Page 16 everyone Stupid Questions WNDR, your very own student-run college radio station, wants to thank who attended 'WNDR's Open House. We were glad to see all of the students, administration, faculty, and staff who stopped by. WNDR, which broadcasts exclusively on 630 AM, can be received throughout the campus community. So, if you're interested in listening to some good music or just want to pick up on all of the campus activities, tune us in. We would like to mention that our Meade Heights transmission system is presently being improved, and will give those listeners a stronger signal. So hang tight. If anyone is interested in joining the WNDR staff, please stop by the studio in W-110 and speak to some of the members. Until then, remember . . 630 AM. from page 5 Dear Bill and Dave, I am a ninth-term Business major at University Park. I was wondering if there really such things as advisors at Penn State, or are they simply made up to send us poor students on wild goose chases? P.S.—The reason I bring this question to you is that the newspaper at U.P., THE COLLEGIAN (otherwise known as THE CORRECTION), refuses to acknowledga intelligent questions such as mine. Dear Happy Bob, You are unquestionably on a wild goose chase, since Penn State does not assign advisors to its Business students. Your curriculum is so laughingly lenient that Mr. Magoo could figure it out on his own. We appreciate your question and look forward to hearing from you again. Incidentally, we agree that the newspapers at U.P. are P.U. Gentlemen Why is it that every time I talk to a Pittsburgh Steeler fan, he refuses to talk about football? Everyone knows that there are 28 teams in the NFL, so when the Steelers were knocked off, why couldn't their fans realize that there just may be a lot of better teams? Dear Bird Brain, It's nice to know that you Eagle fans have finally come out of hiding, after the travesty that your team subjected you to last January in the so-called Super Bowl. Being Steeler fans, we are qualified to answer your question. Of course there are better teams! Consider the awesome Washington Deadskins, the power-laden Baltimore Dolts, the terroristic New Orleans Aints. And how can you overlook the likes of the vicious Chicago Teddy Bears, the valiant Dallas Cryboys, and the bruising Sad Francisco 49ers. And lest we forget the Marauders of the Meadowlands, the Scourge of the Seaboard, the Gems of Jersey, those lovable losers, those woebegone warriors: THE NEW YORK GIANTS!!! Yes, we definitely agree that there are many superior teams in the NFL. See you next January at the Super Bowl. That is, if your beloved Birds make it that far. Bon Voyage! Do you know what the English major said when he went to study for his poetry test? Well, we do, but we're not going to tell you until April 30. That's the date of the next C.C. READER, and we need your help. You see, we'll be having to compose this bizarre column two weeks in a row. And quite frankly, we need your bizarre questions to get the job done. Please give your questions to us (the bizarre authors) or drop them off at the READER Office in W-129. Your help - is greatly appreciated. 1 BLOOM INTO THE LATEST FASHIONS OF SPRING i 1 AT THE B.S.U. FASHION SHOW. APRIL 28, 1981 1 1 1 A %rsonal 1 Clubbin' around FROM 7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M IN THE AUDITORIUM COST $l.OO PER PERSON Bob Antonini Happy Valley Correspondent to fill out an application for Editor of the C. C. READER lications available in W-129, Deadline 4/20/81 Thursday, April 16, 1981 The Tenth Annual Capitol Campus "Rites of Spring" is coming May 27-31. For those of you who aren't acquainted with "Rites of Spring," it's a few of the most active and crazy days at Capitol. For five fun-loving days, all the clubs on campus sponsor events and participate in contests--eating, dancing, and whatever. The whole idea is to get people out to celebrate springtime. It's also a great opportunity for clubs to be active and become known on campus. Some of the tentative events for this year are: WEDNESDAY--Bath Tub Race, Roman Riots, refreshments THURSDAY--Gong Show (Don't miss this one!) FRIDAY--MEHE 500 (stay tuned for details of this exciting race.), Concert SATURDAY--All-Day Concert, Mud Wrestling SUNDAY--Road Rallye, Pig Roast A highlight of the weekend is the all-day concert, which will feature four different types of bands playing for a total of eight hours. You say it's too amazing to be true at Capitol Campus? Well, it happened the past few years, and we have the potential to make it even better than before. Just get your organizations to sponsor an event such as pie-throwing, balloon tossing, or beer can stacking, or use your imagination. The Meade Heights Board of Governors (MHBOG) is helping to organize some events. So, for any further details, contact President Jeff McGee at 994-2547 for information. To help pay for the cost of the bands, MHBOG is selling "Rites of Spring T-shirts" for only $3.00. The shirts come in green, burgandy, and blue. So get them while they're hot. They're on sale every-other week in the lobby during 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and sth periods until the "Rites of Spring," and also during the evenings from 5-5:30 and again from 7-7:30. So buy one now and beat the rush. See you at the Rites of Spring! An Eagle fan PENN STATE CAPITOL CAMPUS XGI Lounge Main Lobby contact any XGI fraternity member (FREE PASTRY & COFFEE W/DONATION) M.S.U. TRIP The Married Student Union is plan ning a return trip to the Gettysburg Battlefield. A tour of the battlefield and picnic are scheduled on May 2. Inter ested parties should call 944-3214 for more information. The next meeting of the M.S.U. is April 21 at 7:30 p.m. It will be held at the University Apartment #22. Come and get involved. DOUGLAS T. CHARNEY President 3802 Harness Lane Camp Hill, PA 17011 7610518 RADIO TALK Rites Of Spring BLOOD DRIVE Date: May 7, 1981 Time 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sign-up for donation times PHI BETA LAMBDA THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY CAPITOL CAMPUS C.C. Reader Solution DAVID J. BOYD Vice President 28 Kensington Drive Camp Hill, PA 17011 737-4173
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers