Reviews Foster returns to screen in ambitious fil A Movie Review by Don Strausburger In today's world of teen sex films, one seriously wonders if Hollywood can approach the emotional aspects of strange rela tionships and still attract the average spectator. In the case of Hotel New Hampshire, there is still potential. The film, which is an adapta tion of a John Irving novel of the same name, stars Jodie Foster as Frannie, the emotional leader of the family. The film also stars Rob Lowe as her brother, John; Beau Bridges as the eternally op tomistic father; and Nastassia Kinski as Susie the Bear. The highlights of the film show the sexual transition of the grow ing Frannie from innocence to ex perience. Throughout this pro gression she is the victim of a gang rape by her prep school's football team, is involved in a les bian relationship with a girl in a bear suit, experiences an in cestuous evening with her brother, and finally finds happiness with the man of her dreams resulting in a racially mixed.marriage. PROFESSIONAL TYPING Academic typing a specialty--dissertations, theses, term papers. Also resume development, business letters, and manuscripts. NO JOB TOO BIG--no job too small Call: Jeanette M. Bentzel Telephone: 2904 Market St. Camp Hill, PA 17011 737-7102 The family opens the film own ing the original Hotel New Hampshire, but decides to sell on the urging of a friend who has a hotel in Vienna that he would like them to manage. The trip to Vienna proves to be fatal for the unity of the family and begins a strange sequnece of events involv ing political activists. The family gets away from the activists and decide that it is time to return to the U.S.A. Finally, after many strange events, the family members find their respec tive forms of happiness. However, one tends to wonder whether the pain endured is worth the relative simplicity of their happiness. In looking at the technical aspects of Hotel New Hampshire, there are several notes worth making. First, the screeen adapta tion of the book is outstanding. Unlike The World According to Garp, the last John Irving novel adapted for the screen, the film adheres to the book's events near ly to the letter. The second noteworthy feature of the film is its cinematography. This film constantly features Capitol Times Thursday April 19,19:4 outstanding scenery in both New beneficial because the viewer has England and in Europe. In addi- no time to consider his own feel tion, the techniques used on the ings about the film's bizarre oc indoor shots indicated fabulous currences until the film is over. perspectives in lighting. Hotel New Hampshireis clearly Although there are all these one of the most aihbitious pro things going well, don't let jects which will be seen this yourself be fooled into believing spring. It marks the return of that there are no problems. Jodie Foster to the silver screen i Among the relative few, the one her first major film since the that is most obvious is the great John Hinkley incident. However, amount of material crammed into that should not be the only the two hours of the film. There reason to see this film. The is no chance to sit back and characters show exciting develop reflect on what has happened ment and that there can still be without fear of missing the next excitement in movies without the important event. For some peo- incredible special effects of the ple, though, this could be movies like Star Wars. General Repair Service on Domestic and Popular Foreign Cars Vastine's Auto Service 231 Oak Hill Drive (Off Vine St.) Middletown, PA Hours: 8-6 Mon.-Fri. 9-12 Saturday Don Vastine 944-7154 IDI El NEI iTA I ;I Dill !A El ;I :4 4il Z re Our better people are making $lO per hour. We offer pleasant working condi tions in our Colonial Park Tele- Marketing Office. Earn while you learn the exciting world of tele-marketing. Applicants must be highly motivated, articulate, and possess a clear telephone speaking voice. Part-time hours available both morning and evening. For more information, contact Mr. Hawkins or Mr. Patterson at 657-1366. Students Needed Page 12
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