PSH clubs face funding problems Derrick Stokes Capital Times Staff Funding problems place the future of Penn State Harrisburg clubs in uncertainty. The Student Government Association and its Finance Committee cite the lack of a budget increase for this year as the problem of adequately fund the growing number of clubs. The Finance Committee has been severely criticised by club presidents for their handling of student activity funds. According to Janet Widoff, the Director of Student Activities and the , advisor for SGA, the school received $31,900 this year. The Finance Committee received the same amount last year to allocate to 28 clubs. This year the number of clubs has increased to 35 with a possibility of two clubs being added. Members of the Finance Committee refused to be interviewed by the Capital Times individually. They did agree to talk to reporters as a committee. Michelle Noecker, SGA Tresurer and Finance Committee Chairperson, Mitch Sklar and Jim Bailoni attending the conference. Judy Farina, Carol Kilko and Lynn Jesuitt failed to attend. There are no business majors on the Finance Committee. stairwell about the class they just left. t Jos he Capital Times • HARDEE'S Help Wanted $4.25 to Start Weekdays & Weekends Must be able to work weekends Apply in person Rt. 230 & Nissley St. Middletown, PA Phone 944-7717 "We've got to work with what we got," Noecker said. "We work with what is present in the budget," added Mitch Sklar. Sklar, a SDCET major, served on the Finance Committee last year. Dr. James D. South, the Assistant Provost for Student Affairs, said a budget task force sent their budget requests to the provost last spring. Dr. Ruth Leventhal negotiated those requests at University Park. He said there is no formula for determining SGA's budget. "Our's is based on a need analysis basis," South said. "Our pitch has been that it should be increased," he added. "(One year) we were able to get a 20 percent to 25 percent in increase in the student government budget." The Capital Times has learned that in the 1987-88 school year SGA received an initial budget of $23,946. They received an additional $lO,OOO later that year. Last year, SGA received $lO,OOO at the end of the school year that brought total of appropriations from University Park to $41,946. "We would like to expect it (money), but it's all up to University Park," Noecker said. Dr. South said that new limitations will be imposed on the university for next year's budget requests. He said that photo by Denina C. Benson SAC workshops & support groups The Student Assistance Center (SAC) will offer the following workshops to Penn State Harrisburg students: Graduate School Preparation A workshop for prospective graduate students. Tips on how and when to apply, making choices, developing useful strategies Facilitator: Linda Meashey Monday, Oct. 9, 1989 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Register by Oct. 8 Assertiveness Training Learn how to express yourself openly, honestly, and directly. Tuesdays, Octobeer 10 and 17, 1989 from 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Register by October 9, 1989 Communications Skills A workshop that teaches you how to get your message across, both in your CAMPUS Penn State Harrisburg will not be allowed to ask for more than a five percent increase for SGA's budget. South explained that if the total college budget is $lOO, the most the school can ask for is $lO5. "The fiscal reality is that the university cannot fund some programs," he added. Clubs will have to organize fund raisers to generate additional income. "There is some expectation that clubs will do something in their behalf to generate some income," said Janet Widoff, SGA advisor. She added that clubs that don't put forth the effort to raise money independently can't expet to receive additional money from the university. The Capital Times and WPSH radio station had the highest budget requests. Head of the Humanities Division, Dr. William Mahar said that SGA should consider the records of performance of the Capital Times and WPSH. He called the two organizations "educational enterprises" that provide a "vital service" to the school. "The Capital Timei and WPSH have good organizations," he said. "Both of them are vital to this campus." However, he said the humanities division will not provide economic .assistance to the, two clubs. He said he personal and professional life. Section I Tuesdays, October 24 and 31, 1989 from 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Register by October 23, 1989 Section II 1989 Wednesdays, November 8 and 15, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Register by November 7, 1989 Career Concerns Tips on career decision making, resumes and cover letters, job search strategies, and interviewing techniques. Facilitator. Karl Martz Thursday, Oct. 26 and Nov. 2, 1989 12:15 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Register by Oct. 25, 1989 The SAC will announce additional upcoming workshops in future additions of the Capital Times. The SAC also sponsors the following support groups: Gay and Lesbian Issues, for the homosexual The CAS:tail Tinteis ,hereby , challeingta any oihei. campus club-or organization to a game of walleyball. Any group foolhardy enough to accept should notify us in W-337, or via our mailbox in room 216 or call at 944-4970. Good'll need it! October 4, 1989, CAPITAL TIMES thinks a fiscal relationship between the campus newspaper and the radio station would weaken their independence. "It will create a conflict of interest," he added. "The Cap Times should be free of interference." Although Mahar said that the humanities division would do everything they could to help, that doesn't include financial assistance. "I believe the money should come out of the Student Government area," he said. on paper what funds the clubs can expect if anticipated revenues are received. SGA recommendation of the Finance Committee. Committee members at first said that there have been cuts in the funds they will have to work with, however, advisor Janet Widoff later said that the SGA will not receive as much money as last year. "(The committee) has just decided to do it differently this year," Widoff said, adding that the members of the committee are new and inexperienced. The foray ended as Finance Committee members agreed to put down community; Survivors of Sexual Abuse, for victims of incest, rape or other forms of sexual abuse; Mothers Without Custody, for mothers without child custody; and Separating/Divorcing Students, for students in the process of marital separation ce divorce. Students interested in these support groups should contact Dr. Ed Beck, Coordinator of Counseling Programs, at the student Assistance Center, Olmsted, room W-117, or call (717) 948-6025. The SAC regards all inquiries as confidential. Arrangements will be scheduled to suit student needs. We'll do everything to be your personal financial institution .4111 HOMESTEAD 'SAVIIIGS'" Middletown • Camp'Hill • Elizabethtown • Highspire
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