C.C. Reader student patrol openings The Campus Department of Police Services is now accepting applications from students, especially juniors, for positions on the Student Patrol. The Student Patrol offers valuable work experience for students interested in a career in law enforcement. Students selected for these positions can work up to 20 hours a week. Work schedules are tailored for the individual. Employment applications and addi tional information can be obtained at the Police Services Office or by calling the office at 948-6232. Mike Sulkosky, karate instructor, will teach a rape self-defense course for women beginning the second week of classes in the fall term. The dates and times when the course will be taught will depend on the schedules of participants. Classes will be held in the Multi-Purpose Building. Anyone interested should contact: Ruthe Arehart in the Rec/Athletics Office -- 948-6266, or Pat Murphy in the Coffee House, 948-6269 by Monday,; September 22, 1980. Letters to W ‘ The Editor Nor° Editor The Faculty Council is looking for ward to student participation in our committee work during the new aca demic year. The constitution of the Faculty Or ganization provides for student repre sentatives on each of our eleven commit tees. It has been my experience that students interacting with faculty in conducting the work of the committees greatly enhances the work of faculty governance. It is also a good way for faculty and students to get to know each other better. We look forward to working with students during the new year. Sincerely, Ken Masters, Chairman Faculty Council Editor I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all new students to Capitol Campus. You're gonna like it here. It's nice to have you returning scholars back also. Allow me to introduce myself to all the rookies and others who may not have heard of me. My name is Leonard Wumke. I was a candidate for President in last spring's SGA elections but was defeated by a most worthy adversary, Ms. Rosanne Rosenberger. Since that time, my campaign man ager (a.k.a. Julio) has graduated. He is rumored to have a gushy state job with the Department of Revenue. And if anyone should need to see him, he still frequents Thirsty's Tavern. But I Leonard Wumke, am still roaming the halls and streets of C.C. with pen in hand and a watchful eye on students, faculty, and staff. I would like to mention that, since my narrow loss to Rosanne last spring, Clubbin' around MSU NEWS The Married Student Union of Capi tol Campus would like to welcome all students to the campus -- both returning students and new students. We cordially invite all married and single students to attend our fall orientation meeting. This meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sep tember 16, at 7:00 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge. Married Student Union is a social organization. Its primary purpose is to assist students in meeting other people on the campus and in becoming involved in club activities. Past activities include intramural sports, picnics, trips to horse races and Reading outlet stores, card games, and holiday parties. We look forward to meeting you on the 16th. :lIPPMMO XVII The Hillel members from Capitol Campus will drive to Dickinson College in Carlisle on Saturday, September 20 to observe Yom Kippur ceremonies. All students wishing to attend call Jackie at 944-4765 or Rusty at 944-0893. two out of three of my platform objec tives have been carried out. The move ment to change the name of Capitol has been snuffed out and ankle stones have been eliminated on the pathway from the dorms to the main building. At least someone thought my platform had merit. One other noteworthy accomplish ment has occurred since spring elec tions: An honor roll has been established at Capitol Campus. I know the President of SGA had at least some part in these negotiations, so I must give credit where credit is due. Way to go, Rosanne Keep up the good work -- only six more campaign issues to resolve! I would also like to congratulate the editor of the C.C.Reader on doing a bang-up job during his first two terms in office. Way to go, Harry! I hope he will continue to produce a high-quality tab loid this year. Of course, his job Will be made more difficult by the loss due to graduation of his dedicated sports edi tor. But I trust Mr. Moyer will find a suitable replacement. That's all for now, gang! I will continue to deliver these commentaries to the Readeras long as I have time and my apathetic tendencies don't surface. Feedback from readers would be helpful in the latter respect. Anyone who knows me will tell you I just love attention and that I go to great lengths to please when I receive it. Bye! Editor Why can't the campus get a gate put in at the Eagle Heights area so a person could safely walk to and from Hardees, the Giant, White Cross, and the bank without risking his neck? Monday, September 15, 1980 Edgar Wright Vice-President, MSU Sincerely, Leonard Wumke George D. Cross Social Committee: Looking For a Few Good People Are you ambitious, have plenty of energy, and have a lot of ideas for student activities? Then you may be the person we're looking for. The Social Committee, a committee of Student Government, is looking for people who are interested in planning, organizing, and carrying out social events for the 1980--81 school year. The Social Committee, which was established in June 1980, is a newly formed committee which will run activi ties sponsored by the Student Govern ment. Since this is a newly formed committee, all students will have the opportunity to work on all phases of social activities and possibly become in charge of certain events. Activities already discussed are weekly movies, weekly entertainment in Vendorville, and numerous concerts. Anyone interested should come to the Student Government booth at the Organizational Fair or leave your name and phone number in the Student Activ ities Office. Opportunities are endless so all are welcome. Fox's Market Visit Fox's Famous Deli and Country Market USDA Choice Western Beef fall &bike veers Wig hr at Fat's Full variety in all departments Plus our famous In-store Bakery ved pt podia hot from war ma Middletown & Hershey 101 South Union Street 944-7486 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. SAM POSITION R SENOR ACCOURANT WI PROCESS° Manager of Qualify Assoronco Sale s SALESMAN m/t s lINMATEI BSC-ntati CORPORATE "' s molt ß CO em NUN*" • nee rs CONTROLLER eIne OPERATIONAL engi ANALYSTS PROGRAMMERS Students, staff, and faculty will have an opportunity to visit and talk infor mally with employer representatives relative to career opportunities on Tues day, October 7 and Thursday, October 9, 1980. Some forty different employers will send representatives (approximately twenty employers on each of the two days) to the first-ever-of-its-kind event at Capitol Campus. The Career Fair will be held in Room 216 of the Main Building during the hours from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Watch the bulletin boards for addi tional information! 731 Cherry Drive Friday 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. PRODUCTION MANAGER ~~, r V CAREER FAIR SCHEDULED 533-6445
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