CAPITAL TIMES, September 12, 1990 LETTER FROM PSU's PRESIDENT lUNLI J AAaiI .n ajuLLCII II. I .II. Miwd As I begin to develop a deeper understanding of the University, I am pleased to see that it is a diverse community. Diversity runs both broad and deep within the fabric of Penn State. Yet there is much more we need to do to ensure that all of us take full advantage of the diversity that is here and to create a community that will make it welcoming place for everyone. In reviewing the past ten years at Penn State, it is apparent that progress was made here in terms of increased numbers of minorities. But we are all also keenly aware of the many frustrations that can accompany efforts to diversify a University as complex and comprehensive as Penn State. We have an opportunity, working together, to make the 1990's a decade to remember as a time when Penn State gathered its substantial resources--students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends--to work for the common goal of establishing a substantially more diverse institution. For Penn State to continue its momentum toward the ranks of the very best universities in the nation, the University must reflect the diversity of society at large. To fulfill our responsibility to the citizens of the Commonwealth, of the nation and of the rapidly emerging global village, this institution must have a broad and unobscured vision. Two years ago few could have foreseen the fundamental and historic changes that are occurring around the world today. An adequate education is not one that simply prepares students to live in today's world. The education of the 1990's must provide students with the tools to live in a quickly changing future. The ability to adapt to change is perhaps the most fundamental attribute we can instill in today's youth. I can think of no better preparation for the future than for our young people to learn to find value in the differences among us, to appreciate the diverse backgrounds we all bring to this institution, and to help others fmd value in that diversity. For our students to realize that vision, the University's faculty, staff, and administration have a responsibility to lead the way. I stand in those ranks and ask you to join with me. Sincerely, Toab Thomas ATTENTION STUDENTS, FACULTY STAFF: The fine for parking in a handicapped or temporarily disabled space has been increased to $l5. Ili.lll •_ •■MMNI•MINNIN • • • • • • • I Any budding Journalists, photographers, typists, graphil designers...who are dedicated and hard working! ■ If you Or anyone you know fits this description, report immediately to Room W-341 and Join the Capital Times ;Staff! • We have state-of-the-art Apple Macintosh Plus • • ;Computers and a Laserwriter Printer, along with the current desktop publishing software packages. Become I • part of a team that works to create a ualuable resource: for students and staff at PSH and learn desktop • • mpubisihirm -- hands on! I • 111111111111111ra(mis l immiameamilasesmommommornamernames • NEWS DON'T GO ALONE TAKE AN ESCORT The Escort Service will follow the time schedule set forth for the Fall Semester starting August 29, 1990 and ending December 7, 1990. The times and locations listed below are pick-up and drop-off points. 8:10 p.m. 8:20 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:10 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:05 p.m. 11:10 p.m. During finals weeks (December 9th to the 14th) the following addition will be added to the Escort Service Schedule. 12:00 p.m. 12:05 p.m. 12:10 p.m. ANSWERS TO COLLEGIATE CROSSWORD AND CAMOUFLAGE FROM 11 ODOM' 3110103 MOBBOBB ©©©Maid MORUOUR namoman 800 8808803 BMA 001110 OBBOU BUM nmonn RCM MOOR MCIBBOOR RBBOR MEM MOBO ROMP] minnow' gonna moo ©©BOB 8880 MIRROR num ARM rannonnn MOB nmnainnn nßnnnna nnmnnnm mnnnonn onninn nnnnn um.. ............. ID .......................... a n e • • Coffee House Wrisberg Hall Office Olmstead Building (Front Center) Olmstead Building (Front Center) Wrisberg Hall Office Coffee House Olmstead Building (Front Center) Wrisberg Hall Office Coffee House Olmstead Building (Front Center) Wrisberg Hall Office Coffee House 111 1,3 V M H 0 11 S 3 CZNYAPIWI We 6 I/ 411 tri&l r • PA Oh V 1 0 3 INIDII
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