SGA-4 Section 5. Charter Review All charter organizations and clubs shall be reviewed in the Fall term, by the Charter Review Committee, to determine if the charter should be continued or revoked. A two-thirds vote of the Senate is required to continue or revoke a charter. No SGA finances shall be disbursed to organizations until after the review and vote has been completed. Section 6. Advisors Registered student organizations, including honorary and professional organizations, shall have a faculty or staff advisor at all times. ARTICLE XVII FINANCIAL REGULATIONS Section 1. Administration of Funds All SGA funds, either in the SGA operating budgets, the FAA account, or already allocated club budgets shall be administered in the following manner: 1) The SGA shall either write, modify, or enforce administrative rules designed to support and enforce the description of the Treasury System in Article V, Section 7. 2) Any change in the administrative rules shall be made upon a two-thirds affirmative vote in the SGA Senate. 3) All budget requests are to be submitted to the Treasurer at the end of Spring term. the Finance Committee shall review the requests and make recommendations to the Senate. Section 2. Method of Appeal for Organizational Budgets Chartered organizations of the Penn State Capitol Campus have the right to appeal their proposed budget after review by the Finance Committee by formal appeal as outlined: 1) Structural form of appeal A. Written formal document containing: 1. the organization's name 2. a brief explanation of grievance with budget 3. the author's signature -- address - phone number 4. list of officers and submittal date 2) Submittal of appeal A. It shall be the responsibility of the organization's representative to insure that copies of their formal appeal reach both the Treasurer and President of the SGA. B. It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer of the SGA, upon receipt of an appeal, to determine a suitable appointment time for review of the appealing organization's budget. This time must be agreed upon by both parties. 3) Procedure following submittal of appeal A. At the predetermined appointment time, a representative of the appealling organization will present their case to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee can then consign one of the following: 1. Recommend no change in initial proposed budget for that organiza tion. 2. Recommend an increase in budget to the Senate for a two-thirds majority ratification 3. Recommend a decrease in budget to the Senate for a two-thirds majority ratification. If the organization will not accept the recommendation of the Finance Committee: 1. The organization may request, of the President of the SGA, to be placed on the agenda of the next SGA meeting, at which time: a. The organization may present their grievances of their budget for a period not to exceed 10 minutes. b. The Finance Committee may then present their determination and recommendations for a period not to exceed 10 minutes. c. The Senate may then elect to increase, decrease, or not change the budget by two-thirds majority ratification based on testimony given by the organization and the Finance Committee. 4) Regulations governing appeals procedure A. Before any appeals may be filed, the overall proposed budget must be ratified by two-thirds majority Senate vote. B. Filing of individual organization budget appeals will begin the day after the Senate ratifies the overall proposed budget, and will remain open for seven days, including weekends, until 12 noon of the seventh day. Appeals filed outside this time period will not be accepted. C. Only formal appeals as outlined in sections 1) and 2) shall be considered. D. All budgets not appealed will go into effect after initial ratification of the overall proposed budget as outlined in section 4) A. E. If an organization draws funds from their account inside the seven day appeals period, It will be considered by the Senate and the Finance Committee that the organization has accepted their budget as initially ratified. No privilege for appeal will be accepted. F. Any organization that chooses to appeal their budget inside the seven day appeals period will have their account frozen until a final budget determination can be made. Thursday, February 19, 1981 Section 3. Financial Procedures for Student Organizations Field Tripe A field trip outline shall be handed to the Finance Committee two full weeks before the day of departure. The outline will consist of: If cash advances are needed for addition funds, a Cash Advance Form may be obtained from the SGA Treasurer. Equipment Purchases All equipment purchases shall be handed through the Finance Committee. An appointment shall be set up by the organization with the Finance Committee, to discuss the equipment purchases. Organizations consider ing an equipment purchase should have the following information with them at the meeting: If the above procedures are not met, the club will receive no consideration for their trip or equipment purchase. Income All income from membership dues, raffles, movies, extraordinary Campus-wide events, etc. must be deposited in the Student Affairs office. Ticket Accountability When there is a general admission event, a ticket accountability shall be performed by the Finance Committee: affairs office. 9) All band contracts must be paid by University check. NO EXCEPTIONS. 10) All other expenses incurred for Extraordinary Campus-wide Events, Movies, etc., must also be paid by University Check. 11) A Brief Ticket Sales Report and Income Statement shall be filled out after all general admission events. When using a purchase order: The purchase order is a guarantee that the transaction will be paid. A purchase order issued to a merchant must be signed by the treasurer of the Student Government Association for the check to be sent directly to the merchant. G. All organization appeals of budget will be taken into consideration on an individual basis. H. If an organization being considered for appeal fails to supply a repre sentative at the agreed upon appointment time, that organization's budget ,will remain as initially ratified. That organization will have no further privilege of appeal. 5) Funding A. If it is determined that an organization, upon completion of the procedure of appeal, warrants a change in budget, one of the following may occur: 1. For a decrease in budget, the monies taken from the organizational account are transferred into the SGA operations account. 2. For an increase in budget, monies will be taken from the SGA operations account and transferred to that organization's account. If funds are unavailable in the SGA operations account, funds will be transferred from the FAA account to the SGA operations account and in turn to the organization's account as funds becomc available. Date of Event Departure Time Destination Vehicles to be used Reason for Trip Description of Equipment Reason for the Purchase Two or more price quotations from merchants Membership dues shall be deposited on the day of receipt. Raffle Money -- will be deposited everday while chances are being sold. Movies -- door receipts shall be deposited the next school day. Socials and Extraordinary Campus-wide Events door receipts shall be deposited the next school day. 1) Tickets shall be issued to the organization holding the event 2) The ticket number will be written down along with the final ticket number at the end of the event. 3) The organization shall give a ticket to each paying customer. 4) A member of the finance committee shall take one half of the ticket and deposit it in a locked box. 5) Unused tickets shall be given to a member of the finance committee at the end of the event. 6) There shall be a ticket count by the Finance Committee within 48 hours of the event. 7) The number of tickets collected times the amount charged for admission should equal the door receipts of the organization. Overages and shortages shall be kept on record by the SGA Treasurer. The SGA Treasurer shall have the right to make decisions on how to handle organizations with a large number of overages sad/or shortages. 8) Door receipts must be deposited within one school day in the student • : • List of Participants Estimated Cost Net Amount requested from Finance Committee continued on page 10 C.C. Reader
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