Law school package is available The Law Package consists of a full program of publications, ser vices and self-evaluation resources, designed to give students a better handle on legal education and the range of legal careers available. The package includes: --A book that describes legal career options and what to expect in law school, as well as a list of preparation materials for testing and a sam ple L.S.A.T. test with the answer key for self-scoring. --The L.S.A.T.--a sample that students can take and return to L.S.A.T. for confidential analysis of their results. --A pamphlet that describes the admission process, the major factors that law schools consider in reviewing applicants, financial aid infor mation, and additional sources of information relative to legal educa tion and the admission process. To order the Law Package, send a check for $lO.OO, the name of your college, and your address to: Law School Admission Services, Box 500-67, Newtown, PA 18940. Council offers students jobs abroad The Council on International Educational Exchange gives students the opportunity to work abroad in France, Britain, Ireland, New Zealand and Germany. Throughout the program's 36 years of service to the academic com munity, participants have found primarily unskilled work in restaurants, stores and hotels. Jobs found by students in the past include work as a waiter in Lon don, a baker in Munich, an English Tutor in Paris, and a hotel clerk in Berlin. Aside from a program fee of $60.00, airfare is the only other significant cost to the student. The program is limited to students 18 years of age or older. For more information and application forms, write or phone the following locations: C.1.E.E., 205 East Forty-second Street, New York, NY 10017, (212) 661-1414; or 312 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, (415) 421-3473. Allegheny County needs lifeguards Anyone interested in working as a lifeguard at a pool in Pittsburgh or suburban Allegheny County this summer must be a "certified" lifeguard under a new County health law. The law requires pools to employ certified lifeguards, who have ad vanced training in swimming, rescue techniques, cardiopulmonary rescusitation and first aid. Accredited lifeguard training programs are offered by the Red Cross and Y.M.C.A. Information about the programs and course schedules can be obtained by contacting either organization. An estimated 1,200 to 1,500 lifeguards will be needed this summer in Allegheny County. For more information contact Guillermo Cole at 578-8004 or write: Allegheny County Health Department 3333 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. N.E.H. has summer research grants The National Endowment for the Humanities has announced a grant program that allows individuals under 21 to spend a summer carrying out their own non-credit humanities research program. The Younger Scholars Program will award up to 100 grants na tionally for outstanding research and writing projects in such fields as history, philosophy, and the study of literature. These projects will be carried out during the summer of 1985. The application deadline is September 15, 1984. Award recipients will be expected to work full-time for nine weeks during the summer, researching and writing a humanities paper. For guidelines write to: Younger Scholars Guidelines CN, Room 406, The National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C. 20506. Public Affairs has certificate program The Public Affairs Division will offer a certificate program in prac tical politics in the fall of 1984. The certificate program will include coursed in lobbying, campaign management, political advertising, poll ing and political consulting. The certificate program will be the third of its kind offered by an American university. For more information about the program, stop by the Public Affairs Division office in W-164 or call 948-6050. Harrisburg needs summer lifeguards Applications for summer lifeguard positions will be accepted by the Harrisburg Parks and Recreation Association. Available positions in clude lifeguards, head lifeguards, and pool managers. All applicants must possess a Seriior Lifesaving certificate. Prospec tive head lifeguards and pool managers must possess a valid Water Safety Instructor certificate. Proof of these certificates should accom pany the application. The pools will be open from early June until Labor Day. For more information and applications, write: Harrisburg Parks and Recreation Association, 10 North Second Street, Suite 401, Harrisburg, Pa. 17101, or phone 255-3020 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Colonial Inn Restaurant Bar Thursday is Taco Night! On the square in Middletown, Pa. Phone 944-9971 Donate and Earn At Least By becoming a plasma donor at SERA-TEC you can use your free and study time to the best advantage SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS 260 Reily Street, Harrisburg 232-1901 Hours: 8:00 AM-6:30 PM Monday-Friday Editor's note: Events are published free on the "Briefly" page. Organizations can pick up information forms in the Students Activities or 'Capitol Times' of fices and return them to Michele Haley, Events Editor, c/o 'Capitol Times', which assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of Information submitted. $BO.OO Ca// us for an appointment and additional information: per month
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