C. Reader SGA Constitution 1. 11 )f- 11 11 tki [ 1 )1 1 ) av. tI) M.ll Dia iLV:II..i v (ok I THE CAPITOL CAMPUS THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY MIDDLETOWN, PENNSYLVANIA ISSUED BY THE DULY APPOINTED CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION COMMITTEE AND APPROVED BY THE STUDENT BODY IN THE PLEBISCITE.I.9BI. ROSANNE ROSENBERGER, PRESIDENT DAVID AUSTIN, VICE PRESIDENT JOHN CLARK, TREASURER PREAMBLE The power exercised by the Student Government Association has been delegated to it by the students of the Capitol Campus of the Pennsylvania State University. Therefore, we, the students of the Penn State Capitol Campus, in order to deal effectively with matters of student affairs; perpetuate the best traditions and ideals of the Penn State Capitol Campus; promote to the end that the work of this institution may be made of lasting value to the university community; enact and enforce such proposals as are deemed necessary for the promotion of the welfare of the students; and control and direct student activities in order that they may be conducted for the best interests of the Student Body as a whole and to the credit of the Penn State Capitol Campus, do ordain and establish this constitution for the Student Government Association of the Penn State Capitol Campus. ARTICLE I NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION The name of this organization shall be "The Student Government Association of the Penn State Capitol Campus." ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP Section 1. 111: I u : i • • • 0.11 All registered full-time undergraduate and graduate students shall be members of this organization. Each member shall be subject to all rules and regulations as may be herein or hereafter enacted by the organization. Section 2. Suffrage Only members of this organization shall be entitled to the privilege of suffrage in student elections. ARTICLE In GENERAL ORGANIZATION Branches of the Government Section 1 The Student Government Association of the Penn State Capitol Campus shall be organized into two branches: Executive and Legislative. ARTICLE IV THE ADVISOR Section 1. Faculty Advisor The Faculty advisor shall assist the SGA in matters pertaining to activities between the Senate and Faculty. Section 2. Director of Student Affairs The Director of Student Affairs, or a representative shall be the administrative advisor of the Student Government Association. ARTICLE V THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH Section 1. The 'President of the Student Government Association All executive powers herein granted shall be vested in a President of the Student Government Association. Section 2. Executive Officers The President of the Student Government Association shall be assisted by a Vice President, two Secretaries, and a Treasurer. Term of office of the Executive Officers is from the Spring term inauguration until the following Spring term inauguration. Section 3. Vacancies If the office of the President should become vacant before the Fall term, it shall be filled during the Fall term elections. If the Office should become vacant at any other time, it shall be assumed by the Vice President. Thursday, February 19, 1981 If the office of the Vice President should become vacant before the Fall term, it shall be filled during the Fall term elections. If the Office should become vacant at any other time, the President of the Student Government Association shall fill the vacancy by appointment with the approval of two-thirds of the membership of the Senate. The Election/ Screening Committee shall serve as a screening committee to assist the President in the selection. If the office of both President and Vice President should become vacant after the Fall election, both offices shall be filled by special elections. Both shall also perform all other duties as may be assigned to them by the President. Section 7. Powers of the Treasurer of the Student Government Association The Treasurer of the Student Government Association shall have power to serve as Comptroller of the Student Government Association, establish and maintain an audit system for all organizations on the campus in accordance with the laws of the Student Body, present to the Senate and post in a conspicuous place at the end of each term financial reports of all activities of the Student Government Association, and to handle all those moscellaneous financial matters which pertain to the Student Government Association. Section 8. Voting Powers of Executive Officers The Executive Officers of the Student Government Association shall have an equal vote in the Senate with the President voting only in the case of a tie. Section 9. Parliamentarian It shall be the prerogative of the President of the Student Government Association to appoint a Parliamentarian for the Senate with the assistance of the Election/Screening Committee. The Parliamentarian may not be a member of the If the office of either Secretaries, or Treasurer of the Student Government Association should become vacant before the Fall term, it shall be filled during the Fall term elections. If it should become vacant at any other time, the President of the Student Government Association shall fill the vacancy by appointment with the approval of two-thirds of the membership of the Senate. The Election/ Screening Committee shall serve as a screening committee to assist the President in the selection. Section 4. The Powers of the President of the Student Government Association The President of the Student Government Association shall have the power to execute the proposals enacted by the Senate, shall preside over all meetings of the Senate, shall fill all vacancies in the Senate occurring after the Fall elections with the approval of two-thirds of the Senate and the appointee appearing before the Senate one meeting prior to approval, shall call special meetings of the Senate, shall make appointments of all standing committee chairpersons with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall make appointments to ad hoc committees, shall have the power to recommend to the Senate, the formation of new standing committees, and all other powers which would generally appertain to the office. The President may veto legislation of the SGA. Section 5. Poweys of the Vice President of the Student Government Association The Vice President of the Student Government Association shall have power to execute the powers and duties of the President in the President's absence, perform such duties as the President shall assign to him/her and approve or disapprove all requests for proxies for any member of the Senate, and shall be chairperson of the President's Council. Term proxies may not be issued. Section 6. Powers of the Secretaries of the Student Government Association The Secretarial duties shall be divided as follows: Executive and Senate Secretary: 1) Keep record of attendance at all meetings, including visitors 2) Type and dispurse the agenda at least 2 school days before the next scheduled meeting 3) Maintain minutes of each meeting: Recording all laws passed by the Senate and sending them to the President within 36 hours Returning to the Senate all legislation signed or vetoed by the President 4) Post the minutes of each meeting in conspicuous places on campus 5) Perform duties as needed by the Executive Board for SGA purposes 6) Keep and maintain a permanent record of the constitution of the Student Body Club and Committee Secretary: 1) Type and file standing committee reports 2) Maintain club mailboxes 3) Type all correspondence of the President 4) Maintain files 5) Maintain a list of committees including members and date of all actions Senate
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