C.C. Reader The Polka Platters "spun" off the tunes during the night. Ads ignore dangers of smoking7DwNe wSffe Cigarette ads usually feature unspoiled, open country with healthy, beautiful smokers. Yet any doctor or nurse can tell you that the REAL smoking country is the hospital ward. Following are some recent smoking facts that you'll never see depicted in the ads: —Smoking-related disorders are estimated to cause some 325,000 premature deaths each year. —Cigarettes contain one of the most power ful cancer-causing agents--benzopyrene. --One recent study showed that the Cauca sian smokers in the 40 to 49 age groups are likely to be as prominently wrinkled as non smokers 20 years older. --Cigarette smoke creates an environment 640 times more polluted than considered safe in industrial plants. --Between 2,000 to 4,000 different chemical compounds have been identified in tobacco —ln 2,000 experiments testing the effect of smoking on mental responses, all cases showed smoking lowered mental efficiency from 10 to 23 percent. --Computation shows that the average heavy smoker--two or more packs a day--loses an average of 8.3 years of his life. This means a loss of almost six minutes per cigarette smoked. In other words, a minute of life for a minute of smoking. —ln 1979 it was estimated that more than 100,000 Americans had lung cancer. In 1980 another 117,000 were e ed to 'oin them. Although the election was expected to be a cliff hanger, Reagan handily sweeped the country, piling up far more electoral votes than even his supporters had predicted. Inflation weighed heavily on the minds of the voters. A high percentage of those surveyed who felt inflation was a major pro blem voted for Reagan. John Anderson turned out not to be the "spoiler" of Carter's election chances, as claimed by many. If all of Anderson's votes were added to Carter's popular vote, Reagan would still have won by a substantial margin. Itit**** ****************************************************i Middletown lanes Middletown lanes W EDNESDAY- Campus League Nite Ball drilling services, Bags, Shoes and Accessories *********************************************************** Smoking is responsible for about 83 percent of lung cancers in men and 43 percent in women. --Diagnosis of lung cancer in time for cure is difficult. Only about 10 percent are saved. —Women who both smoke and take oral contraceptives increase their risk of heart at tack 12 times over those who do neither. --A study in Sweden found that the "total death risk" in stillbirths and in deaths occurr ing before I year of age, is 60 percent higher for babies of smoking mothers. --Babies of smoking mothers may develop deficiencies in physical growth, intellectual development and-or emotional development. --Tobacco has an arsenic content 50 times the amount legally permitted in food. --Smoking has been implicated in cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pan creas and bladder. Together with lung cancer, they account for a total of 20 percent of all cancers. --Smoking is linked to conditions ranging from colds and gastric ulcers to heart disease. —Smoking is responsible for 70 percent of chronic bronchitis and emphysema cases. --Smokers have about twice as many auto accidents as non-smokers. --Smoking kills over 900 Americans a day, someone every 97 seconds. —Smoking costs the nation about $27 billion in medical care each year. --Every year cigarettes kill more Americans than were killed in World War I, the Korean War •and the Vietnam War combined. Election resu is surprise everyone Campo Mini News Service 9444 0 951 Thursday, November 20,1980 Mary and John at the party. She's showing him how to dance ACROSS 1. In this world 5. Exchange 9. Cleopatra's killer 12. Without irregularities 13. " is a great bundle of little things" 14. Plus 15. Senate word 16. Discharge from service 2 wds. 18. Te-hee 20. Dress shoes 21. Twists forcibly 23. pal, correspondent 24. Vague 25. Biggest 29. Fury or wrath Buckets Jack Horner's food Mend 33 35 36. nor hair Substance on this page Excites Lose consciousness Freight Like a mule Pat Addition to a house Delicately fashioned Homonym of "higher" Be aware of Ran for one's life Highest point Page 13 DOWN Attention getting word Miss Arden Understands clearly Half an em Counterfeit coins Goal Sternward Eyes: slang Tiny particle Vichyssoise Lobster traps Cylindrical drinking-cup Ladder part "Have you wool ?" Revolve with a buzzing sound Almost unheard of Buddy Be situated 10 11 16 Loosely connected Faction Aids for Jack Nicklaus The Pope Original houseboat Color Embrace Considered Pay dirt Adversaries Qualified "This scepter'd —," England Sugar source Nothing Pitcher's "soupbone" Sewing party Sound of surprise 42 44 46
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