First Annual Economic Conference "Economics and the Quality of Life: What it Means to Community Development in the Ca • tol Region" is the title of a special c erence that will be held at Penn State Capitol Campus on June 17 for community leaders, elected state and local officials, business representatives, public interest groups and community service organizations. A Point Of Law The Lease The binding force between a landlord and tenant is blown as the Lease. A lease exists in every landlord-tenant situation, although where no written lease exists the parties often believe that there is no lease. There are two forms of leases: express or implied. An express lease may be either oral or written, and either form is legally binding. It is easier to prove the existence and the terms of a written lease, and therefore the written form is recommended. In Pennsylvania, a lease of more than three years must be in writing in order to be enforceable, but an oral lease for fewer than three years is legally binding. Thus, a written or an oral lease for two years at $3OO per month rent is binding on both parties for the entire two years, so long as the existence of the lease can be proven. The landlord cannot raise the rent or cancel the lease during this time, and the tenant cannot move out or refuse to pay the $3OO rent until the two years have expired. If no written or oral lease exists, then the law inplies a month-to month lease. This means that either party can void or change the lease (e.g., increase the rent) by giving the other party 30 days' notice. A controversial issue in Pennsylvania is that of the security deposit. The rules governing this topic are as follows: 1. During the first year of the lease, the security deposit may not exceed two months' rent. 2. During the second and subsequent years of the lease, the security deposit may not exceed one month's rent. 3. Prior to the fifth year of the lease, the landlord may demand an increase in the security deposit every time he raises the rent. He may not do this after the fifth year. The conference is the first in what is ideas on how to meet the challenge of Three panel discussions will follow: scheudled to become an annual con- New Federalism while maintaining the "The Federal Initiative, State Response ference series at the campus entitled quality of life in the Capitol region, ac- and Coping at the Local Level," "Concerns of the Capitol Region." cording to conference coordinator, Mr. "Problems or Opportunities for the The June 17 conference will focus on Irving R. Hand, chairman of Capitol's Cities" and "The Future of Rural the Reagan Administration's New graduate degree program in urban and Communities in the Capitol Region." Federalism and its impact on corn- regional planning and director of the on- Mr. Saul Kohler, executive editor of munilies in Southcentral Pennsylvania. campus Institute of State and Regional The Patriot News Company of Mr. Leonard Silk, economist and chief Affairs. The conference is being con- Harrisburg, will deliver a concluding economic correspondent for the New ducted by Capitol's Public Affairs address," How Can We Cope with the York Times, will deliver the keynote Division. Future," and Mr. Hand will give a address, "The New Federalism and Its According to Mr. Hand, the conference summary of the conference discussions, Relatito Economics and the will attempt to promote serious stating the realtionship of the discussions qty or discussion about the issues raised by the to future activities and conferences at In panel sessions and open discussion Administration's policies, develop a Ca tol. that will follow the keynote address, sense of how to eve with the issues, for the conference is conference attendees will be given the identify future agendas for consideration provided Bernard Hankie Builders of opportunity to exchange thoughts and and action, develop some specific li&qton, Pa. the Central Pennsylvania recommendations relative to the Capitol Chapter of , The American Planning area, and project a "sense of region" Association and the American Society for among the conference participants, each Public Administration, the Pennsylvania of whom will represent annizalion Department of Community Affairs' or community in the Capitol an. Bureau of Local Government Services, oric s "New Federalism policies ect a and Penn State. number of different areas," Mr. Hand said. "We have structured the June 17 1 ' Example: If a one-year lease exists conference to address a variety of issues, Health and the rent is $250 per month, the lan- such as energy, environmental pcdlution, dlord can demand a security deposit of Three Mile Island, was temanagement, up to $5OO for the first year. If the lease is interest rates, housing, preservation of renewed at $3OO per month, the landlord agricultural lands, economic develop Sery i ces can demand only $3OO as a security meat, employment and growt hC.P.R. classes are available to all deposit for the second year. He must management." students, faculty, and staff. The classes refund any amount that he is holding A day-lone event, the conference will form the first year that is in excess of begin with introductory remarks, "The are conducted both daytime and evenings. See the nurse in WlO2 for $3OO. Economic Condition of the Capitol d e t a il s. If the rent is $375 during the fifth year Region," which will be given at 9 a.m., and it is raised to $4OO in the sixth year, and will be followed by a brief presen- WHAT IF your roommate had what the landlord can demand only $375 as a tation on the purpose of the conference. seems to be the same illness you now security deposit. Mr. Silk's keynote address will begin at have and offers you some left-over 4. (The rules in this paragraph apply 9:20 a.m. medicine that worked well? NO MAT only after the second anniversary date of ' TER WHAT-DON'T TAKE IT, even when the payment of the security deposit to the Student you are the same age, weight and landlord.) If the amount of the security physical condition, and the medicine is deposit is over $lOO, the landlord must only a couple of weeks old. place these funds i n a bank account, Leadership WHAT W you are taking medication either interest bearing or non-interest c f. Sltd and someone offers you a cocktail? on a e bearing. The landlord must notify the DON'T TAKE IT. Alcohol is a depressant tenant of the name and address of the and may increase the effects of the bank in which the money has been All club Presidents, Vice Presidents, medication. deposited. Treasurers and Secretaries, Student WHAT IF you take medication faith 5. If the money is placed in an interest Government Officers and Senators, and: fully and follow all the directions bearing account, the landlord may retain members of Student Court are reminded ` carefully and do not improve? Should you _ 1 peercent of the security deposit as his that the 1982 Student Leadership Con see another physician'? NO. Go back to administrative expenses, and he must ference will be held September 10, 11 and the physician and tell horn how you feel. pay the remainder of the interest an- 12 at Stone Valley. I will be sending you WHAT IF you feel better after two days nually to the tenant on the anniversary treatment, should you stop the date of the lease. further information (including a map ) medication? DON'T STOP. Follow the Where the landlord owns - - controls during the summer. The success of this directions you are given. three or more separate apartments in the conference depends on your participa- WHAT IF the directions say take one same building, he may not prohibit the tion, so please reserve these dates and dose three times a day? ASK whether the tenant from inviting a social guest or plan to attend! If you have any questions, dose should be taken one hour before guest, family members or visitors, to his please stop by my office (W-104) or phone (empty stomach), during, or one-two hours after eating. Food may influence apartment dwelling unit, for a me at (717) 948-6273. Also, please make the absorption of the medication. reasonaableperiod of time, so long as the sure that we have your summer address tenant's obligations not to destroy the an d p ho neWHAT W you can't remember whether number so that we can contact h ave ta ken premises or disturb the peaceful en-you joyment of the premises by other tenants you. TRY TO CATCH UP. Wait until the next or neighbors are observed. These rights Have a great summer! I hope to see dose is due. may not be waived by the tenant in the you at Stone Valley in the fall. WHAT IF you have medicines left written lease, nor may the landlord place Kathy Branigan over? THROW THEM OUT. Dispose of an extra charge for guests, family or Coordinator of them safely by flushing them down the visitors. Student Activities _ toilet. • • ®=".II3EfEIMTIMESI93I
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