CAPITAL TIMES, October 4, 1989 Exclusive Sondra Kinsey Capital Times Staff The Nittany Lion has changed his skin this year. The Lion, who has never before been known to talk, granted the Capital Times the following exclusive interview. Q: We noticed your new birthday suit at Orientation this year. What made you decide to make the change? A: Well, actually I didn't. The S.G.A. decided for me. Q: What was wrong with the old one? A: I'd had it for seven years and it was mostly just getting old. My dentures were falling out; my tail was coming off; my legs were rubbed raw. The thing that bothered me most was that my old skin was so hot and heavy. I felt feverish all the time. This nevi one is just dandy. Q: We didn't realize a public figure like yourself had so many problems. Just how much interaction do you have with the public? A: I always go to Orientation. Then, there are the basketball and volleyball games, the lecture series, the ice cream social and a couple other events as they come up. The XGIs like me to go along with them over to the Hershey Medical Center to visit the pediatric unit. They love me over there. That's where I get my tail pulled, sometimes my leg. Q: Besides the skin weight, what else is different about the new. you? A: Fm a little bigger than I used to be. When I'm standing my tallest, I'm about GENERAL NEWS interview: 6'2" and weigh 250 pounds. My helmet skull is bigger, too. We college personalities need more brain room, you know. My tail ligaments are braced. And they replaced my dentures with implants. Would you believe the people who do the suturing wanted to lay my ears down and do away with my incisors! They said I would be too scary. But I insisted on the erect ears and fangs. I didn't want those kids at the Medical Center to think I was a puppy! Q: How do you plan to take care of yourself in the future? A: The same way I have in the past. I go back home to Clearfield Furs once a year for touch-ups and tuck-ups. Q: What about the mental adjustments related to both your recent surgery and lifestyle as a Nittany Lion? With all the internal and external changes, along with your Santa Claus-like übiquitousness, do you ever have conflicts over identity issues? A: Probably not as many as you might think. Whenever I feel stressed, I go hang out in a closet by myself somewhere to get in touch with who I am. Q: If it's not too personal, may we ask how much your reconstruction cost? A: Sure. I think the total bill was about $550. Q: Wow! That's a lot of money. Do you think your hide is worth it? A: What do you take me for? I'm a Somebody. Of course I do. Interviewer: Well, thank you for your time. Lion: A-a-a-r-r-r-rwh r -1 -AIL MO 4lut. 2298 WEST HARRISBURG PIKE I PHONE 944-1437 I I- -I TWO MEDIUM PEPPERONI LOVER'S PIZZA"S FOR $12.99 COUPON IS GOOD FOR EATIN - CARRYOUT DELIVERY I 2298 WEST HARRISBURG PIKE I I PHONE CARRYOUT 944-1437 CEIIVERY 948-0808 j Look! Up in the sky! Mark Olenick Capital Times Contributor On Sept. 16 and 17, Harrisburg International Airport held it's annual airshow. As in many of the past years it managed to rain as least one of the two day on which it was held. Fortunately for the crowd, it was clear and sunny on the day that the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds were scheduled to perform their areal acrobatic show. The Thunderbirds performed for approximately 45 minutes. During this time they displayed various types of flying formations, high speed manuevers, and a spectacular Mach 2 flyby of the grand stand. Besides the Thunderbirds, there were two other stunt flying teams. They were; The Holiday Inn and French Connection. Both flying teams performed their manuevers in modified bi-planes although they did not posess the raw horsepower like the F-16's jets which the Thunderbirds used, their grace and agility more than compensated for the lack of ponies they had under the hood. Stunt flying wasn't the only event at the airshow this year. Their were numerous stationary displays of various aircraft and military equipment. And of course the armed forces were there plugging for new recruits. I managed to avoid the recruiters. The display of planes included World War II bombers, modern fighter/attack jets and the infamous B-2 Stealth Bomber. As I approached the B-2 for a closer look a guard stopped me and said, "no one is allowed past the rope." As I walked away I thought back, "I guess the blonde haired lady with big hoop earrings sitting in the B-2 cockpit was only a figment of my imagination. help Wanted!!! producti°ll f o M r ll athaeg i e . r e n s eeded The Cap i tal r m Contaet theEditofinthief Martin's Touch of Class TANNING AND FIGURE SALON DON'T LET YOUR BEAUTI FUL TAN JUST FADE AWAY. GET STARTED ON A FALL TANNING PROGRAM NOW AND HAVE A TAN FOR THE HOLIDAYS. 100 Brown St., Middletown, Pa. Downtown Mall Phone 944-2400 Mon.-Fri. 8:30-8; Sat. 8:30-Noon MARTIN'S TOUCH OF CLASS TANNING AND FIGURE SALON 10 SESSIONS $39.00 30 DAY UNLIITED $49.50 (SUNAL BEDS ONLY) COUPON GOOD UNTIL OCTOBER 31, 1989
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