C.C. Reader CLASSIFIEDS "ALL THE times that I've been burned, By now you'd think that I have learned, It's who you look like, Not who you are". . .I've got to remember that SSC Students-We'll come to visit you in jail--P.S.U. C.C. Dee-I'm game for the next poker round Let's set the odds now for the winner Your place or mine?--Dee Too. Shotgun Driver-Thanks for a great weekend earlier this month! The dinner plans have been set with the Maitre D'. It's only the beginning of things to come before I join the unemployment liner -Surprise Me...soon To the guy who loot his queen-When you have the power as I do you should let others share it with you. As evidence of your mate, "the size of .. . "-Making Babies Bob's Queen on Mars—What a pleasure to sit where I did on our great ride. Too bad "he" was around. Looking forward to producing with you--His Roomie Elk Grove Lady—Thanks for a great weekend. Sorry if we antagonized you too much sometimes, though--Upstairs sleeper Sleepy bat horny—l hope that we can share more times like our past one. Enjoyed being in your arms. I'll give you jokes, joke this!—Quick Draw E & D—You deserve to lose. Let's put it this way, you better be glad you lost—K JR—Let's face it, you can wear your sweat pants around us anytime!-P.S. Chicken Lover-Go ahead, stab me in the back & twist the knife! P.S. Make your own babies!!!--Bleeding profusely from the back RHONDO of L.V.C.—Nice weekend, but I still want that queen! Right here!! Love--Bob My Sweetheart—Nothing is wrong. 143! Why should I want another when the very best is you—Yours forever Once Bottom—Thanks for breaking the ice--Once Top Mom—Glad to see you are feeling better. One-of-the-kids W.F.B.—How was Calif? Must be nice. Hope you are doing okay. I am. Thunder and Lightning are still great—PLW Sweetie--This is an invitation. Let's be together before time prevents some thing that could have been. Love Me. DL—I can't wait till March 17th arrives. It will be "Happy" around here again. incerely—L.W. Solo now—How's the new rooming assignment? Can you handle 3 Lance's at once now? I'll be waiting for my turn. --Not Long Distance Shotgun Driver—Thanks for a great weekend. It proved that our friendship is stronger than I thought —Right Here RX-7—Fd like to race your red one versus my black one—Female RX-7 3LT—l'll be up in the very near future. --PSU Girl Darrell—Good luck in your future--Your Latest Female Guest Officer Bob-You have a fair sense of humor. But as for the language, well, RIGHT HEREII-Embarrassed Once 'MARDI GRAS Student Center Sponsored By XGl's and PAA Thursday, February 18, 1982 Feb. 9p.m. Entertainment by Daddy C and The All Stars Cost:s3.oo Counseling Center News Test Administration Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline GRE April 24, 1982 (2) March 19, 1982 March 30, 1982 GRE June 12, 1982 (3) May 7, 1982 May 18, 1982 GMAT March 20, 1982 (2) February 15, 1982 February 22, 1982 GMAT June 23, 1982 (4) May 18, 1982 May 25, 1982 LSAT February 20, 1982 January 21, 1982 January 28, 1982 LSAT June 16. 1982 (2) May 17, 1982 May 24, 1982 NTE February 20, 1982 January 18, 1982 January 25, 1982 NTE April 17, 1982 March 15, 1982 March 22, 1982 Miller Analogy Tests, required by many graduate schools for admissions, are given, by appointment, daily in the Counseling Center. (2) To be administered at Capitol Campus (3) Aptitude Test Only (4) Evening Administration N.B. These are the last regularly scheduled administration dates for these examinations until the Fall Term, 1982. Bulletins of Information and other registration materials are available from the Counseling Center, W-117. Assertion Training and Couples Workshop Set for Spring Term Pre-registration materials for two exciting Counseling Center "Directions" offerings, Assertion Training and Couples Workshop, are now available from the Counseling Center. These two programs will be offered free to students in the Spring Term. Watch for details in the next Counseling Center News. 23 1 a.m. Test Dates to Remember Page 5
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