"How long do you think it will be before the majority of students begin to purchase their textbooks on-line?" Faisal Hafiz Information Systems As the technology has skyrocketed, it seems now you can literally buy anything on-line. As far as text books for colleges are concerned, it is just a click away. Lately, I surfed on “www.varsitybooks.com” and the prices were fairly decent. It is the way to go. PSH Society News Susan E. Stegall (Accountancy Catherine Denise Stewart Class of '97) and Ronald P. (Secondary Education English) Stegall (Literature major) are the had a baby girl, Catherine M., on proud parents of Sarah Catherine, August 23, 1999. She weighed I bom August 13,1999. Shewighed seven pounds, seven ounces at ' eight pounds and was 21 inches birth, long at birth. Policies of The Capital Times The Capital Times is published by the students of Penn State Harris burg. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author and are not representative of die college administration, faculty or student body. Concerns regarding the content of any issue should be directed to the editors. The Capital Times welcomes signed letters from readers. No unsigned submission will be reprinted. However, a writer's name may be with held upon request and by approval of the editors. You may reach His Capital Times at Penn State Harrisburg Campus, W 341 Olmsted Building, 777 W. Hanisbutg Pike, Middletown, Pa., 17057. You may phone at (717) 948-6440, or email at captimes@psu.edu. AH materials - articles, photographs and artwork - are property of The Capital Times. No parts of this paper may be reproduced without the expressed written permission of the editors. The Capital Times does not endorse its advertisers. Advisor Crispin Sartwell Editor Matthew McKeown Sports Barry J. Hicks . Graphic Designer Alice Potteiger Wilkes Amy Costabile Structural Design and Construc tion Engineering Technology (SDCET) I think that it won’t be too much longer. Maybe three or four more Writers & Contributors Nicole Burkholder Brad Clements Amanda Fry Bryan Kapschull Ken Lopez Paula Marinak Daniel McClure Brad Moist Cathie McCormick Musser Kristy Pipher Barb Roy Una L. Sickler Interviews and photos by Kristy Pipher Mike Johnson Information Systems Not until the information about pur- I figure that it will be about three chasing textbooks becomes avail- years before most textbooks are able for the students. Also, the purchased on-line, availability of computers for stu dents needs to be expanded. CAMPUS POLICE NEWS By Kristy Pipher Capital Times Staff Writer August 23, 1999 3:31 p.m. Traffic control at the bookstore. Conducted traffic con trol and ticket enforcement for ob served violations and congestion. August 24, 1999 12:45 p.m. Traffic stop on College Avenue. A citation was issued for a speed-related moving violation. August 24, 1999 1:58 p.m. Suspicious activity. There was a report of BB gun shots fired in the rear Olmsted parking lot. August 24,1999 10:30 p.m. Noise complaint on Kirtland Avenue. An incident in volving fireworks being shot off at a residence on August 21 is under investigation. August 26,1999 11:37 a.m. Weapons policy. There was a request to store a student’s weapon as per university policy. August 26, 1999 2:38 p.m. Health and safety. The police were called to check the welfare of a person sleeping in a vehicle in the Olmsted parking lot. August 26, 1999 6:09 p.m. Traffic stop at College Avenue and O Street. A citation was issued for a speed-related Jordan Merkel Information Systems moving violation, August 27, 1999 9:53 p.m. Traffic detail on Nelson Drive. Several phone calls were re ceived in relation to speeding in the Meade Heights area. Traffic in the area was monitored in response. August 29, 1999 2:52 p.m. Mulch fire at the Olmsted Building. There was a tan bark fire in front of the Olmsted Building at the handicap accessible ramp. Po lice extinguished the fire. August 29, 1999 4:00 p.m. Community relations. Police attended the new semester picnic at Meade Heights and spoke with the community. August 30,1999 2:20 p.m. Vehicle lockout in the childcare parking lot. Car keys and small child were locked in a vehicle. Police gained access to the vehicle. August 30, 1999 5:45 p.m. Possible theft. Money was reported missing from the glovebox of a vehicle while parked either on campus or at home. There were no signs of forced entry to the vehicle. August 30, 1999 8:58 p.m. Vehicle assistance in the Olmsted Building parking lot. A jumpstart was provided. Michele Myers Public Policy Most students that know about it already do. However, 1 still go to the bookstore. But only because 1 didn’t know about it until classes started. August 30, 1999 9:35 p.m. Vehicle assistance in the Olmsted Building parking lot. A jumpstart was provided. August 31, 1999 3:00 p.m. Traffic accident. Report of a two vehicle accident in Swatara Township involving a uni versity vehicle. Minor injuries and damage to vehicles. August 31, 1999 6:25 p.m. Vehicle lockout in the Olmsted Building parking lot. Car keys were locked in a vehicle that was left running. August 31, 1999 6:48 p.m. Found property. Keys were found in the bookstore. The owner was contacted. August 31, 1999 6:59 p.m. Health and safety. Re port of a motorcycle leaking a small amount of gasoline in the rear Olmsted Building parking lot. The owner was contacted. September 1, 1999 5:25 p.m. Traffic stop at College Avenue and O Street. A citation was issued for a speed-related moving violiftion. September 1, 1999 6:02 p.m. Traffic stop on Univer sity Drive. A citation was issued for a speed-related moving viola tion.
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