C.C. Reader Horoscope Campus Digesi News SCII7II ARIES: (March 21 to April 19) -- You should be feeling and looking your very best--full of energy and in a high activity circle. Complete an old project, or abandon it if it now seems impractical. Collect money due and tighten your budget. TAURUS: !April 20 to May 20) -- Your op timism can influence bosses and those in authority to think as you do. YOu can do your work in record time since you are full of energy and self-confidence. Have fun, but be sure your work is done first. GEMINI: (May 21 to Jane 20) Now is the time to take the spotlight and really shine. You have influence over others, so be sure your information is studied and correct. Use all the charm and composure at your com mand. Go over your budget. CANCER: (June 21 to July 22) -- Don't waste your energy and talents on any project that has a doubtful outcome. Work on the positive programs and inspire cooperation by setting a good example. You have charisma now so attend to personal appearance and grooming. LEO: (July 23 to Aug. 22) Make your plans and lay the ground work on a plan to present for consideration next week. Career matters are accented and progress will be made through a team effort, so make your co workers feel important. VIRGO: (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) -- Keep happy even though you may feel somewhat restricted -you have more influence than you realize. Work at your fast, efficient pace toward your goals. Cooperate with others and be willing to try new methods. Phi Beta Lambda Newsletter The Capitol Campus chapter of Phi Beta Lambda held elections the week of April 4, 1981. The following members were elected to serve as oficers through the Winter Term 1982: President: Kevin Williams Vice President: Kathy Freudiger Sergeant of Arms: Mark Payonk Denise Wells (Treasurer) and Dave Boyd (Vice President) will continue to serve as officers until Fall Term 1981. Susan Bain was appointed Secretary. ATTENTION: all PBL members and volunteers for the Health Fair, be on the lookout for meeting dates and times. Volunteers are still needed for various activities. Interested students should stop in and see the nurse, or contact Ruth Yost, Mark Payonk, or Kevin Williams. WE NEED LEGS! PBL is sponsoring an "All Male Best Legs Contest" during Rites of Spring. All students and campus organizations are invited to participate. First place prize is a case of Molson Gold. For further information, contact Kathy Freudiger or Susan Bain in the PBL office. ALL money raised from this contest will go to PBL. All PBL members, keep your eyes and ears open for news regarding the National Leadership Conference. This year's conference is being held July 5-8 in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency. PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS As the newly elected president of the PSU-Capitol Campus chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, I have set certain goals that I feel PBL can accomplish during the next year. With the help of our past administration and of our members, I believe that the following goals can be met by PBL: MEMBERSHIP: Increased membership in PBL from all divisions in the university. AWARENESS: Increased awareness of the student body as to the goals and objectives of PBL. ACTIVITY: For PBL to become the activities leader on campus. COMMUNITY AWARENESS: For PBL to become more involved with community activities. INTERNAL SELF-AWARENESS: For all PBL members to maintain the high level of pride and enthusiasm that PBL currently enjoys. ASSESSABILITY: For the officers to remain easily assessable to all club' members and to all interested parties. for the week of May 3-9 LIBRA: (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) -- Take the time to meditate and look to your own inner values. You can take in a new plan that is challenging if it is in good taste--stay up-to date on all matters. Refrain from judgmental attitudes with mate or partner. SCORPIO: (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) -- You have new responsibilities in career matters which allow you to use original and innovative ideas. Finances should be slowly improving and your public image is enhanced. Romance is highlighted too. SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) -- You could be under a good deal of pressure in both your career and social life, but you can get cooperation by being exceptionally friendly. There is a possibility of some unexpected money coming to you. CAPRICORN: (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) -- Op portunities are around you if you will take on added responsibility and use your original organizational abilities. Be considerate and loving with family members--don't neglect them. Be helpful to friends. AQUARIUS: (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) -- A frustrating problem may make you want to withdraw and work in privacy. Business mat ters could be confusing requiring strategy on your part. Get opinions from others--take a poll, as it were, to get prevailing views. PISCES: (Feb. 19 to March 20) -- You could be less efficient now than usual and tend to dreamy, vague feelings. You are highly sen sitized and should avoid drugs and alcohol. 10-K ELECTION NEWS HEALTH FAIR FUND RAISER CONFERENCE NEWS Thursday, April 30, 1981 ' , OOP Fox's )C4 Market WNDR VI" Penn State -Capitol Campus I`,\Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 * (717) 944-9832 41 ) 110 The Voice of Capitol Campus 0" TW LW 1. 1. Kiss On My List Hall & Oates 2. 9. Morning Train (9 to 5) Sheena Easton 3. 6. Just The Two Of Us Grover Washington Jr. 4. 11. Angel Of The Morning Juice Newton 5. 2. Rapture Blondie 6. 7. While You See A Chance Steve Win wood 7. 5. Woman John Lennon 8. 8. The Best Of Times Styx 9. 9. Don't Stand So Close To Me The Police 10. 10. I Can't Stand It Eric Clapton 11. 13. Somebody's Knockin' Terri Gibbs 12. 11. Keep On Lovin' You REO Speedwagon 13. 15. Take It On The Run REO Speedwagon 14. NE Bette Davis Eyes Kim Carnes 15. 18. Too Much Time On My Hands Styx 16. 16. Just Between You And Me April Wine 17. 17. Time Out Of Mind Steely Dan 18. 19. Sweetheart Franke & The Knockouts 19. 20. You Better You Bet The Who 20. NE Watchin' The Wheels John Lennon Visit Fox's Famous Deli and Country Market USDA Choice Western Beef val lied veal ?mere bekiag for st Feet Full variety in all departments Plus our famous In-store Bakery veil get 'wiles het from sir own Middletown & Hershey 101 South Union Street 731 Cherry Drive 533-6445 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. 944-7486 Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. PLAYLIST Week of 4/27/81 Page 11
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