Page 8 Art Association of Harrisburg Membership Campaign now underway. Half-year memberships (for 12-1-80 through 5-31-81) now available. Call 236-1432 or stop in at 21 N. Front St. between 9:30 and 1:30 Monday through Friday. 1980-81 Hershey Bears Hockey Season has begun. For tickets and information call 534-3911. Group discount rates also available. Through November 25: College Center Art Exhibit, Constantine Kermes, oils and prints, at Lebanon Valley College. Through November 30: Planetarium Show at the William Penn Museum "Springtime in the Universe." Through December 4: Art Exhibits at Penn State York. Commons Area -- Dean Paules; Student Center -- Ruth McCann; Display Cases - Ceramic Hut of York. Through December 5: CAPITOL CAMPUS ART EXIHBIT, Glenn Schlosser, watercolors. Gallery Lounge. Through December: Exhibit, Presidential Candidates and Election Fanfare, 1789-1980, at the Hershey Museum of American Life. Continuing Exhibits at the William Penn Museum, 3rd and North Harrisburg: Threads of Life -- November 23 Geology of Gold -- April 5, 1981 Pennsylvania Decoys -- February 1, 1981 Gem Butterflies -- December 7 Extinctions and Endangerments -- July 12, 1981 November 20: CAPITOL CAMPUS ACCOUNTING CLUB MEETING at 3:30 p.m. in BCAC, W-132. Speaker: Dave Cornelius of AMP, Inc. on Careers in Industrial Corporate Accounting. November 21-22: Play, "Bye Bye Birdie" at the College Center Theater at Lebanon Valley College. Performances at 8:00 p.m. November 19-22 and 28 and 29: Lancaster Opera Workshop presents "Kismet" at the Fulton Opera House, 12 N. Prince St., Lancaster. 394-7133. November 20-23: HACC Workshop 98 Theatre production by HACC students, faculty, and alumni. 8:00. Workshop Theatre. Admission $2.00. November 20: CAPITOL CAMPUS XGI SEMI-ANNUAL BLOOD DRIVE. Gallery Lounge. A large turn-out of donors is necessary to insure that Capitol Campus maintains a strong blood donor organization. A sign-up list will be posted in the nurse's office. The XGI fraternity supplies coffee, orange juice, and McDonald's Danish to all donors. November 20-22: Lebanon Community Theatre presentt, Neil Simon's "Last of the Red Hot Lovers." 8:15 p.m. Located at 700 E. Maple St. and Theatre Drive, Lebanon. Tickets $4.00. For reservations call 273-5151. November 21: HACC Friday Night Flicks, "The Conversation" with Gene Hackman, 8:00, Rose Herman Lehrman Arts Center. Free. November 21: "1000 Years of Jazz" at 8:00 at the Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center, 50 N. George St., York. 846-1111. November 23: "A Midsummer -ht's Dream," 7:30, Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center, 50 N. George St., York. 846-1111. November 23: Kelly Monteith at York College of PA. Wolf Gym, 7:00, $3.00 November 23-24: Auditions for "Same Time, Next Year" at the Harrisburg Community Theatre, 513 Hurlock Street, Harrisburg at 7:00. November 23: Reception and beginning of Annual Arts and Crafts Benefit Exhibit at Doshi Center for Contemporary Art. Reception from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Exhibit includes pottery, jewelry, weaving, batik, hand-blown glass, photographs, silkscreen prints, and drawings. November 23-January 2: Exhibit at Doshi Center for Contemporary Art, Annual Arts and Crafts Benefit Exhibition in the Main Gallery, and Inmate Art from the PA. Correctional System in the Upper Gallery. Doshi located at 1435 N. 2nd St., Harrisburg. Open Monday through Friday 11 to 4 and Sunday 1 to 4. Free. November 26: Concert at the Spectrum, Rossington Collins Band and 38 Special at 8:00. Tickets are $5.50, $7.00, and $8.50 and are on sale at the Spectrum box office and all Ticketron locations. November 29-30: Museum Holiday Shop at the Hershey Museum of American Life. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Special gifts for holiday shopping. Refreshments. November 30: Lancaster Symphony Orchestra at the Fulton Opera House, 12 N Prince St., Lancaster. 394-7133. December 1-18: College Center Art Exhibit, Karen Wenger, drawings and collages, at Lebanon Valley College. December 3: Fourth Annual Make and Bake Auction at the Harrisburg Community Theatre at 7:30. Address: 513 Hurlock St., Harrisburg. December 3-28: Planetarium Show at the William Penn Museum - Bethlehem." mrs fay Nov Calendar of E November 20,1990 December 5: HACC Friday Night Flicks, "The Red Balloon," drama; "Paper Moon" with Ryan and Tatum O'Neal, 8:00, Rose Herman Lehrman Arts Center. Free. December 6: Classic Film Series at Hershey Theatre -- "Yankee Doodle Dandy" with James Cagney. 7:10 p.m. Box office opens at 6:30. $3.00 for adults, $1.50 for children under 12. December 7: Vassar Clements [fiddler] at York College of PA. Wolf Gym, 7:00, $3.00. December 7-January 1: Exhibit at the William Penn Museum -- "Tree Decorations" -- exhibition of Christmas 'trees decorated by various ethnic groups through Pennsylvania reflecting homelands around the world. Hours -- Tuesday through Saturday from 10 to 4:30; Sunday 12 to 4:30. December 7-8: Penn State York Art Exhibits start. Commons Area -- Mitch Gibbs; Student Center -- Fran Spangle; Display Cases -- American Handicrafts of York. All through January 29. December 8-19: Graphics Exhibit at the Art Association of Harrisburg from 9:30 to 1:30 Monday through Friday. December 9: "Ain't Misbehavin"' at 8:00 at the Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center, 50 N. George St., York. 846-1111. December 10: Puppet Man - puppet show for kids and adults at Penn State York Conference Center, 7:30. Free. December 10: HACC Jazz-Rock Ensemble Concert. 8:00 in the Arts Center Auditorium. Free. December 12: HACC Friday Night Flicks, Woody Allen's "Manhattan," 8:00, Arts Center. Free. December 12,13,19-21: "Amahl and the Night Visitors" at the Harrisburg Community Theatre, 513 Hurlock St., Harrisburg. 238-7381. December 13-February 8: Exhibit at the William Penn Museum - Trains." December 13: Folk Concert at HACC. Indian Neck Folk Festival presents "Nowell Sing We Clear," midwinter carols and a mummer's play. 2:00 in the Arts Center Auditorium. Admission $3.00. December 13-14: Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet presents "The Nutcracker" at 2:00 and 8:00 on Saturday and at 2:00 and 6:30 on Sunday at the Hershey Theatre. Reservations -- call 236-3311. December 14: HACC Choir Concert, 3:00, Arts Center Auditorium. Free December 14: Holiday Open House at the Art Association of Harrisburg. December 14-19: CAPITOL CAMPUS SKI CLUB TRIP TO SMUGGLER NOTCH VERMONT. December 20-21: HACC Children's Theatre. Saturday at 11:00 and 2:00, Sunday at 2:00. December 20-21: "The Nutcracker" by Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet at the Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Center, 50 N. George St., York. Saturday at 8:00 and Sunday at 3:00. 846-1111. Harrisburg Community Theatre's latest production was truly a work of art. Their performance was quite moving. It evoked all the emotions that Aristotle would have required for a good drama. About the story--If you are not familiar with the story about Helen Keller by this point in your life-- READ IT! The guest director, Don L. Alsedek is a native of Harrisburg. He began his association with HCT in the mid-forties in Junior Theatre. His most recent work has been at the York Little Theatre and the Little Theatre of Mechanicsburg. The Harrisburg Community Theatre will hold open auditions for the popular comedy Same Time, Next Year on Sunday and Monday evenings, Novem ber 23rd and 24th at 7PM. The auditions will be conducted in the theatre facility at 6th and Hurlock Sts. by Thomas Hostetter, HCT's Managing Director. "The Star of vents Theatre Review By Keith N. Gantz Same Time, Next Year chronicles an extra-marital affair between Doris and George (the only characters in the play). After meeting by chance and spending a weekend together, the couple continues to meet for one weekend annually over the ensuing 25 years. The script ex amines their relationship and the changes each character undergoes dur ing this period of time. Actors are needed who can portray Doris and George from about age 25 through 50. Doris appears, alternately, as housewife, mother, "hippie," business woman and grandmother. George is seen as a CPA, husband, father, pianist and business manager. Both roles require an acute sense of comic timing in addition to considerable emotional range. The auditions will consist of readings from the script as required by the discretion of the director. For further information, call 238-7381. C.C. Reader "Toy Electric
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