Should We Reward Mediocrity? Dear Editor, The new plus and minus grading system simply reenforces the degradation of the quality of education in America; it rewards mediocrity and penalizes excellence. Why? Gail Kase The (Campus) Apology Dear Editor, Never could I have imagined that my meeting last Spring with the provost would cause so much grief and anxiety on our otherwise calm and happy campus. When I spoke to our chief of administrative affairs, little did I realize that the suggestion of shelves placed in the men's rooms would create a need to re-vamp the school budget, necessitate 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .511111111111111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111fillIF NEEDED IMMEDIATELY! Asser tive, self-motivated students or organiza tions to promote the #1 Spring Break trip to Florida. Earn free trips and commission money while gaining valuable marketing experience. Call Designers of Travel. 1- j 800-453-9074. 9-16 Dec. SALE% other°fr. HOLIDAYIes IS ) ifts, ale tab , nd hats g items en $ ui shirts a— . 40% "" citrus HQ" ooks 20th%ing, (excePt andot,radeb, , • er 14.48 do_ . 4 , • b • Decem BuYback k§tore used B°°k 61300 State STATEPENNSYLVANIA Penn BY THE PENhurs., 8-4:30 AND OPERATED 8-8 Mon-Thurs., OWNED. AND Hours:Fri. UNIVERSITY the maintenance department in attending classes in design and wood cosmetology, and create a new department under the provost known as assistant to the shelves committee. I did not know that requesting that students have a place to rest college texts and bookbags while tending to mother nature would be the cause for redecorating to be the issue among inte rior decorating majors, would cause angry housewives to be reminded of their juggling acts between child and hus bandry, and would be the germ for a new major literary publication to enter the game of trivial pursuit. Had I known that the suggestion of such shelves would bring about such havoc on campus I dare say that I certainly would have thought twice about the matter. And now I must add an apology to those of you who have no regular business or classes on the second floor or basement of the reknown Olmsted Building. For I am truly embarrassed to be the victim and recipient of preference and reverse discrimination. For behold, on those illustrious floors aforemen tioned, there exists the only two shelved men's rooms on campus. While the shelves are not removable, I dare say, the least I can do is offer to share that luxury with those of you gentlemen who wish to visit those particular public rooms in your passings. No mystery from this author, from the pen of Gene Albano Public Invited to Carol Sing The public is cordially invited to a Carol Sing at Old Sant Peter's Kierch on Sunday, December 13 at 7:00 pm. The Old Kierch, featured on many historical tours, is located on the corner of Union and High Streets in Middletown. This annual caroling program is hosted by St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Middletown. The choirs from area churches have been invited to participate, as well as member of Penn State's Catholic Campus Ministry and United Campus Ministry. For more information, contact the church office at 944-4651. SGA UPDATE By Cindi Greenawalt Donald Alexander, representing faculty council, attended the December 1 SGA meeting. He said the council was considering eliminating student participation on faculty committees because of what appeared to be lack of student interest. He requested SGA consider whether or not students should be included in the future. A petition with more than 100 signatures of students supporting an after graduation social was presented to SGA Nov. 24. The petition could not be acted upon without a budget or request for funding. SGA will purchase a display rack for newspapers received from other Commonwealth campuses. These papers will be available in the SGA office to all students. The Awards Banquet Committee is considering four new awards for club members other than presidents, in recognition of service and dedication. These awards recipients will be chosen by the presidents' council. The two club president awards, chosen by SGA, will be increased to three awards. There are also two awards for SGA members, chosen by the faculty. The last meeting o f the semester was held Dec. 9. Meetings will resume on the first Tues of the Spring semester. United Parcel Service Part-time Employment Opportunities Available $B.OO per hour and up All Shifts Available Strenuous and challenging work available. Must be able to lift 70 lbs. For further information contact Lou Delmonico at 986-8501 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Minority Recruitment Day Held By Bernie Mixon "If you are accepted, it will not be because you are black, a minority, or a woman, but because you have demonstrated your ability to be a success at Penn State Harrisburg." Those were the words of Ruth Leventhal, provost and dean, as she addressed prospective students at the second annual Minority. Recruitment Day held in the CUB, November 17. This gathering was to familiarize these students, most of whom were from Commonwealth campuses, with the Capital College. The keynote speaker of the one day event was Juliet Rowland, president of the United Way of Harrisburg, where she has served since 1976. Rowland enlightened the students to the challenges and opportunities that are before them. The challenges that are most prominent are academic excellence and not to become isolated but to "interface with other minority students." The opportunities would be in the form of internships, academic supports, counselors and interfacing with upperclassmen to get an insight in how things will be for them and what to expect, said Rowland. In addition to the keynote address tours, seminars and meeting with students from this campus provided the suidexts with a sense of what college life is like at Penn State Harrisburg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers