Sept. 16,1987 Campus Commentary Political Survey by Vicki Koon The beginning of our summer was dominated by the Irangate hearings. President Reagan has nominated Judge Bork for the next seat on the Supreme Court. Democratic and Republican candidates are gathering steam for the 1988 presidential election. How politically aware are we as a student body? Are we conservative, liberal, or apathetic? Please answer the following questions and place the answers in the Capital Times box located in the stairwell off the lobby. 1. For purposes of evaluating this survey, please give your age and sex 2. Do you feel that we should support the Contras? 3. Would you like to see Bork's nomination confirmed? 4. Who do you feel is the leading Democratic candidate at this time? 5. Who do you feel is the leading Republican candidate at this time? 6. If you had to make your vote for the next president right now, who would you vote for? 7. Are you registered to vote? 8. What was the last election in which you voted? 9. What other issues would you like to see addressed in this survey? 10. What issues would you like to see this newspaper cover? Hart's Last Stand By Gene Albano It was obvious to anyone watching Ted Koppel's Nightline Tuesday, September 8, that Gary Hart was trying for a comeback. In my opinion, he blew it! On one hand he gives the American public credit for being an intelligent audience and then he comes across like a TV Evangelist who is trying to whitewash dirty 'linen by apologizing to his audience for his wrong-doing but chastizing the press and the public for wanting to know information which he considers was none of their busines. When Koppel asked him if, in fact, he had an affair with Miss Rice, he skirted the question by telling the audience that which he, believed was laying his soul at their feet: he hasn't been faithful to his wife during the nineteen years of their marriage. "Wow," he thinks, "that oughta satify them!" He comes across like a little boy who insists to his mommy that he hasn't had his finger in the freshly iced cake as he's licking the chocolate off his lips. I've always been skeptical of the kids who are overly mannerly when my own kids bring them to the house to meet me. Manners are great, but look out for the kids who sir the hell out of you. Gary said Mr. Koppel more often than I saw him blink his eyelids. His rhetoric had me looking all around for the Trojan horse. happen to think that "Monkey Business" was very appropriate for the name of that boat in Florida. Sorry, Gary, but I don't think your church key is going to get you past the White House Guards. Capital Times Look What They've Done to My Buick, Ma Alright. Enough is enough. A bunch of songrights must be running all out at once. Either that, or there are some very greedy old rockers out there. Whatever it is, there has been quite enough of this using classic pop and rock & roll to sell American goods on television. By trying to jam these raw old songs into thirty second commercials to sell something completely unrelated to the original mean ing, they've shown us their true face. That face is venality. I guess it all started with Carly Simon and Anticipation. Why Carly, who must have a line on at least some of the Simon-Shuster publishing money, why she would want to have her music used as background to some kid slobbering over a ketchup bottle is probably something only James Taylor knows. And now? Well, they've taken'Reetha and put her to jeans by Chic, only pronounce it chick, which shows how utterly stupid they are... You feel like a Natural Woman, sugar? Then take those damn things off! The Jaded Eye: Movie & TV Reviews By C.W. Heiser Apple Records is fighting with Michael "I only Want to pet the Elephant Man" Jackson over the use of the Beatle song Revolution in Nike shoe commercials. I've listened to Revolution, and John Lennon's lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with a bunch of Yups who think that sweating in the Boston Marathon is the peak of western civilization. I don't know if the surviving Beatles are in on this fight, or just their front people, but even Ringo "Classic Nose" Starr would be justified in protesting this rape. It get's worse. There was a time when American cars sold on reputation. If it was made in America you knew it was good machinery. I remember cranking Spencer Davis up on the AM radio in my '6l Ford Falcon...Ahh, Red Betty... The same Falcon who's oil I didn't even check for over a year and a half. Try that today... Now they're using Gimme Some Lovin' to push some cheap-jack, phony sports car—some half assed hybrid with a Japanese engine in an American rattle-trap, union made body. Hell, let the Nips make the whole thing, they're the only ones doing Henry Ford proud. And worse. They're moving pickup trucks to the tune Lean On Me. Look-see, most rednecks wouldn't know Bill Withers from a stump, even those who did would probably have more in common with the stump. This would be funny, except these commercials for pickups aren't aimed at rednecks, they're aimed right at me. Urban male, mid-thirties, high identification with the song Lean On Me. That's where it ends. I'm not a laborer anymore, now I'm a white collar creature. I really don't have very much stuff to haul. What in blazes would I do with a pickup truck? Probably drink beer and wreck it. And much worse. Buick used to be a respected name in the automotive industry. Buick is now feeding on the music of Buddy Holly, and when they mess with Buddy Holly they're treadin' the snake on my flag. It's not bad enough to get a slick revisionist history of Richie Valens(z). (Pronounced Valens on MTV, which shows how stupid they are.) Now it's Oh, Buick, following in some horrible way from Holly's Oh, Boy. Is there nothing sacred? We can do something about this. If you too are unhappy with this misuse of classic pop and rock & roll, then write Tipper Gore, PMRC, in care of Senator Albert Gore, U.S. Senate, Washington D.C. If this isn't stopped now, the next thing we know they'll be bringing back disco. Can you imagine have to hear the Village People or Jive Talkin' repeated endlessly.... Again? Think about it. Catholic Campus Ministry Catholic Campus Ministry is an essential and officially recognized component of the mission of the Catholic Church. It witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ by teaching and preaching the Word of God and by gathering together the community for worship and service. CCM promotes theological study and reflection on the religious nature of mankind. This ministry sustains the Christian community on campus with pastoral care and liturgical worship and helps the campus community to serve the needs of its members and the needs of the wider community. It raises current issues and crucial questions about faith, ethics, and modern life. Chi Rho is a socially oriented service club where the Christian community on campus might put into practice the faith we profess and the Gospel we live through service to the community and education programs and opportunities. Rev. Kenneth Smith Campus Minister St. Patrick Cathedral 232-2169 or 2651 Page 5
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