Ninety-four percent of Pennsylvanians believe their chances of contracting AIDS are "low" to "very low" according to a recent survey conducted by Penn State Harrisburg for the Pennsylvania Department of Health. While more than 70 percent of the respondents claimed to have an understanding of AIDS, common misconceptions still prevail. -- Almost half of the respondents believe kissing with the exchange of saliva could transmit AIDS. -- A quarter of the respondents believe mosquitos or other insects could spread the virus. -- Twenty percent of respondents believe being coughed or sneezed on by someone with AIDS could transfer the disease. -- Nearly half of those surveyed believed a diapragm offers some protection from the AIDS virus. Conducted by Penn State Harrisburg's Institute of State and Regional Affairs, the survey was intended to explore Pennsylvanians' knowledge and experience with the AIDS virus. "If our state is to meet the growing challenge of AIDS, we have to have a more thorough understanding of how people look at the disease and how they view those who have AIDS," said Dr. Michael Young, associate director of the Institute of State and Regional Affairs. SGA Profile: SGA President is Always On the Go by Amy Blinn and Victoria Cuscino John Nagengast is president of the Student Government Association (SGA), has a strong voice on campus, and is an active participant in other club and community activities. Nagengast is a senior finance major specializing in investment banking and securities. Before devoting his time to the position of SGA President, Nagengast was active in several organizations--the Accounting Club; Beta Chi Business Club; SGA, as a senator and also as a member on the finance committee--and was a resident assistant. Nagengast said all these activities gave him insight to the role of SGA President. When he is not spending time at Journal seeks creative design By Karen L. Peiffer Are you a graphics expert or just an artist at heart? The Information Resources Management Association invites you to submit cover design proposals for their new publication entitled Journal of Microcomputer System Management. Several thousand issues will be sent to members of the Association in 20 different countries. AIDS Survey Released "Education, right now, is the most effective tool we have. We need to find out how much of an impact it's having, and which segments of the population aren't being reached. "While the survey studied Pennsylvanians, the state is not atypical and these attitudes probably reflect the national awareness of AIDS," Young said. According to the survey, AIDS education efforts have been successful in alerting a majority of the public to basic information on the disease. Ninety percent of respondents knew the use of a condom offers protection, and nearly all respondents knew AIDS can be -contracted through sexual intercourse and/or intravenous drug use. The survey also suggests higher income, education and age correspond with an increased understanding of the disease. Those in the under-2., age group displayed the most knowledge of AIDS, while those in the over-65 age group had the least understanding. One in ten respondents claimed to know someone with AIDS. "Among the black population, the survey showed that black respondents were more likely to know someone with AIDS and to view AIDS as very serious," Young said. According to Young, a majority of black respondents also iiidicated that they school or studying, you may find Nagengast at Round Top instructing skiiers, at a Flyers hockey game, or with his girlfriend Melissa. Nagengast's reply about the Lesbian Gay Student Alliance (LGSA) obtaining a seat on the University Student Advisory Board (USAB) was, "The concerns of LGSA should be brought to this advisory board through University Student Government (USG), because it is this organization's responsibility to voice the concerns of the university students." As for recommendations for the future SGA president, Nagengast stresses the need to "make sure you have the majority of the student body's voice before discussing or voting on any major issues." If your cover is selected your name will appear on the inside front cover of the Journal, and as a token of appreciation you will be rewarded with a check for $25.00. Be creative and submit your proposal by April 14 to: The Information Resources Management Association, 4751 Lindle Road, Suite 109, Harrisburg, PA 17111. For further information call Jan Travers at 717-939-8972. were less likely to take risks that may lead to contracting the AIDS virus. Relatively few of those surveyed claimed to have taken the blood test for antibodies to the AIDS virus. Men were more likely to have taken it than women, and only one in seven said they had any plans for taking the test in the future. The majority of the respondents believed they were at no risk of contracting AIDS Staff Positkons Available For Fall 'B9 Semester The Capital Times is accepting applications for the following positions: Editor in Chief, Managing Editor ) News Editor, Business Manager and Advertis ing. Manager for next semester. All applicants are asked to submit a cover letter, of their writing to the Capital Times W. 337 for resume and samp lesOffice, consideration. All positions require ` good communications s kills', theability to work With people, a Workink knowledge of Microsoft Word and Page Maker software systems and the ability to meet deadlines. In order to be h considered' t for the Position candidates must work on one issue with the editor in at position. 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