C.C. Reader The Public Affairs Association of Capitol Campus The Public Affairs Association of Capitol Campus would like to take this opportunity to welcome all new students to Capitol Cam pus and welcome those students who are returning to the campus. The Public Affairs Association is a newly formed organization whose function is to bring to gether those students who are in terested in current events, political 'issues, and world affairs. The organization is open to students from all facets of academia. The club is monitored and advised by Professor Mike Young of The Division of Public Policy. • The association's plans for the upcoming school year include four guest speakers, a film series, stu dent-faculty colloquiums, and a few campus-wide social activities. The first scheduled meeting is planned for Monday, October 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge. We will feature a film entitled, The Soviet Union: A New Look. Re freshments will also be served. If you want more information concerning our organization, stop by our booth at the Organizational Fair in the Gallery Lounge on Sep tember 29. We look forward to meeting eve ryorw. By Senator Bill Barger Public Affairs Department SGA News On behalf of the Student Gov ernment Association, I would like to welcome the Juniors to Cap itol Campus and to welcome back Seniors. As President of SGA, I'm looking forward to a good year with plenty of activities. There are a wide variety of clubs here at Capitol and I urge all of you to get involved in at least one of the clubs during your stay at Capitol Campus. The experience will be very rewarding. Without involve ment from students, the clubs would not exist; so it is very impor tant for you to get involved. This coming year should be an eventful one. Here are a few of the events scheduled for the begin ning of Fall Term: Monday night - Football Night in the Student Cen ter where the football game is shown on a large screen television; Tuesday night - Special Event Night when the clubs will sched ule their activities; Wednesday Night - is an Arts and Crafts night and two pinball tournaments are scheduled, Thursday night is Cof fee House Night where bands will play. I wish everyone a successful year here at Capitol Campus. Don't forget, get involved in a club this year! By Roberta Bronson SGA President Club News Chi Gamma lota (XGI) Chi Gamma lota is a fraternity composed of veterans and non veterans and is known on campus as the XGl's. The purpose of the organization is to provide varied social events for all students and fraternal activities for its mem bers. The fraternity is also con cerned with providing moral and scholastic aid to members. The fraternity supports and ini tiates a variety of projects, includ ing support for the community blood drive, visitations to veter an's hospitals, and various cam pus service projects. Support is al so provided for school activities such as orientation and registra tion. Social activities include at tendance of professional sporting events, intramural sports, frater nity sponsored dances, the annual XGI picnic, and other school spon sored activities. Meetings are held every other Tuesday at the Ameri can Legion in Middletown. For further information contact the XGl's in Room W-114 of the main building. Heindel Library Heindel Library and the Grad uate Student Union invite grad uate students and faculty to an open house in the library on Wed nesday, September 23 and Thurs day, September 24 from 5 to 9 p.m. This is an informal get together a chance for the librarians to meet graduate students, especially new graduate students, and for graduate students to become better acquainted with the librarians and some of the resources of the Hein del Library. Major resources, such as ERIC,. LAC, HRAF, Enviro fiche and selected business ser vices will be demonstrated. Dis plays will explain interlibrary loan, courtesy services at other li braries and ODIN, our online data base information network. Mem bers of the Graduate Student Un ion will be on hand to discuss grad uate student activities. Dessert will be served. As Carolyn Miller ex plains, "We want to meet you and we want you to meet us." 114 M. 142 ERIE IN 111 E. 'SIREEIS ASE,Nr4 CUT CF . ► S C O 4 1. I September 20, 1981 The American Society of Me chanical Engineers (ASME) has a lot to offer. Our scheduled events have all indications of being inter esting and rewarding. Section Chairman, Ron Noel and Vice Chairman, Alan Miller are mak ing final preparations for the plant tours to Utz Potato Chip, Alloy Rods and SKF Roller Bearings Division on October 8. Sign up outside W-262 by October 2 if you're interested in attending this all day tour. Secretary Steve King and Treas urer, Dale Leopold are helping pre : pare for the membership party to be held October 1. Further details about these two events will be posted around campus and the bul letin board outside W-262. Professor Edward V. Trunk, fac ulty advisor, is helping us schedule guest speakers through our parent organization, the. Susquehanna Section of ASME. Further plans ....... 0 0111.1" ..... .:..........,..„, 0 0111.1. , ....,,,,v . ...:' ,, ?. •:.R• • ... , ... ... • 0000 woolf ' • '". ......"'" " ~. ~......, , . . The library for the student's use LIBRARY HOURS Monday-Thursday 8 am - 10 pm Friday Bam - spm Saturday 10 am - 5 pm Sunday 2 pm - 10 pm ASME include tours of Berg Electronics, York Borg Warner, and Mack Truck. Parties and informal meet ings are now being planned. An experimental meeting time will be tried Fall Term. Luncheon meetings will be held fourth period Thursday in a classroom to be assigned later. This will allow a more convenient time for all to participate in the meetings. The programs for the first three meet ings will be presented by Peg O'Hara and the Placement Office Staff. If you have an interest in me clkanical engineering, good fellow ship or a, good time, come join our ranks. The $8 per year dues include a year's subscription to Mechani cal Engineering magazine. To join, see any member of ASME, Profes sor Trunk or pick up an application outside W-262 or come to a sched uled meeting. It may be the best decision you make today. '171.1741727.4r 11111.11111111111‘ Page 3
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