million and get the library named after him. Heck, he gave us this money back in 1991. F. Somehow it’s justice when a guy rips off more than $36,000 but is only required to repay less than $21,000 of it. Seewttmer.pegeS New audio equipment WPSH, the voice of Perm Slate Harrisburg, is ready for another year of bringing the student body great music and information. According to Terry Wolf, the station’s new general manager, this year's "mind-set" is slightly different from (hat of previous years, "We want to be here POP the student body. W« want to gef people involved by i«l»g them fertow what is goifig on," Wolf said. ”We’rs going to wage a war against pudnnt apathy, and m don’t like to tose,“ WPSH has a new weapon to aid them in their haliie. W equipment. The recantly purchased equipment includes two yamghwsjseate cabhteK,;tw»poßy contpact disc players, a 45)0-wa»’Peayy amp, * Sony stereo cassette deck, a Technies auto turntable, various sound cords, mtes and accessories. Wifi will he trying to round up clubs interested in holding dances m a means ot fund raising. The staff plans to make things easier m the clubs hy PSH FLASHBACK Eight students charged with disorderly conduct after raid fmrtj s(mmn sell alcohol without a license and to serve Capita! Timas Staff ateoho! to minors. Mto for this rnsAemsmm could include a 5-year jail Eight Penn Stale Harrisburg students *«»«»<* mdfor fines of about $2OOO, facfrTrfaffgrtt t)4 tiwl puf Atetegytttd. indent a charce of miblic druaketatt after wt<fcdded police elided two parties in hfeade Heights WJO with the lighter jcßtenco," AJtlusy 0,1 Suo<w»i*nr of s.ifp.iv Bad Mkr The smetttttGfeaehlSßis will be sal by Smvtora Cterttw AWoy that each of Marks Wee Robot Y«»h once the carries a maximum fine of Smdcnt allegations have been filed for Charged wito disorderly conduct are violations of the University Code of Crystal Amend. Kart Miller, Scott Conduct Rapper, Steven Betarie, Ryan Beennse of prtvagr policies. Crotithamel, Wdfia« Price and Erica cannot Michencr. Kim Beish faces public be telcased to the public. aaid Bon dnmkemss charges, Atefcqr said. Bolcanan.dhcs^ofjtjadentaffain!. uui A student Violation of toe code of MutAlKrrl con!,uct *«*<•& *" 8 disciplinary Krltv all *r '• 7 rT ~ , suspension from class or m toe extmne ctoged with underage dtfc&mg. Atefaty «,p U Won imm the University, Hetaan these penalties am a result of ft St*- police department raid of two parties involving atom than ICO students. While police checked IDs, someone slashed a toe and smashed a window cm a Middletown police cm, Penn State Police Services are investigating to determine "Our discipline system is @ared toward who did it, Alcksy said they have *o education rather than punishment,’ information so far. Hotaman said. Everyone eamght at the party had to Police confiscated the SIS 3 that was provide proper idertttifcsfion before being collected far admission to the Parties. The released. Those charged were involved in district attorney told Afeksy fast die •he collection of money tom guests for money could be pat into student entry or serving the beer. programs. People Cited for disorderly conduct *1 put it in a Student Government could have been charged with violation of account far the sole purpose of alcohol Honor control laws that mate it illegal to awareness programs,” Alefcsy said. PSH celebrates 25th anniversary lumnr an l *iul tl uwl k> be * Thomas tjuMKl b»«<wll *a«ai Yo*> jl-. Am M (**£« SuMfefiu. «KttU*. staff ttti Hamm gathered *1 Fean stota Harrisherg-## *h« yw»yfc. t T>w«Htt tts 25th Anniv-ersary ?re^c*e^«hw«ewfi^Kre*tf«ai>. Ocs. <*-§ with speeches, dtaeees, sports Aecordsn® to ****»**♦ «wsnis*ft4l«e«aK»fe*» saeasatfon* wiR oecar ift the das»^»n C*?m Tim** WMidMdt and nerntiaiil sinew fc*ies«v« t><inßSatt »«!*#t*.a» %nw apMi tw (eaeSer* end CojivwaKi®* Ccretnony henan Sasawfav. *tude»«* wit! cnmimsmcatc by Ocl.S m 9:30 ».m. in the Sculfwite ttlecorormatteelions «y»B»8 bolt! dwine Cadab and oatade of class, changing fl» rote ot The ceremony, which feanaed bsyaow mctw). fonfeTfeontn«>nnni<lg'uafPn*a tonpomat li»«B oT i»» *e*i# g?L‘^ vw ** ** d *•"«** JStSSSIwSS?' •Be careful where you sm~yvn Hugh* m. tfecrs * Thorn#® *®kL adorns “The improves radio station These aettaa* may be sapplcuieated witb«to<*t«>nai programs, Hotamw «*id. Pot example, sou Sena died for afcotol law violations oorritt be required to attend alcohol awareness classes. $!«»&« See AimMmiy, paw % have to worry about selling enough tickets to pay tor the entertainment* WPSH wilt t» «Ne to offer a wide range of musical styles, as well as divers* tilts to go with them. Thcir mask; repertoire includes everything from aSatikffve to rap, classic rock to heavy metal, and according to Wolf, "#*«» a tew styles they haven't named SitesSfe ■ The new WPSH officers ter the 1901 •» school year are Terry Wolf, general manager; Andy Jte, assistant 'tatitm manager. Boh fat™. ruvlmnmi dues lor. Brian 1 eiJ pc punnol dirct ha, tarry tones, business Manager; Jack Frank, sates director amt Barb Twit. Any dubr* organimuon mifreneit .1. hiring WPSH for a (font* should cotHti t Terry Well or Jack t rank by fear rn r a letter in the WPSH itratlho* in the student Bvtivmcs oilico, tv by calling tin eMim
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