Page 10 Capitol Collage By Ron Alexander Muck Hello again, everyone. I've heard a lot of talk about my last column, namely, "Who wrote it?" Unfortunately, the editors of this paper thought that I would be hurt by publishing my name. They also buried my column on page four, but luckily you all found it. My byline will appear from now on, where ever the column appears. Let's start again with the dorm beat. Hey Zoo--the last time I wrote about you, you put the column up in your hall as a compliment. Can't you take a hint? "Animals" isn't exactlt the nicest thing I could think of to say about a group of guys. On the other hand, I have seen the good side of the Zoo. There are some nice guys up there who don't always have a beer in their hands .. . but then there are girls who like guys who are always drinking. (Girls, you know who you are.) Second floor Wrisberg is all bummed out. The soccer season was canceled because of injury?! The guys don't have soccer to take up their time, so they have invested all their time into partying! More power to you, guys. There is nothing to be said about first floor Wrisberg that hasn't already been said. Sounds like a great place to live, doesn't it? Again, Church Hall is a little more lively. The feud goes on between first and third floors. My money is on third floor, "The Triangle" as they call them selves. It is not, however, because they are superior to first floor. About half of first floor guys are crude, rude, and intolerable when in normal human com pany. At least third floor guys have a little common courtesy. By the way, third floor guys, what was that I smelled in your lounge during the World Series? Some first floor guys are cool, however. Cheech and Chong are the envy of all the guys on the floor. It seems that girls just flock to their rooms. It must be charm and good looks that draw girls to guys. No wonder most of the first floor guys are lonely. Now some of the promised infor mation about the second floor girls. November has been birthday (party) month on the floor. Reports are that Scorpios are insatiable lovers. That's probably why a lot of second floor girls have boyfriends at home and at school. The girls are all discreet about who and where, so it would be unfair of me to be specific. Let's just say a lot of second floor girls have been having a ball this term. The Heights haven't been very ex citing these last weeks, either, probably because there have been campus-spon sored parties almost every weekend and Tuesday. MHBOG is again to be con gratulated: The Bizarre Bazaar Hallo ween weekend was great! There was one problem, however. Some of my female friends have told me that they were a little bit bummed out that evening. A lot of guys had masks on, so the girls didn't know who they were. These masked. guys would walk up to girls and be very "friendly" without the girls knowing who it was. When the girls found out who was under those masks, they were angry for being invaded by these guys. On the whole, though, it was a great time. Tuesday, Nov. 4 was a good time too. The Accounting Club sponsored the Bent Poles in the Student Center. There were a lot of pretty "gone" people at that party. The problem, however, was .that the people who sponsored the party and were supposed to be keeping an eye on the Student Center got really drunk. They made jackasses of themselves by shoooting the moon and various other absurdities. When it came time to clean up, these guys were nowhere to be found. The Accounting Club got a warn• ing from the Office of Student Affairs for not cleaning up. MHBOG was back the following Tuesday with another great party, the 15th Anniversary party. It was great! The band could have been better (there could have been more rock & roll) but things were nice: The big news happened on Wednes day evening. Everyone that is anyone at Penn State was here at Capitol. The speeches and people were impressive, but the formally dressed professors were the greatest. We really got a chance to see our professors behave around their bosses . . . that kind of thing puts them on our level, somehow. There was one other interesting note this time. It seems that the Accounting Club sponsored a trip to Atlantic City. They came back a few people short, and all of Thursday evening was spent trying to locate one girl who was still missing. The girl came rolling in with some guy from Atlantic City later that night while Buzzy and Pellechia were preparing to drive to Atlantic City. Let me get this right--we're supposed to be adults, aren't we? Ihe Golden Lion Award goes to MHBOG. Last time I just praised them for doing a good job. This time, I'm going to give them the award. Without them,, this term would have been socially unbearable. Thursday night second floor Church had a backgammon tournament. Friday night there was a Fifties Dance in the Student Center. Find out what's going on on campus, and support it! READER Photo by Steve Myers Photo Club Monday, November 23, 1981 Information is needed for a course project that will propose a shuttle bus for the students of Capitol Campus. The objective of the proposed shuttle bus service is: Run a scheduled route of on-campus facilities enabling students to board and exit as they require. 1. Do you reside on Capitol Campus at the present time? [ I YES [ INO 2. How do you generally get to and from your classes? [ I WALK [ I BICYCLE [ I DRIVE EXPLAIN [ I OTHER Explain 3. How many times do you commute to and from your classes in the course of an average day? 4. Would you be interested in a shuttle bus that would take you to and from your classes? [ ] YES ] NO 5. How much of a round-trip fare would you pay? : Please return completed survey at the box provided at the checkout counter at . : the Library. Thank you for your considerations, Thomas P. Farrell Project Director The Navy Ships Parts Control Center in Mechanicsburg has announced that the "Stay-In-School" job program has again been extended to full-time college students. Eligibility is based on family income: normally a student's family must have a gross income of less than ;15,000 or must be eligible for some type of welfare benefits. A variety of work assignments are available in Mechanicsburg to fit eligible students' work experience and majors. Students who are selected may work up to 20 hours a week during school terms, and up to 40 hours a week on term breaks, at a pay of at least $4.50 hourly. If you are interested and feel you may qualify financially, please contact Bob Thomas, Financial Aid Counselor, in Room 214, Multi Purpose Building (Admissions), 948-6250, as soon as possible. A limited number of grants-in-aid will be awarded to full-time Penn State graduate students for the Spring Term 1982. These awards, which normally cover a student's tuition, are based on competitive applications to be filled with the Graduate Fellowship Office at University Park (due date January 5, 1982). Applicants must have completed at least one term of full-time graduate study at Penn State. The selection is based on such factors as academic achievement, faculty references, and financial need to continue full-time graduate study. For full info-oration and ' )licatf - Bob Ths Aid Cs .;ls Room By Gary Pe!lett Tuesday and Friday nights at Capitol are becoming fun again, thanks to the efforts of our student organizations. And if you don't already know what I'm talking about, here's a recap of what you've missed. The Meade Heights Board of Gover nors' Halloween Bizarre Bazaar was a "howling" success. We got to see the true natures of a lot of our friends that night! Everything was there, from vam pires and Martians to clowns and the cooling towers of Three Mile Island. Congrats go to Dennis Coleman and his partner for winning the "Best Costume" award as Raggedy Anne and Andy. I could go oh forever applauding all of the costumes I saw, but what I liked most were the costumes that a few of the girls were almost wearing. I did hear some complaints about the band, but maybe there was a full moon that night. The Election Day Extravaganza, sponsored by the Accounting Students FINANCIAL AID UPDATE Stay-In-School Employment Program Graduate Student Grant-In-Aid Applications Due January 5 Grin and Beer It! SURVEY Association, had a good crowd. Now if only we could get that many people to vote! Again, I heard the band could have been better. I wish I could say more about this one, but I must have had a good time if I don't remember what I was doing. The Capitol Campus Birthday Party, put on by MHBOG, was definitely happy. There were a lot of faces, both faculty and students, that you just don't see often enough. The band, High Tide, could really play, though now I've had my disco fix for the year. The birthday cake went almost as fast as the balloons that were decorating the place. What didn't go fast was the "line' around the refreshments. All in all, the social scene this year at Capitol is much better' than the last two years. The highest praise goes to the people who brought back the Student Center parties and made them work. I'm beginning to think that this is becoming a real college. C.C. Reader
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