C.C. Reader Counseling Center News Since this is the last issue of the C.C. Reader for Fall Term 1980, we want to say congratualtions to all the graduates and wish you all the best. Keep in touch. To the students who will be returning have a nice month's vacation and don't forget to stop in and see us when you return. Also remember to check the bulletin boards for any workshops in the Directions 'BO-'Bl series. Candidates interested in the GREs, GMATs, LSAT, and NTEs should be aware of the following deadlines in view of the fact that the Counseling Center will be closed from December 20, 1980 through January 4, 1981. Regular Late Regis. Regis. Test Test Date 2 Deadline Deadline 1. GRE 2-7-81 1-2-81 Jan. 3-13, 'Bl LSAT 2-21-81 1-22-81 1-29-81 NTE 2-21-81 . 1-21-81 1-28-81 1. Late Registration Fees Required. Consult Bulletin of Information. 2.T0 be administered at Capitol. Plan Ahead! Pick up your registration materials and Bulletins of Information before you go home for Winter Recess. Happy Holidays. Marian, Ed and Joanne teilL lo I Dia lialiLl :11.1l .4.11 Ell ti DIM DI DI l) Di 11 The faculty committee on bookstore activities would like suggestions from students, faculty, and staff on improving the Capitol Campus bookstore. Although textbook prices will probably remain high because of rising costs for printing, paper, and postage, some desirable changes may be possible if enough members of the campus community express interest and submit their ideas for change. Write your suggestions in the space provided, clip, and drop in the C.C. Reader box in Room W-129. °IDEAS ON ITEMS YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE BOOKSTORE? ° CHANGES IN THE PHYSICAL LAYOUT OF THE STORE? °OTHER SUGGESTIONS OR COMMENTS? by Major S.C. Anon (Well, well, well. The psycho promoted himself once again. We've been trying to figure out what the "S.C." stands for. So far the best suggestion was "sick cook ie," although "space cadet" might apply also. "Scrambled cerebrium," "sorry character," "something cosmic"? Who cares? Here it is.) Friday,, November 7th I read an editorial in the C.C.Reader entitled "Drink Responsibly." It was hilarious. That's one funny guy. (He couldn't have been serious). He could have been a bit more sarcastic though, because you could almost believe that he actually meant what he was saying. Just as well that it wasn't for real. I read Leonard Wumke's article too. To those people who stole the pitchers from Thirsty's -- may you suffer from painful rectal itch, you lowlife grubs. Test Date Reminders Diary Of A College Revolutionary And that letter to the editor entitled "Student Longs to Belong," excellent. I agree completely. Cover that wall up with something until it gets painted over. Monday, November 10th I am convinced that everyone on my street has been planted there by the FBI to keep me under constant surveillance. Some character was mocking the Eagles down in Vendorville this after noon. I now understand that he met with a fatal accident earlier this evening. It seems that while he was cleaning his .44 Magnum, it went off, shooting him in the head -- six times. Wednesday, November 12th Well here I sit in a really excellent chair. The place I'm in is call Sera-Tech. When I answered their ad in the C.C.Reader, I didn't know that they Thursday, November 20, 1980 spur ty car handl int; and >tat ion vt,t.tort satl,ty t I'aLIL in I The future. Does it mean a job opportunity or a continuation of school? As the end of another term nears, many graduating students may be facing this difficult question. To the student who is ready for T employment, congratulations and good luck! But to those students who may be considering graduate work, this may be one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make When considering graduate school, a fact to keep in mind is that not all professions require any degree higher than a B.A. or a B.S. Check out the graduate school's affiliation with local, regional, and national employers to find out if the school is working with employ ers in your field who require a graduate education for their employees. Although a master's degree may increase entry-level salaries and open doors to new opportunities, be prepared to also consider the cost of a graduate education. Professor admits plagiarizing book Campus Dams News Servin An instructor at San Francisco State University may face disciplinary action for his admitted plagiarism. Charles Fracchia, 43, who lectures on the cultural history of San Francisco, said that in trying to meet a deadline for a magazine arti cle, he panicked and plagiarized sections of a intended to stick a pipe in my arm. Some girl here just remarked that yesterday she saw a black woman with a hickie on her neck. I don't know what's so unusual about that. If the hickie had been anywhere else she probably wouldn't have seen it, or would she? Lesson for the day: Be sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear. Saturday, November 15th A bad day for Temple football fans. I went to the supermarket today and some character came up to me and said that my turtleneck sweater was on back wards. For several moments I stood there wondering how he could know that, until I realized that he was deliber ately trying to confuse me, hence making my life more complicated. I don't like a complicated life , and I don't like seeing other people with complicated lives, so I simplified his. I force-fed him various kitchen utensils, bypassing the mouth Graduate School The cost for an upper-level degree varies according to the quality of the school's program, the profession chosen and the amount of time needed to get the degree. It may cost anywhere from the estimated $5,000 for one year of grad uate schooling to as much as $62,000 for four years. So, exactly what is the point of a graduate eduacation? A graduate eduaction is designed to give a student an opportunity to zero-in on his or her focus while at the same time exposing the student to more knowledge in a particular field. In other words, a student moves from the general to the specific. The formula of blending core requirements with electives is the main key for students in mastering the chosen discipline. A graduate education takes time, money, and discipline. But with the right goals in mind, a student who is consider ing graduate school may find it to be a rewarding experience in more ways than one. The Black Collegian book on the city's theater history. The plagiarism was revealed in a campus newspaper on the basis of an anonymous tip. A faculty committee is studying the case and will make recommendations to Paul F. Romberg, the university president, on what action is to be taken. and inserting them directly into his stomach. Monday, November 17th It's snowing! That means it's time to make a rough draft of my Christmas list. --An M-16 with a silencer and infra red scope. --A box of M-62 grenades. --An M-79 rocket launcher. --A Trans-Am. •-A Bell-Jet Ranger helicopter. --One Pound of Hawaiian --One case of Jack Daniels --One case of Jim Beam. --Ten cases of Heineken. --Plenty of gas. --Rossingol Skis. --About $25,000 in cash. --The Ayatollah's Head. Page 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers