C.C. Reader Yama (continued) mature, says Yama. Students are more disciplined in Japan too, he noted. It is very unusual for students to be up until midnight thew, although it is commonplace for us. When one settles in a new country, there are always mis understandings in language and other adjustments to a new way of life, examples of which Yama shared. A girl once told him, "You're a crazy guy." "I got so upset," ,Yama said, "because I translated it directly into Japanese and I thought she meant it literally. I didn't realize she meant I was funny. I thought she actually thought I was crazy." "At midnight," Yama continued, "the guys in my dorm screamed- I thought they were crazy-but I was afraid to go out in the hall." Yama also talked about the international student softball team. "To win is so important in the U.S. The Americans helped us-they were patient. Some international students didn't even know what a bat was. We only won one game-by default-the other team didn't show up." Yama's favorite movies are "The Graduate," "Love Story," and "Easy Rider". His favorite sport is tennis and he says he'd rather be an active participant than a spectator. His hobbies include classical music, drinking, and sleeping. There are two ways that Yama feels Capitol could help inter national students. One way is to have a student-run orientation, since things that are important to international students are not covered in the university sponsored orientation. Instead, international students must often learn these things at informal get-togethers with other students. Another of his ideas is for Capitol to have one basic American history course for international students in which American students could lecture on the American way of life. Dr. Gary A. Greenberg Optometrist Family Medicine Center 1022 No. Union St., Middletown, PA PHONE: 944-4031 Weekday, Saturday and Evening Hours Closed Wednesday Complete eye examination Contact lenses E .ecare Insurance forms accepted Thursday, September 25, 1980 aNiii! Fox's Market USDA Choice Western Beef Full variety in all departments Plus our famous In-store Bakery 101 South Union Street 731 Cherry Drive 533-6445 Visit Fox's Famous Deli and Country Market veil lied dat pests 1144 hr d Ws VINI podia het km est mon Middletown & Hershey 944-7486 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. "I'M A COLLEGE GRADUATE? THAT HAS A NICE RING TO IT. It's been tough. A lot of work. But you'll make it. And nothing tells the world "I made it" better than a Jostens College ring on your finger. It's your lifelong symbol of achievement and your constant reminder of your total college experience. See the great selection of Jostens rings, available in 10K gold, 14K gold and Lustrium. From s7e•ors DATE Tues. Oct 7 8:30 am Vendorville TIME to 7:30 pm PLACE 'lO.OO depos JO SrEINS THE RING PEOPLE.
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