C.C. Reader Editor Now that the elections are over and I am the President of the SGA, I would like to extend thank yous to all of those people who helped me in my campaign. First, thanks go to those students who supported me and voted on April 21 and 22. Next, I would like to thank all my campaign agents and friends, my room mate, Donna Wilson, my boss, Jean Billet, Harry Moyer, and Kathy Bran igan. All of these people encouraged me If you know where a similar piece of equipment is--apart from the engineering rooms--please phone 948-6293 so it can be retrieved. Guitarist Allen Krantz is an exciting young performer who has delighted audiences on both coasts as well as on television and radio. His repetoire ranges from the Renaissance to the twentieth century, and includes original compositions and music from Japan and India, as well as the traditional European and Latin American guitar literature. Allen Krantz holds a Bachelor of Music degree from the San Francisco Conservatory and a Master of Music degree from Stanford University, and has studied with such noted guitarists as Michael Lorimer and Oscar Ghiglia among others. He has appeared often on college campuses, community concert series and in numerous chamber music ensembles and festivals, as well as with orchestra. Recently, he performed duets with Russian mandolinist Emanuil Scheynkman in Carnegie Hall as part of the Soviet Emigre Music Festival. The Thanks We Get! and supported me through the campaign process. Also, a thank you goes to Leonard Wumke, who endorsed me as the candi date for president. A special thamk you goes to Rosanne Rosenberger for all the help and pep talks she gave mq. One final note to all the students at Capitol Campus: SGA is here to work for the students. Feel free to attend our meetings or see a member for guidance. Roberta Bronson SGA President Thursday, April 30, 1981 e) : , Question... Dear Bill and Dave, I have recently learned of a bird called a tern. According to my source, this creature—unlike other fowl--keeps the same mate its entire life. Can you tell me why the tern has this unique mating habit? Dear Jr., One good tern deserves another Dear Sirs, Why is Capitol Campus such a de pressing place, architecturally speaking? Architecturally Depressed Dear Depressed, Architecturally speaking, the pictur esque pyramids and sphinxes were de signed and built by innovative Egyp tians. Since they're all mummies now, we can no longer rely on their ingenuity. That is why Capitol Campus is not the Ninth Wonder of the World. What did you expect only one mile away from a nuclear landmark, anyway, the Taj Mahal? Dear Bill and Dave, Will the New York Mets and the Toronto Blue Jays ever make it to the World Series simultaneously? Dear Worried, Will Alexander M. Haig, Jr. ever become the head of the International Peace Corps? Dear Bill and Dave, Since University Park is so big, and there are so many people being herded to and fro, why don't they change the school's nickname to the Nittany Lines? Bob Antonini Happy Valley Correspondent Dear Mr. Antonini, How dare you criticize the PSU nickname! That's like faulting the Com mander-in-Chief of the ruthless Polish National Border Patrol. Being a Happy Valley resident your self, you should know that the same teeming throngs you speak of are re sponsible for the current nickname. You see, the scholarly students that U.P. is known for (such as yourself, we're sure) simply cannot put down their books foe even one minute. Because of this obses sive yearning for learning, students were frequently seen "lion" all over the campus studying every waking hour. Hence, the sobriquet that we have all come to know and love. Everyone but you, you Communist. Aristophanes Jr A worried network executive Ask A Stupid By Bill Neil And Dave Caruso Dear Senator Bill and Dave, Bill, since you are now the Senator of Humanities, is Dave your lawyer? F.L. Bailey Dear F.L. Bailey, Sorry, buddy, the jury's still out on this question. I am not up on my sports, and during the NHL playoffs I keep hearing the name of Wayne Gretzky. Who (or what) is he, and why is he important? I thought he sang for the Beach Boys. Dear Wise Guy, He may as well sing for the Beach Boys, since his summer vacation unex pectedly commenced last week. Even though the so-called "Great" Gretzky set many a league record during the season, one man doth not a team make. When you think about it, wouldn't it be nice if Gretzky and his Oilers could have had some good vibrations during the playoffs, thus giving their poor fans some fun, fun, fun, along with the Stanley Cup? Dear Bill and Dave, Who did you two endorse in the 1980 presidential campaign? Dear John, Gee, after writing all these columns, we finally get to pen a "Dear John" letter. As to your question: none of your business who we voted for. You should be able to figure out, though, that we didn't endorse you, or this letter would be coming from the White House. By the way, Johnny, we hope people eat up your corn more than they ate up you. Hoe, hoe, hoe. Dear William and David, Last Halloween, I decided to go trick-or-treating as a ghost. I created what I thought was a foolproof costume. Much to my chagrin, however, everyone immediately knew who I was. As it turned out, I had forgotten to sew the back of my homemade ghost costume closed. Can you kind sirs offer any advice to novices such as me, to avoid future embarrassment? Dear Casper, Before you go out trick-or-treating next year, make sure you have your sheet together. H you have (or think you have) a question of _reasonable stupidity, let us hear it. You can drop off your questions at the C.C. READER office or give them to one of the authors. Your help is greatly appreciated. Keep those bizarre questions coming! Page 3 G. Lafleur John Anderson Casper the troubled ghost
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