C.C. Reader Faculty Committees (continued) Committee on Student Affairs Membership: The committee shall be concerned with policies involving the academic aspects of student life on the campus and shall present proposals to the Faculty Council for consideration; shall be the principal agency of the Faculty Organization for providing appropriate representation of student opinion on academic matters to the Faculty Organization and shall be the point of entry for student proposals; maintain liaison with the elected officers of the students as appropriately organized and with the Office of Student Affairs; maintain awareness of current trends and long-range studies in student affairs. Campus Beautification Committee (ad hoc) The committee's main objective is to create more attractive and invitational appearance of the campus. Note: The committees meet on an average of 5 to 6 times per academic year (fall through spring term). 17. 18. 19. 20. Six members of the full-time teaching faculty, the Dean of Student Affairs (ex-officio), the President of Student Government Association, and two additional full-time undergraduate students selected by the Student Government Association ACROSS Speed demon Band of wolves Small egg Simultan eously: 2 wds. Insignificant beings or things: 2 wds. Tale of adventure Speech defect Used to be Preschooler Hunger is the teacher of Tourist's permit Light, rhythmic sound Island, New York resort DOWN Peep show Smug, pedan tic persons Public enemy Goad Merely Look slyly Fairy queen Drivel: slang Glee-club member Large moth Small contri bution to a conversation : 3 wds. Secure the support of "Butterfield 8" author Specks Protuberances 23. 24. 25. 30. 31. 32. 33. 35. 36. 38. Thursday, September 25. 1980 Monday Night Football A Montague " Stop! " Ism or scho Pipe fitting Assume the former position of Scapegoat: slang Nipa palm Barracks be Being aware of Halts "An on Man," Pope poem PFC's super ior: abbr. Barnyai'd sound Demeanor Not legally enforceable N.Y. city on the Hudson Riding whip Fame Everything counted : 2 wds. Persevere: 2 wds. Prime talent Source of annoyance Yearns Guillemot Porticos Word of disgust Finest Burden Labor union abbr. Any persons that SGA - Social Committee Starting September 29 (9-12 pm) Student Center Special Showing Nebraska vs. Penn State Saturday, September 27 1:30 pm THE EXERCISE SYSTEM OF THE FUTURE FOR YOU TODAY AT... SUN & SPLASH NAUTILUS FITNESS CENTER CALL 737-0902 TODAY . . . FOR YOUR SPECIAL SNEAK PREVIEW INTO THE FITNESS FUTURE We are conveniently located one mile south of the Capital City Mall off the Wesley Drive exit of Route 15. We are 'only minutes from Capitol Campus.' SPECIAL STUDENT. MEMBERSHIP FOR LESS THAN $13.00 PER MONTH. •ASK ABOUT OUR MEMBERSHIP FREEZE POLICY FOR STUDENTS. Middletown Lanes 944-9991 WEDNESDAY- Campus League Nite Ball drilling services, Bags, Shoes and Accessories Well, not exactly, dutiful instructor is more like it. Our friendly staff of knowledgeable instructors will see to it that your body "reaches new highs in conditioning and appearance," the safe, efficient way TILUS, a series of ted physical con- ditioning machines available today! Designed to take the drudgery and error out of your exercise program. And.... soothing comfort awaits you in our beautiful spa area that includes a mineral rock sauna, Turkish steam bath and theraputic whirlpool. THE SUN & SPLASH NAUTILUS WAY!!! Page 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers