Page 4 CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT Timothy Hagan My name is Timothy Hagan, and I would be extremely delighted to be elected president of the Student Gov ernment Association. Being a full-time undergraduate stu dent--and planning to be the same next year--I fulfill the qualifications necessary to become an officer in SGA. Also, I lived on campus for two terms, and am Low residing off-campus in Middletown. This knowledge of residency will be useful, especially when dealing with the wants and needs of the students. During my short-lived experience of campus residency, I acquired a certain knowledge of the chain of command. I believe this knowledge will be a major factor in helping me to become a good president and to help me reach my goal which is to make social life on campus more appealing to all students. CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT Roberta Bronson Hi! I am Roberta Bronson and I am running for your Student Government President. My qualifications are: Secre tary of Sophomore class, Vice President of Junior and Senior class, member of the National Honor Society at Blooms burg Sr. High School, ten years member ship in the Columbia County Wide 4-H Dairy Club, where I held the offices of secretary, treasurer, and vice-president several times. I was selected for Who's Who Among Students in Junior Colleges and Youth in Achievement, secretary/ treasurer for the PSU-Hazelton Chorus, and President of the International Circle K Club-PSU-Hazelton. Current position includes Student Government Junior Senator for the Business Admin istration Program. I feel that because of the numerous offices I have held and the experience gained from being a senator this last year for Student Government that I can responsibily fill the position of President of SGA. One of the main areas I would like to address as president is advising. This is a major complaint on this campus by students. Some students are faced with ineffective guidance on course offerings, graduation requirements, alternatives, etc. The Student Center Committee is working on utilization of the Student Center facilities. As President I would like to see more events happening there. A few ideas are weekly movies, a variety of entertainment, possible food service, and perhaps instructional classes. Fair distribution of SGA funds to chartered clubs is another area of inter est. By doing this, clubs will have funds to sponsor more events. President's Council will be used to exchange club ideas and problems and enable clubs to support one another in their events. I also would like to see the continuation of an annual campus event that is sponsored by the clubs, namely "Rites of Spring." Bus trips are a possibility for future activities. Perhaps short trips to hockey games and/or to Reading outlets, on longer trips to Atlantic City could be arranged. • Another major complaint of students is that there is limited communication of events, administrative events, and activities. I believe that student mail boxes should be installed to eliminate this problem. While attending a previous campus, small mailboxes were assigned each term to aid communication between faculty and students, administration and students, clubs and students, and SGA Platforms students and students. The same system could be installed at Capitol Campus. At present there are two typewriters available for student use, one in the SGA office lobby and one in the library. Many people cannot afford a typewriter, and with this campus being upper divisional and graduate level there are more papers to be completed and typed. I would like to look into placing another in the library with their consent or another appropriate place in the main building. Overall, I believe there should be a method for students to let SGA know their suggestions, thus allowing SGA to serve the students better, which is the main purpose of the association. All SGA meetings are open and have a section especially for student's suggestions but not too many have taken advantage of this. In order to eliminate the communi cation problem I would like to have a suggestion box placed •in the Main Building. I will appreciate your support and vote in the upcoming election on April 21 and 22. Don't forget to vote yes for the new SGA CONSTITUTION WHEN VOTING. Have a successful term every one! Vote Roberta for President! My fellow students, Election time is upon us once again. I would like to remind everyone to vote on Tuesday or Wednesday. The Student Government Constitution is up for vote by the student body. It desperately needs to pass. The Student Government cannot function as well as it should until the constitution passes. We need ten percent of the student body to vote in order for it to pass. Please take the :ime to read it (it's published in this issue of the C.C. Reader and cast your vote for it. Students have worked hard to get it into good form, and all it •.seeds is your okay. The James Jordan Award nominees are also to be voted on. This is the student body's chance to vote for who it feels are the best teachers at Capitol Campus. Look over the list and think seriously about who you vote for. We need to pick people who are truly good teachers and who work positively with students. The Student Government offices and Senate elections are the most Important things to be voted on. The platforms are also printed in this issue if the Reader. Take the time to read them. Make realistic decisions about ho you vote -for. Remember, they'll be your leaders for the next year. hey'll have quite a responsibility--both to you, the students, and to the administration. Pick candidates who can handle the job. Please remember to vote Tuesday or Wednesday. Don't forget your ID. See you at the Polls CANDIDATE FOR VICE-PRESIDENT Hi, my name is Steve King, and I want to be your vice-president for the SGA. I feel that I have ample qualifica tions for this office. My qualifications include being cap tain of my wrestling and track teams while at Gettysburg High School. I was also active in community organizations, such as the Junior Fire Department, where I served as the secretary, trea surer, vice-president, and president over a four-year period. I was also involved in activities in my church, where I served as treasurer and president for my youth group. I also served on a committee to improve fellowship in the church. As a student at Capitol Campus I became a representative to the Resident Student Council. I then was elected vice-presi dent of the same organization, and when the president of the club resigned, I became president. I am also a member of the student chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, for which I am secretary. I am also a member of the ski club, and made the Dean's List during my first term at Capitol Campus. Thursday, April 16, 1981 1,, 5F.:1:t151131LII,14.14'.0*1111 ai Steve King My reasons for seeking the vice presidency are simple. First, I want to improve student involvement in campus activities. I will try to accomplish this by means of the President's Council. I plan to review the amount of activity which each club participates in, and make suggestions to the SGA concerning the clubs' treasuries accordingly. By this, I mean that clubs which are not active should either have low budgets or be eliminated altogether. This will leave more money for the most involved groups, which in turn will increase the amount of activities sponsored for stu dents. My second reason for wanting the office of vice-president is that, as most of you can tell, the facilities on this campus are becoming too small and outdated for the ever-increasing student body. I would like to create an interaction with the administration in order to state objectives to current problems of this sort. Through committee action, we can offer possible solutions to these prob lems. However, none of this will even have a chance of being accomplished if I don't receive your vote. If you feel strongly about these previous subjects, vote Steve King for vice-president. --Rosanne M. Rosenberger SGA President CANDIDATE FOR TREASURER Karen Kurek Money is a very important commod ity, especially to those of us with very little. If elected treasurer of the SGA, I will do my best to see that what little money there is works for all students and clubs. As a student at Penn State Schuylkill Campus, I was actively involved in student activities such as vice president of the Student Government and presi dent of the Student Union Board. Before becoming a student at Capitol Campus, I worked in the • accounting discipline as an accounting clerk. My responsibilities included involvement in preparing budgets and preparation of financial statements. As a commuting student at Capitol Campus, I am a Junior Senator and a member of the Student Government Finance Committee. My major is Busi ness, with an Accounting option. Because of my previous work exper ience and my involvement in Student Government, I feel I will be able to perform well in the position of treasurer. Therefore, I ask you to vote for me, Karen Kurek, on April 21 and 22 as your representative as treasurer of Student Government. CANDIDATE FOR TREASURER Judith A. Polliard I am a candidate for the office of Student Government Treasurer. My name is Judi Poniard. I served on several committees of Circle K. My background in leadership is varied. As finance committee chairman of the In teract Club, I received a distinguished Merit Award. I was in charge of fund raising for a trip to Canada as Secretary- Treasurer of the Chorus. The last posi tions I held were honarary secretary of the Varsity Club, and at the same time I was treasurer of the student govern ment at Mont Alto Campus. At the start of my reign I had a backlog of three months' book work and the responsibi lity of changing systems. I am familiar with the systems used at this campus. My past.experience and familiarity with the present system of bookkeeping makes me an excellent candidate for the office of SGA treasurer at Capitol Campus. As treasurer and budget com mittee chairman, I intend to see that SGA funds are distributed fairly and used properly. I would also like to work on new ways of fund raising and utilizing those funds. One idea would be to involve the alumni in a campus activity such as the Rites of Spring. CANDIDATE FOR SECRETARY Tish Whalen The time has arrived to elect next year's SGA officials, and I, Tish Whalen, am running for Secretary of Student Government. I have been active in Student Gov ernment since high school, holding the positions of Junior Class Secretary, Otis Representative for Student Government at York Campus, and Secretary of the Beta Club. I was involved in National Honor Society, Drama Club, Art Club, American Government Club, and Com puter Science Club. While taking on the responsibilities of being a Resident Assistant at Capitol Campus, I have been active in DPMA and Photo Club. Being an RA requires close association with students and from my experience and interactions with the students I have developed an under standing of their wants and needs. Therefore, I feel I am qualified and would very much like to represent you as Secretary of Student Government. CANDIDATE FOR EXECUTIVE AND SENATE SECRETARY Robbie L. Adler I believe that the Student Govern ment Association at Capitol Campus can be very instrumental in working for us, the students. If used to its fullest potential, SGA can contribute to every aspect of student life. I was vice-president of SGA at Mont Alto Campus, chairperson of the Student Activities Committee, and a member of the Hearing Board. I also attended C.0.8.5.G.A. meetings at State College. Because of these involvements, I am familiar with the government of Penn State University. As a first term student at Capitol, I am running for the position of Executive & Senate Secretary in order to assist the SGA with its unlimit ed paper work, while also contributing to its success during the 1981-82 school year. C.C. Reader
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