Page 2 PARKING FEE: A NECESSARY EVIL Gina L.V. Krall Capital Times Reporter After the continual snow blizzards that hit Pennsylvania, the weekly scene of Eskimos desperately shoveling their cars out became ritual. Once the cars could manage the snow and ice-covered roads, students had to struggle to find their way through the snow pile maze on the parking lot of PSH. In order to create some parking spots, the snow was piled into large mounds in the back of the parking MELTING SNOW CAUSES DAMAGE TO BOOKS Michael J. Reteneller Capital Times Reporter Water damages 275 books as Penn State Harrisburg awaits the $17.3 million grant to he released by the state. Harold Shill, Division Head of the Library, said that over 40 percent of PSH's bound periodicals are kept in remote storage in the red brick buildings acres from police services The books that were damaged were located on the sills in the The Journal of Black History was perimeter of the annex, Shill said. s i gn ifi can tly damaged by the water. Volumes 39-57 from the years Shill explained that the books were placed on the sills because of P' YEARBOOK ...111E NEED HELP!!! IF WE DON'T GET HELP THERE WILL BE NO YEARBOOK. IF YOU CAN ONLY SPARE HALF--11OUR THAT WOULD BE FINE. INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED IN ROOM 212 OR BY CALLING DONALD STONER-717 393-2062 lot which, while trying to alleviate the problem, only created more of a problem. Students had to weave in and out of the lines trying to find a parking spot closer to the college than to the elementary school nearby. They were left to ask, "Is this where my $4O went?" The $4O per semester full-tine and $2O per semester part-time student registration, just recently implemented goes toward insutlicient shelf space in the library. "The damage occurred when the extreme cold caused moisture to form on the walls," Shill said. The library is in coordination with the preservation department at State Park, Shill said. The damaged books have undergone a freeze-drying process which has been successful, Shill said. improving the roads, walkways, lighting, etc., on the campus (excluding Meade Heights) according to Sandra Jackson, director of business services. Many students and faculty arc concerned about the inflated parking fee and also the disbursement of that money. Since the vehicle registration is still in its beginning stage, however, improvements have been slow and have not been evident. According to Jackson, snow removal has cost close to $70,000 due to the terrible weather this semester. 1916-1931 absorbed a significant amount of moisture. "We very much want to keep these books preserved," Shill said. Once the money is released PSH will begin its four year construction plan on the new library, Shill said. The new library will be placedin a central mall adjacent to the Olmsted Building on the southeast side, Shill said. According to Shill, 'The priority for summer is to create additional space for our collections." News Johnson also said that the school has taken a 10 percent budget cut, which hinders some campus programs. Dr. Patricia Johnson, Associate Professor of Humanities and Literature, thinks that there should be an annual accounts payable that informs everyone where the money is being place. Johnson also stated that there should be a suggestion box where the ideas about improving the maintenance of the school. This PLANNING THE FUTURE LIBRARY Eileen A. Cushey Special to Capital Times As most everyone who has visited this campus knows Penn State Harrisburg is painfully in need of a new library. The project has been approved, but Governor Casey has not yet released the funds for the venture. While the campus waits for Governor Casey to open his heart to hour noble endeavor, the library Design Team has initiated a campaign to solicit the opinions of students, faculty and staff. In coming weeks, expect to see surveys, suggestion boxes and open forums, as the Library Design Team asks for your input. Is there something you would like to see in the "library of the future""? What would make the new Library to further your research needs? These are some of 234-2436 Shining Light Thrift Shop OPERATED BY THE ST. VINCENT dePAUL SOCIETY Hlost 1 i ..... .... ..,„.„„. ..... ... .. „...1,..:..,,:::::.:„„,:,:::: women s di cal Center .......,..........:... ..... ............-............ fr Me ............. ............... .*-iJ A b t• : ......... r on o i !„,, . 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Eighty dollars a year is a lot for one student to pay. For that amount, several books could be bought for one or more classes. the questions for which the team seeks answers The Library Design Team hopes for a great response to its queries so that the needs of the entire campus can be communicated to the library's planners. after it gathers the opinions of the campus community the team will relate these concerns to Dr. Harold Shill, Division Head of the Library. Incidentally, for those interested in reviewing the current proposal, the program statement for the new library has been placed on reserve at the Circulation Desk. If after perusing the statement you think you have something to contribute, let your concerns be known to the Library Design Team. PROFESSIONAL 0 Word Processing • , ..Z ..w ...., ~Z.: O Need your resume, tbesi or term paper typed by a deadline? Don't hare access to a laser printer, or you. just aren't a typing wiz? REASON ABLE RATES FREE PICK-UP 091111* & DELIVERY (if necessary i Call us at : 1 ------ 9 56 6 --- 25 1 4 1 514.54044.544. 1 The Capital Times April 17, 1994 For instance, if a student attends classes each semester, including summer, the fee is to the around that the faculty must pay for one year. The money earned from this fee adds up. If as an example, 2,000 students attend this campus for one semester, that is by simple mathematics $BO,OOO earned. For one entire year, the school would be earning $160,000. Dr. Johnson agrees, however, that all of this money collected will hopefully improve the conditions on our campus. LIBRARY DESIGN TEAM EILEEN CUSHY SCOTT MATEER DR. BRONNER DR. CHEN DR. DEXTER DR. HOFFMAN DR. LAU DR. NECHEMIAS NANCY KARLIK EARN S5O-$250 FOR YOURSELF This fundraiser costs nothing Call now and recelue e free gift. 1 - 800-932-0528 eHt.65 WASTED YOUTH. t . 7 and lasts one week
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